
New PD Website, PD Zone, pics and videos - sweet!

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The PD Zone should be all good to go for all you MAC/FireFox people out there (now you can see more than just Vladi). I tested it on a G4 iBook using both FireFox and Safari, and on a PC using IE6 and FireFox. It all looks like it's displaying properly in those conditions. Please head back and have a look around the zone.
If anyone has anymore issues please send an email via the websupport email link at the bottom of any page on the PD website.

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Kolla, to truely test a website to go live, it has to be tested on mutlipul systems with multipul configurations. Just because it works on one system with firefox, doesn't mean it won't work on a different system with firefox. That's why as a rule of thumb, before putting a website live, you send out an e-mail (to your dealers and sponsered jumpers for instance) to go test out the site and get back to yall with any issues or ideas. That'll give you a wider range of testing before you actually make the website live and the main site.

That's something I learned the hardway by doing professional web development for 10 years.;)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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This is just another testament of why Bill Gates has so much money....lol. Sure glad I've got Windows.

The PD site is pretty damn cool. Worth the wait.


If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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I run windows and Firefox, no worky for me, but it does work in IE. Too bad IE sucks and is a huge security hole.[:/]

I will agree the PD site is cool, but the coolness factor was lowered by the lack of proper testing on the webmaster's fault. I know that's not PD's fault, but it does make them look a bit unprepaired.[:/]
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Well humph...why aren't YOU doing it then?

I'm semi-retired from web design, I only do it for friends' businesses and such. Besides, PD didn't ask.;)

Just stating my professional opinion so Kolla has something to help PD out next time.:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Who took that pic ian? Whoever it was i bet your bugging them every day to send it into parachutist:D:D:D:D:D:D I love me who do you love

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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I will agree the PD site is cool, but the coolness factor was lowered by the lack of proper testing on the webmaster's fault. I know that's not PD's fault, but it does make them look a bit unprepaired.[Unsure]

Well said. I design & write software systems for a living, and the earlier and more comprehensive your testing, the cheaper the system ends up being.

In other words, test internally, test with trusted sources/customers, and only then show to the rest of the world.

Still, at least it's up and looking cool now B|.

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Who's the geek with that cutiechick on the 1st pic?

You mean there's someone other than a hot chick in that picture? Didn't even notice :P

I had to look 2 or 3 times before I noticed too!:P


You guys are too much. Thanks everyone for all the love, I'll be sure to return the favor in hugs & drinks in person :)
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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The use of Java technology would have insured a solid cross-platform solution. Several nice Java canopy coloring programs are out there that do a decent job. BTW, I'm using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Workstation, and it uses the Mozilla-Firefox browser as its default browser.

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