
please give me a thoughhful answer

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ok, I've done 1 tandem -8:00 am, and i'm surprised at how depressed i felt that night. It felt like coming down after some of the party favors I may have indulged in b.c. (before children). Is this normal?

i read alot of tandem testimonials that describe feeling like they were walking on clouds for two weeks. All i could think about was jumping again. i tried to get a tandem the next day, they said they would honor the half off, but when i balanced my checkbook i became even more depressed when i realized half off still wasn't what i could afford.

Ive gotten over my bout of the dumps, and i hope to jump again in the next week. What should i really try to learn during my next tandem? And is tandem progression as valueable as AFF?

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how old, what kinda physical shape are you in. The mental overload combined with the total body adrenalin dump will make you feel like that. Being in shape, and getting used to the situation helps, but I have never heard of anything that you have. Most people are just jittery or completley woren out and tired at the end of the day.

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What you were felling is totally normal depending on the person. Everyone reacts differently to that great thing called Adrenalin. I have filmed a 93 yr old Tandem passenger and it was like he was on drugs, it was like he was still at 10 grand on the ground, and the total opposite for a 16 yr old I filmed, just sat there with the bored teenager look at a family reunion.

I have heard of fellings of depression, lack of sleep, nausea, slight mood swings can all be assosiated with different reaction to Adrenalin, alot of people also find if they have a couple of beers in that state they're toast.

My first jump an AFF, I got on the ground and said "It was ok." but I love it like on other sport I've done before.

You may find that your brain just didn't process everything that just happened to you, To much, To foreign, To fast. A recent AFF student at my DZ was totally blank for the first 10 second of freefall, and then came right and was sweet as. Think about it, I don't know about you but I had never done anything like this before, (what else is there?) I also froze momentary after leaving the plane.

So don't let it worry you, after your next one, you will be so aware of your new enviroment you'll love it. we all react in strange ways to Adrenalin.

Now I've never done a Tandem, so I can't really comment on the advanages over a AFF while training,
however, this time around you will be more aware of whats going on, and you will appreciate what you are doing and why. While out there just focus on what it all fells like, take a look around and soak up what everything looks like, look out at the horizon not the ground, if you wear an Atli take a look at it, just don't fixate on it. The same thing while under canopy, try to get a fell for how the canopy fly's, sure it's alot different to a sport canopy but the principle is the same. Just have fun.

Just don't try to cram everything in, you have plenty of time to learn everything in the jumps you will be doing in the future. Like the rest of us, no matter how many jumps or years jumping you will never stop learning, just read the incidents posts.

I hope I've shed some light on your situation. I'm just sorry I can't help you with your financals, if you find a way let me know......


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Tandem Progression and AFF learning curves are roughly the same. Either one you choose will help you achieve your goal of moving towards becoming a USPA Licensed skydiver.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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Only listing my own personal opinions/feelings here, so don't consider them fact. I have not yet done my first AFF (damn hurricanes), but I don't think I would have been able to do AFF without the tandems. I was too terrified just during the tandems and really needed them as a confidence builder. The very reason I did the tandem first was because I didn't think I could do the AFF. So my feelings are, chances are if you decided to start with a tandem (provided you knew you didn't have to), the tandem progression would probably be a good thing for you.

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I did two tandems and moved into the AFF program. The tandems got me out of the aircraft and the two jumpmasters had me out easy on the AFF. Being under your own canopy is breath taking.

Thinking of your "depression" and when you said all you could think about was jumping again it really struck me. That is how I felt many times in the AFF jumps. You get that taste, it is pure adrenelin and you want more but can't have it right away. I had videos done on each jump and that helped me to relive the jump and to study the jump. If you can afford it getting video is a great tool and inspiration.

Just make sure you have enough money to go through all of it and not stress too much over the money. I was fortunate and only bombed one level, level 8, and repeated it with great success the next weekend.

Sounds like you've been bit by the sport. Congratulations and

Blue Skies

once you've experienced flight, you forever walk the ground with your head pointed skyward. There you've been and there you long to return.

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welcome to skydiving, your first jump has changed
your life forever. I am fortunate that I am no longer married (not from skydiving, but would have been)
kids are adults, no more mortgage. Just be careful
about alientating your wuffo friends because they are a big asset. Each and every jump becomes more & more exciting as you learn. You are not alone in what your feeling . IMHO tandems are a great tool
prior AFF, yeah sleep depravation is one the common
symptoms, check book IMbalance also can give you the jitters, etc...etc...etc..

Be smart , safe & enjoy a sport 2nd to none

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Doing at least a tandem or two before AFF seems to be a good idea, and it certainly won't hurt.

I did ASP which was basically 2 tandems then 7 AFF-like jumps. I had no problem with AFF and got my A license in only a few weekends.

I know plenty of people that did no tandems, 1 or 2 tandems, straight AFF, ASP and static line methods... and in the end it is basically just personal preference since they are all different roads to the same destination.
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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I completely understand your "coming down" feeling. Jumping is like air cocaine & is prob about as expensive. I was totally excited/thrilled & full of energy for a few hours after my first jump, bout 4 hours later, all I wanted to do was curl up in bed & sleep for a long long time.

Go, jump. it's unfortunate you have to wait for your check book to open up a bit.

welcome to the wonderful world of air crack.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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How often you jump depends on the money you have to spend on it. Some people jump daily, some once a week or month. I started jumping in april - i have 59 jumps now. I have a friend that started 2 months before me, he did his 300th last weekend! I wish I had his money!

Don't let too much time elapse between jumps, because as a student, and low time jumper you need to stay current. The more experienced jumpers can tell you more about currency in jumping though.
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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welcome to skydiving, your first jump has changed
your life forever. I am fortunate that I am no longer married (not from skydiving, but would have been)
kids are adults, no more mortgage. Just be careful
about alientating your wuffo friends because they are a big asset. Each and every jump becomes more & more exciting as you learn. You are not alone in what your feeling . IMHO tandems are a great tool
prior AFF, yeah sleep depravation is one the common
symptoms, check book IMbalance also can give you the jitters, etc...etc...etc..

Be smart , safe & enjoy a sport 2nd to none

I agree with everything except for the part about wuffo friends, I simply have friends that jump and I have friends that don't ...regardless they're my friends and help me make me who I am.....my friends are my family regardless if they jump or not .....

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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right now, all i have is wuffo (what does that mean anyway) friends, and even though they have no desire to jump, i'll always view them the same. and after reading some of the posts, i even feel a little intimidated about gaining the friendship and respect of some of jumpers at the dz. either way, i'm not going to judge anyone based on how many visits to the sky they have. so 0 jumps or 2000, how you are towards a person while grounded is the most important

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wuffo (what does that mean anyway)


A "whuffo" is a person who does not skydive and does not have a clue as to why anyone might want to jump out of an airplane.

"Whuffo they be jumpin out of them thar airyplanes with parychutes?"


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ok, I've done 1 tandem -8:00 am, and i'm surprised at how depressed i felt that night. It felt like coming down after some of the party ... Is this normal?


Welcome to the world of high adrenaline sports.
For every emotional up there is an emotional down.
Smart people plan their emotional "down time" when normal people are sleeping.
Reminds me of the days when I used to drink heavily. The worst days were when I got drunk in the morning and had to sober up - awake - in the afternoon.
Far better to sober up while sleeping. I wasted an awful lot of skydiving time sleeping off hangovers, often until noon.
The secret is skydiving hard all day, enjoying dinner and a drink or two with friends, then hitting the sack about the same time the adrenaline wears off. Then you will sleep like a baby and wake up fresh, ready to repeat the joyful experience tomorrow.

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You know you are a skydiver when:
1. You pass up meals for jump ticket money.
2. You put off paying bills until after you figure your jump expenses.
3. You miss the family re-union because you attended the boogie.
4. You seasonally adjust your family dinner-time to the after-dark hours.
5. When making purchases, you first ask yourself "how many jumps does this cost?"
6. You realize that your credit card lets you jump now, pay later.
7. You allow another skydiver to watch your kids on the ground while you jump.
8. You quit your job so you can spend more time at the DZ.
9. You find that most, if not all, of your friends are skydivers.
10. You start writing in to DZ.com just to see skydiving words on a screen.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I used to train at a different dz a few years ago...and would go, wait for my jump, get and leave right after my briefing.

I'd have that awesome buzz from my jump hang on for hours, then I'd crash, too.

Part of what is different NOW is that I am at a different dz, and it's actually really fun hanging out with others there after I'm done jumping. I am not crashing from the buzz anymore.

Maybe I'm not crashing anymore BECAUSE we're talking about it (and other ;) things)too...I'm not home alone, just thinking about it.

So I think, that if you make friends, talk about it,
and maybe even going out with a bunch later, you'll find it a more fulfilling expereince all around. Check it out.

Hope this helps ya out.


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jumped today- went wonderful!! Was a little more nervous at the door, but was fine otherwise. I got to turn, track, and pull (won't fret too hard about letting go of the ripcord:S) And landed standing! Not quite as depressed, because i already bought my final iaf tandem. Just gotta save enough for ground school and aff

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