
Lying about jump numbers

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Someone just brought up a very good point in another thread about how much it can help to be able to view someone's profile to get a good idea of their expereince level. I personally know quite a few people who pad the hell out of their log books and I can't figure out why other than to get to rating requirements faster. For that very reason, rather than having "not enuf" in my current jump number on this forum, I updated my jump numbers to just about what I have in real life out of respect for every other person reading and posting to this site.

Why not grow up and do the same people if you haven't already????????????????


-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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I can think of at least one good reason NOT to pad your reported jump numbers here on DZ.COM and quite honestly can't think of any good reasons why to pad the numbers.

The reason why I wouldn't want to pad my jump numbers was if I was to jump with someone who's looked at my profile. If I say I've got 500 jumps when in fact I've only got 200, then the person would expect that I'm going to be better than I actually am (yes I know the arguement about jump numbers not being a true indication of actual skill). It's a lose lose situation. If I only have 200 jumps yet jump like I've got 500 (I'm not actually saying I jump like I've got 500), then I'm doing good. But if I've only got 200 jumps and jump like I've only got 200 jumps, yet say that I've got 500. Then I look bad in more ways than one.

By the way, I don't expect people to monitor my profile, but I update it after every weekend. So when I say I've got 216 jumps, you can be sure that I've got 216 jumps. :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I know people that have more than a 1000 jumps and they can only fly like they have made 50 in the past 50 years...
Jumps numbers does not equal knowledge... Only education does..
i know a few kids that have 500 jumps but they are the most in-tuned in the air and educated in skydiving than 5000 jump gods..

Padding jump number is stupid because if you make a stupid remark and have a shit load of jumps then you are more likely to be considered an idiot ..

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I've been browsing the profiles and am amazed at how many people I know from local DZ's, have exagerated their jump numbers..

Well, if we get the regulations many folks think would save some souls, then we'll have to crack down on log book fraud too, right? Hey, your own spouse might be a USPA spy comparing your logbook entries with your GM-DZO manifest print-out while you sleep!

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OK...how 'bout the other way around. I guy I jump with(2000 jumps) goes to Eloy every winter
,and last year, Eloy for a few weeks and tunnel camp in FLA. This year just the
tunnel camp and lots of extra time ($7000 worth). Well I saw his video and WOW!
He is hot!!! So wile in FLA before coming home he decides to drop in to some
DZ's and have a little fun.
He tells them he has 90 jumps and they make him do a check out jump with a coach/instr.
So up they go to do a simon says jump. I guess it was pretty funny...as the coach/instr
would attempt to move in any direction...my buddy ( who shall remain nameless) does not
permit any separation. In the end the coach/instructor attempts to track at full speed
to get away...but to no avail...their still 2 feet apart! I thought it was funny but not
everyone did! One DZ he visited wanted him
to do level 8 AFF ( and pay of course) witch he turned down.

Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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Exaggeration of jump numbers/ability is dangerous. I don't ever want to create a situation where someone is expecting me to deliver knowledge or skills I don't possess. Lives may depend on someone thinking I know what to do when (blank) happens. Mostly right now that amounts to get the hell out there track far clear and dump before 2500.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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Just let this serve as another reminder to never have blind faith in what you read in the internet. There are plenty of people here who do have thousands of jumps and tons of valuable advice for us newer jumpers. There are also people who think they know more than they do.


I'm a Doll!!!!

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I've been browsing the profiles and am amazed at how many people I know from local DZ's, have exagerated their jump numbers.. WHY ??????>:(

:)hours.... Since I always had a high regard for pilots,,,,I felt honored to be a little bit like them,,,, in that I too would keep a logbook,,:)Now I have a collection of 9 completed log books, some are 100 jumps 2 of them are 500 jumps, some are 150 jumps..... anyway... I am SO glad that I never gave in to the "don't bother" school of thought....
I jump with people regularly enough,,, to tell whether
they are "making jumps" or not,,,, relative to my pace.....and I laugh when I hear some of them talk.... 3 years ago they had 1200 jumps 2 years ago they had 1600 last year they had 2100 and this year they have 3000...... gimmee a break....Some of them I haven't seen make more than a few dozen jumps in a year,,,,(some have been hurt and have made NO jumps ) and I KNOW that they are NOT going out of town and banging out 100's of jumps in the off season.......So I just chuckle and grin when I hear all these unsubstantiated numbers....:ph34r::SB|........ Man If you don't log 'em,,,, you shouldn't count 'em......or at least if you don't log em' you shouldn't OVER estimate them
that's disrespectful to others around you who Do log,,, and who actually may have MORE jumps than some (many) of the "oh yeah,,, I did 400 jumps last year" types......... Oh speaking of numbers,,, I was on an RW dive once at a local boogie... There were many new faces and I overheard the L. O. ask a guy,,,"well How many jumps have you made'???. the answer was GREAT... and very much helped the "new guy" to be warmly welcomed..... The New Guy replied........" I Have 832 jumps but I skydive Like I have 833 jumps"... hahahaha...
that Cracked me Up:ph34r:B|;).... and it cracked up the load organizer as well... He simply said, "You're gonna fit in just fine,, You're on the dive...."......:ph34r:.......If ya' have the time to make 'em,, you have the time to log em'.....

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I always try to log my jumps and never plan to
stop. It's great to look back in my log books and
remember the details of those fun jumps with
those fun people. It can bring a smile to your face
in a flash!

Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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I always try to log my jumps and never plan to
stop. It's great to look back in my log books and
remember the details of those fun jumps with
those fun people. It can bring a smile to your face
in a flash!

....Absolutely,, some friends I know get VERY detailed in their log books.. One woman is an ARTIST.... and she draws these unbelievable pictures and sketches from various parts of each jump... the larger logbooks offered her the space to create such an entry... she adds color and text and people clamor to have a chance to sign off one of her jumps....:)I've been using that approach for a while now....

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It's fun to mark down whether there was video and who took it. If I took it, I can go back and look for the tape.

I don't throw any away or overwrite them. Here's why: my first vow to have my own video was in ZHills in winter 1999, on a sunset load where Steve Lapp had organized our 5 way. In my slot, the setting sun and Gulf of Mexico made a silhouette (sp?) of the rest of the formation. I decided that I needed to capture stuff like that and save it because it was too wonderful to let it fade. Once in a while I'll pull out a log book and flip back through it, remembering friends or stumbling upon a jump where "how on Earth could I have done that?" comes to mind. Log books can be signatures and notes and memories. I know people with 3000-4000 jumps that STILL log them.
I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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Well, I know why they lie to me at the WFFC - because they want to get on the 'cool' loads and not be seen as a flailer. Then they go up and flail on an intermediate dive and look really, really bad - as opposed to flailing on a novice dive where someone else is flailing as badly. They get known as a horrible skydiver instead of just a new jumper who's learning.

Oh well. Ego is sometimes a factor in this sport.

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I've been browsing the profiles and am amazed at how many people I know from local DZ's, have exagerated their jump numbers.. WHY ??????>:(

Maybe its like golf ... If you are a liar, you MAY lie about golf. If you lie about golf, you WILL lie about life. (in my best Seinfeld voice ... I'm not a golfer, not that there is anything wrong with that!)

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