SPEED all you want, Who CARES!!!

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Productivity is way down at work![:/] But who cares:D

My Boss called me in the office to tell me that On the one day of the year I have to hit the streets, I didn't do worth a crrrrap.

See I'm a State Trooper.:$ I really only work Traffic enforcement once or twice a year because I'm an investigator now. But on special "work" days they put us all out to show maximum enforcement.

On that day (last week) I didn't have very many customers. I was thinking about how beautiful the sky was and wanted to be at the DZ.

I drove really fast and stuck my head out the window,:o but it wasn't the same:(.

I stopped customers for Speeding, but gave them all warnings. I ended my contacts with "Blue Skies" (It's usually "have a safe day");). They didn't care, they were so happy not to get a ticket.

My boss thought it was strange when I ended the day with 28 warnings for speed and no citations though.

After he finished chewing my ass and told me I could leave, I smiled and said "Blue Skies Sir"! As I left the office I could see the puzzled look on his face. He Has no Idea I SkyDive.:P he's a Wanker.
Man, am I hooked or whatB|.
Oh, Here he comes... Everybody look up and whistle.. Bye!


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I have my fingers crossed that if I ever get pulled over that my "I'd rather be SKYDIVING!" bumper sticker will get me a warning instead of a ticket!

Thanks for giving me hope!


Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

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Dude, i drive a silver 3/4 ton dodge 4X4 and it says, "1-800-SKYDIVE" across the back windshield. Don't stop me when i am in Dallas:D You can however stop the green one, he probably deserves it.;)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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I know this isn't exactly Skydiving but I can post the best way to get out of a ticket from a Troopers standpoint. It's not 100% but it's from out point of view. Maybe this is not the correct forum to put this. Post reply ya'll and let me know.;)

Do it. I'd guess it's admit you got caught and don't argue and promise to be more attentive. Either that or swear and curse at the trooper and call him names and argue that you weren't speeding and getting all self righteous. I forget which......

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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So..... What is the best way to get out of a ticket?

Last time I got pulled over several years ago, I should have made an earlier pit stop but I wanted to get home and I could hold it till then. Took my chances driving by a well known spot for the people in blue to sit. When I got past the on ramp on the highway, I noticed an officer flying down the ramp, no lights yet. I immediately pulled over and got my stuff together. The officer pulled in behind me (I was now parked) and then turned his lights on. He came to the window and I got the standard question, "do you know why I pulled you over?" Immediately admitted I was speeding (and how fast) and handed my license, insurance card and registration over. Followed that with I had to go pee really bad as I sat legs crossed and rocking in the front seat. The officer smiled and let me know where his partner was running radar on my drive home and advised I should have a free shot from there.

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I know this isn't exactly Skydiving but I can post the best way to get out of a ticket from a Troopers standpoint. It's not 100% but it's from out point of view. Maybe this is not the correct forum to put this. Post reply ya'll and let me know.;)

You just tell the offending oficer,"I skydive at over 120mph, how can you say I was speeding, I can't fall under 85mph!";):ph34r::)

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My solution to avoiding tickets is two-fold.

a: avoid getting pulled over. I'm without a doubt one of the fastest drivers on the road. I also very rarely get pulled over. I always know how fast I'm driving, and I choose to speed. I'm very aware of whats going on around me, so I am very good at spotting speed traps before they spot me. I do NOT use a radar detector. In the last 5 years I've been pulled over twice.

b: what gets me out of the ticket when I do get pulled over, is to maintain a wildly out-of-state (out of country, actually) drivers license. I guess the computer systems don't connect very easily to Ontario, because after running my license, the cop always lets me off with a warning. Too much trouble to run the Ontario license, I guess...


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Here it Goes. May not be what you expected but it's the plain truth.

When a person gets stopped for speeding it is a significant event in their life. This is true for a couple of reasons. First of all unless you get pulled over two or three times a week its a surprise. No, not because you weren't speeding, but because you got caught. (Never mind the others that were speeding around you,YOU got it this time). Second- I don't care where you live, Tickets an not cheap!

To a Trooper this is an everyday thing. Day in Day out for the most part. So if a Trooper pulls over an average of 25 customers a day, that comes out to 125 a week, 500 a month, 6,000 a year. If this Trooper is not totally new that means in the last three years he has pulled over 18,000 Speeders just like you. Soooooo......
What makes you think we haven't heard the great story you just thought up at least a thousand times.
Thats why a lot of the so called good ones don't fly.

One of my all time favorites is - "I gotta go to the bathroom really bad"

Thats when I say "but sir you just passed 3 exit ramps"? So I check out the story by slowly writing the ticket. If they pee, they get a warning[:/]:ph34r:.

"My (fill in the blank) is in the hospital and I have to get there now" Thats when I ask what hospital and whats their full name so I can call and get a status report for you over the radio. "don't Know what hospital sir, I'm just trying to get there fast":S
>:( Two tickets!!!

I could go on forever but I'll stop.

I said all that to say. Tell us what we hardly ever hear!! THE TRUTH! "Sir my wife was talking to me and I was in a hurry to get her out of the car" Or "yes Sir I was speeding, going about 90 I think, I just have a heavy foot, sorry about that, Sir"

We are all human too and understand. What we don't understand or like is when we are lied too.>:(
Now I wont be angry on the outside when you lie, but you just turned your possible warning into a definite Ticket.
Rules to make me happy when your stopped.

1. Pull alllll the way over. Off the shoulder, at least Half or your vehicle should be in the grass. This gives me room to make contact without getting run down.
2. When ever possible, pull over to the RT-shoulder of the roadway. I would rather see you put your RT blinker on and negotiate traffic to get to the right side than get run down trying to talk to you by the fast lane.
3. Turn off the music, get off the cell phone and roll all your windows down. Officer safety, lets me know you care:)4. Turn off the car. I'm standing outside with traffic in my ear. I can hardly hear you as it is.
5. Keep your hands visible. both at 12 high on the steering wheel. Don't be looking for wallet or insurance. I don't know you! you might be reaching for a gun or hiding that Blunt! Officer safety makes us happy. I'm happy I might make you happy.
6. At night, turn on all the dome lights in the vehicle, I want to see what's going on. Happy.:)7. Never start your contact with me like, What did I do? Or can I help you officer. Or Why did you stop me. The officer will tell you all in good time. If you start on the defensive you put me on the defensive, We usually win. One way or another.
8. Don't smart off. It will only make things worse for you. Even after you get a ticket. We do go to court with the same judge once a month every month for years. Enough said.

It's not 100% because if one of your fellow customers has come along before you and pissed in my coffee, I may be pissed for the whole day.

But if you put all of those things together they will most times tip the scale for you.

Blue Skies.


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Hasn't happen to me but a couple of times.....but here's what I found:

- Have everything ready for officer to see prior to his approach and have both hands on top of steering wheel......with keys on the dash.

- Tell the truth......they know.

- Be curtious......goes a long ways.

- Chances are, you'll be on your way with a warning.

Why make things tougher than what they have to be? ;)

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Not sure about the Ontario thing. I've been given no less than 5 speeding tickets in the US with both Ontario and Alberta drivers licenses.

I think it depends on how far away you are.

From Ontario, I've gotten tickets in Ohio and New York. I've gotten off in Illinois and Louisianna. Illinois is 3 states away from Ontario, so they don't have a lot of Ontario drivers, so they don't bother to hook up their computers. I don't imagine Louisianna has a lot of Ontario drivers, either. That's my theory, anyways...

Anyways, by far my best advice is this: "don't get pulled over" in the first place.

I've got friends who drive slower then I do, but they always manage to get caught. My boss is always fighting some kind of ticket he got. I have no sympathy.... Use your eyes. If you're going to drive fast, you'd better be sharp. If you don't see that cop in the speed trap, you probably also won't see that kid about to dart accross the road, or the drunk driver weaving in and out of lanes, or the tractor traillor about to jack-knife in front of you. If you're going to drive fast, you'd better be sharp. if you're sharp, you won't get pulled over.

People who get lots of tickets should not be speeding.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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The only time I ever got a warning instead of a ticket was when I first got home from Desert Strom. Was doing well over 100mph on my CBR. I had a radar detector. I saw the lights fromthe Trooper but nothing on the radar detector. After I had stopped then the detector went off. I left it on as the Trooper walked up to me, he was very surprised to see that I had one on the motorcycle. He asked me how fast I was going and I told him the truth. I also mentioned that I had just came home from the war and was going to see my inlaws and my wife.He thaked me for my honesty and gave me a warning. I think for two reasons. One cause I had just got back and the other because he knew that I knew he hadn't clocked me doing anything. Since his radar wasn't turned on until after I was stopped!

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Did I ever tell you that you have the coolest icon? AIRBORNE! DId you go? When? I went just recently, class 31-03 Ft Benning GA...

anyway..when you going to venture down to FL? I heard daytona beach cops pay really well. I jump with one in Deland.

And remember, USPA stickers mean all warnings!

"Airborne all the way"
EL Cantador Rodriguez

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Airborne all the way!!

Yea man, your Icon is the best;)

Class 13-88 1st Bn 507th Parachute Infantry Benning.

Graduated 21 January 1988.

I am a trooper of the sky! I am my Nation's best! In peace and war I never fail. Anywhere. anytime. in anything-I am AIRBORNE!




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