What's your ave/max speed in a sit?

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Pro-track recorded 169 last weekend and I wasn't really trying. Got me wondering what others ave/max speed is in a sit.

Guess I should add, I'm 200 lbs out the door.

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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Hey Ed! How the hell are ya?


Thats pretty fast for being on the toilet!

Ever been to junk day??? Maybe I'm practicing...:ph34r::D

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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So, at 200 lbs and 5'8" I should be about average?


take it down a bit with a little practice.

Sounds like it's time to see Jon about some coaching.B|

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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Hey Ed! How the hell are ya?

I'm good Brother. ;)
I'll keep you posted when I'll be in Perris again, but now I see it only May 11-15


Ever been to junk day??? Maybe I'm practicing...:ph34r::D

Yep, but don't be on the toilet at impact. :P


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May 11-15

Look forward to it. I'll put it on the calendar and make sure I'm there!B|


Yep, but don't be on the toilet at impact.

Maybe I'd better consider getting a CYPRES...:D

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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I *can* fly in the 140 range, but usually that puts me on my knees for some slower knee flying (when it starts getting to 140 and below).

If I simply relax in my sit and get comfy while flying with others, I'm doing around 160, if I truely relax and am by myself I tend to get up around 180, if I really want to go fast I'll blow by 200mph quickly.

For instance, I accidently did 275mph while practicing HD on a solo once.

I'm 260lbs but nekid sucking on helium, to give you an idea.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Yep, but don't be on the toilet at impact. :P


That reminds me of a tragic skydiving accident involving a real toilet, impact, shrapnel, and stitches. You may have heard of an airshow event known as "flour bombing," well skydivers may have tried the same thing with toilets. Not that it is anything other than an absurd rumor of course.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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Sit flying or head down I tend to fly at around an average speed of 136 mph, but I usually fly in the tunnel... :P

For sitflying in the sky, I like the 145-160 range best. I'm 5'9" 170ish out the door (155 without gear.) Max speed is 200+ (I'm not sure exactly.) At 169 you'll be fine freeflying with most people. Learn to go slower and faster, try to increase your speed range as much as possible, you'll be a better flier for it :)
Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com

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[freefly zen moment]

There is no fallrate......;)

[/freefly zen moment]

Ok seriously, that's a little on the fast side, but you're not really looking for an "average speed" anyway. Like NTJ said, increase your range as much as possible.

If you can stay with the other person, you're going the right speed. B|

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This picture should give you an idea..

I am the one in a sit

Hint.. look at the averages.. not the max speed.. burbles do strange things to Pro Tracks

Yeah, but that looks like a pretty fast sit.. I was flying w/ my legs close together at first..They were clocking me at 176 HAHAHA Now I have learned to just widen my stance..it also gives more stability for EXTRA SLOW mode (I was taught to kick the lower half of my legs outward at an angel away from each other)...now my average is down to around 145-150. :)

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This picture should give you an idea..

Dayum! I'm skeerd now. Do I need to learn to fly HD before I jump with you?:o;)

Thanks for the tip on averages. Those were running 155-156.

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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a little on the fast side, but you're not really looking for an "average speed" anyway. Like NTJ said, increase your range as much as possible.

Good advice, thanks. Thinking about coaching next weekend!B|

Edited to add: Thanks Ari, gonna get some coaching to work on fall rate, forward drive and carving here real soon!:)

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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I'm 5.10 and 252lbs out'da plane, my relaxed sit-fly avg's 140-160mph.
This has been taken from my helmet mounted (interior) Pro-track using SAS (skydiver airspeed). I can do 180+mph without trying.

Have you heard of the "Anvil Brothers", your a Bro and probably don't know it yet?

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
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First keep in mind that I am new and have very few sit flying attempts so I do go unstable offten..

In Jeans I max out at 192Mph and ave. about 178

In my free fly jumpsuit I max out at 163
And ave at 153
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