
100th Jump - What did you do?

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Did an absolutely fabulous 2-way with Melanie Curtis out at Skydive Elsinore. . .she is an awesome skydiver and we just went and had a BLAST. It was great. A really great successful and fun skydive is all that is necessary. . .enjoy.
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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3-way - didn't get in. The experienced guy caught up to me while I was tracking away and slapped my foot before I deployed.
#500 was most memorable: Did a hop & pop from 13,500' on a July day with puffy clouds & no wind, drank two beers on the way down.
Congrats on yours!


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So I did my 100th sorting the problem to get it to fly straight!

So you did end up doing a naked jump then? bwahaahaaa!

I did a fair sized tracking dive for my 100th (I think it was a 15 way or something). Good fun B|

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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7 way (I think) tracking dive. Somebody hozed me on the exit and I fell off it on the hill. Never got close to being in on it and gave up at 6.5 3 People landed off, not me. B|

For my 200th I launched a 3-way horny gorilla and ate a banana in sit. Led to amusing footage.

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Did a "sort of" demo at a local fly-in/airport awareness/community event in Vancouver WA. The DZ had filed a temporary NOTAM to relocate operations to the airfield.
Just did a solo but it was pretty cool to be exiting over all the houses and neighborhoods. (The airport provided a huge landing area. A bunch of kids from the local Civil Air Patrol acted as "ground crew" and X'd out one of the runways for our landing area.)
There were tons of wuffo's and lookie lou's all out to watch or get a low cost "intro" flight - the local flight school was taking people up for a penny a pound for a quick trip as a publicity stunt.

I think the airport is all but closed now due to development issues:(
illegible usually

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100th jump: did my first FS 4-way, which I funneled! :$ Got scooped up again like an AFF student :S:D
For my 200th, did my first downplane, lost a shoe, got it back again.
300th: SL jump (nobody around to do anything fun with but this was fun too, got sorta tossed out of the plane: Beat it!! heard later a visiting team was VERY surprised at that ;) even more when they saw a SL student with a tiny Atom later on...)
400th: nothing special
500th: 5way BirdMen
600th: coming up!!

Other fun stuff I did: a couple BirdMan rodeo's, FS4 in bikini, a dragplane.

Things on my to-do list: balloon jump, heli jump, Mr Bill, BirdMan from a Herc, skysurfing.

ciel bleu,

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Something like a 12-way hybrid attempt. We barely built the 4 way base:D
My 200th was just another sitfly 2 way with a friend, working on staying close.
My 201st was a 15-ish way tracking dive.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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I did a 3 way hybrid with an rw guy and me in the star and our freefly buddy in stand holding onto and doing some gorilla shit from our chest straps, it was his 500th. Cool jump, 101 was my first all sit jump, kicked so much ass I went back up with the guy for 102 and we were in stable sit like 20 ft apart from exit to breakoff, probably my favorite 3 consecutive jumps so far.
Life is ez
On the dz
Every jumper's dream
3 rigs and an airstream

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