
Do You Want to be in SKYDIVING . . . ?

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I've been given a green light for a project in SKYDIVING Newsmagazine I've wanted to do for some time and I need your help . . .

This will be a monthly section spotlighting people who began jumping in the current "old days" of 1970 to 1985 and are still jumping today. I'm not looking for "names" in the sport, I'm looking for average sport jumpers who don't get much public attention but have been supporting the sport all this time.

This isn't going to be too in depth, not a full biography or anything, just a few paragraphs on when, where, and how you started skydiving.
If you'd like to be considered for inclusion I'll need as much of the following as you can come up with:

The date of your First Jump Course? (The above mentioned dates aren't set in stone. A few years either way is alright.)

Where you made your first jump and describe the gear you used.

What you paid for your FJC?

Who were your Instructors, and/or Jumpmasters?

Anything else about your first jump experience you want people to know?

Describe the first set of gear you purchased when you got off student status.


Ideally I'd like,
- A photograph of you in your early gear, (you know, motorcycle or hockey helmet, big jump suite, that sort of thing, and/or a first jump photograph.
- A photograph of the first page of your logbook.
- A current photograph of you in your modern gear.
- Any other photographs you think may apply.

All photographs need to be in digital format and JPEGs only please. Leave them as big as you can so they will reproduce well.

I'm also still looking for a title for this series, and this is for anyone, so send me your suggestions.

Again, this is not meant for the Pat Mooreheads and Al Krugers of the sport (sorry guys.)

Please send the above to me at [email protected]

Use the subject line "Old-timers" (don' worry that's just a working title).

If you'd rather use snail-mail, PM or e-mail me for an address.

History is important and I see this as a way to connect the past with the present . . .

Thank you, :)Nick DiGiovanni

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You should feature Don "Doc" Stewart. This guy started back when Jesus was still on 5-second delays, he's in the sport still at a little 182 DZ in TX working hard to help students and low time jumpers find their place in the sport...anyways, I could continue, but if you want I can just PM you his e-mail address.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Again, this is not meant for the Pat Mooreheads and Al Krugers of the sport (sorry guys.)

WAW refusing HISTORY ?? Had the chance to meet the Mooreheads this summer. They represented the BEST of the "US POPS Glamour". Always very nice, dressed in angelic white, with a US flag around the neck.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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>>WAW refusing HISTORY ?? Had the chance to meet the Mooreheads this summer. They represented the BEST of the "US POPS Glamour"<<

I love Pat too, known him for a lifetime . . .

One purpose of this is to give some due to the jumpers out there you don't normally hear about.

NickD :)BASE 194

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Please look into doing a feature on an old club in Pittsburgh called Beaver Valley Skydivers. Karl Perouben, Mark, Paul and John Katich, Don Sulkowski, Gordie Klinsic, Emil Kindleberger and so many others. One of those real clubs where the beer truck used to deliver. back-woods and the kind of place that you never forgot. Been there in the boonies for a looooooong time.


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Contact Larry Eckstrom (can't spell his last name). Jumps at Napoleon in Michigan. I think he just hit is 4000 not long ago, and he's cool as hell. B|

Also there's Jim West at Greene County.....17,000 jumps I think would be a rough estimate? He has a lot of really cool stories about old school military jumps. Ask him about the robot. B|

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Rob Warner

First jump, October 1977, Valcourt, Quebec.
Cessna 182
military surplus C-8 canopy, all white, 28' diameter
paid $60
landed in a cow pasture (regular DZ) off the end of the runway.
When I graduated from student status in 1979, I bought an Eddie Grimm Strato-Star packed in a Six-Pack (Wonderhog copy) with a 26' diameter Baby Cobra reserve. Since I only had 50 jumps, buying a square was considered radical.

Photographs to follow.

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