
When was your first Off DZ Landing

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Just make a note of your outs every time you are up. The only time I have landed off (so far...) i pulled a little low and there were a bunch of trees, (nay, a forest!) between me and the DZ. I probably could have squeaked by with the wind that was behind me, but what if it had stopped? i found the closest field to the DZ near a road. Off is better than power lines, trees, and buildings. Look 360 degrees around your DZ and find the outs, ya never know with bad spots, weird winds, or extened/short tracking dives where you will may land off. Be safe, clear skies!
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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My first off DZ landing was at WFFC 97 in Quincy. A couple of us, who were last out of the CASA, landed about a mile away from the DZ.

Fortunately a nice local couple who were out watching all the skydivers, saw us land. They stopped at the farm house to ask permission to come get us and then drove through the pasture and picked us up at a cross fence that they couldn't get through. They then proceeded to take us all the way to our tent.

Of course this got them free admission to WFFC and a much closer look at all of the skydivers without having to pay for and ride the whuffo wagon.

I haven't been to WFFC since, but the locals were extremely nice that year.

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Landing off the DZ kinda freaks me out...

You will probably find this weird, but I enjoy landing off every once in a while. Well, I am not talking about trying to make your way between the power lines trying to land on narrow city street;) - my main DZ has plenty of open fields around it.
IMHO, for a type of canopy you fly, landing off is all about making a right decision up high (of course, the best would be to avoid the situation). Too many people got injured (or killed) trying to make it back to main landing area and making a final turn too low. Most of them would have been ok if they made a right decision up high and picked an alternative place to land. I look at every chance to land off as an exercise for my judgment. If I am in doubt, I make a decision at >1000 ft and head for alternative landing area.

Be safe;)

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I put 1-25 not because it was in that range, but because the first 25 were probably all off DZ landings. But, that's true of most who learned on rounds. :D

For those of us who learned on T10's, the first on-DZ landing was a beer jump!
I still laugh when I see so many of you guys bitching about the dreaded off-DZ landing. Oh, the horror!

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My first off DZ landing was also my second jump at Spaceland. Winds were a little higher than I had experienced in my then 25-30 jumps. I went downwind of the landing area and couldn't get back.

Typical newbie story: "I think I can make it. I think I can make it. %$&@ I can't make it!" Waited to long to set up for an alternate site. Saw the barbed wire fence at the last moment with no deviation due to trees in front of me. Hard 90 left turn and struck the ground at the top of a canal berm on my right hip and chest. PLF??

Was immediately airborne again since I was now running crosswind to slightly downwind. Hit the ground the second time on my back and slid into an irrigation canal full of water.

Started grabbing everything I could get a hold of since the canopy was pulling me off the bank and downstream.

Chris Miller or Hook n Swoop popped up over the berm with "Hey dude, are you alright?"

Since I couldn't cut the main away without releasing my hold on the weeds and vines, I responded " I'm gona' drown if you don't get me out of here!" as the water began to fill my Z-1.

Later found out that the vines I had grabbed were poison ivy!

Had to live with the nickname of Bayou Boy for quite a while. :P

Blue skies,


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Chris Miller or Hook n Swoop popped up over the berm with "Hey dude, are you alright?"

Chris and Hook got me my Tandem rating. I know the area of which you speak - unfortunately. :D
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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This thread is hilarious and it just shows how spoiled rotten the newer generation is.

I landed out on my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on. I don't think I hit the DZ until my 10th jump. It took 25 jumps before I could do a stand-up in the peas on a para-comander and that was considered quite a feat in itself.

Most of my round jumps resulted in a brutal PLF. Long hikes back to the DZ were very common. If someone came and gave you a ride back you were considered a pussy so most of us declined.

I didn't jump a ram-air main until I had 56 round jumps which was advanced progression for the time. Many of my buddies had over 100 jumps before jumping a square.

Nowadays students have two squares, rsl's, radios, aad's, gps spotting, etc. it is considered rare to land off. You really have to fuck up to not land on the DZ. It used to be a chalenge.

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Some where between 20-25. DZ was in a transition stage from one location to another so at the time we were taking off from the old place and jumping at the new. Took off with 13.99 mph wind, flew 30m north and got out with, lets just say much faster winds. I was in the second group out so I was only slightly up wind and deployed at 4,000. Turned the 288 manta immediately into the wind for a penatration check and held there while backing over the DZ, and another 1/2 mile to boot. I turned with the wind once, about 1500 feet to make sure I was not missing anything important, ya know, power lines, and then went right back to holding. Finally got forward penatration at about 20ft off the ground. Landed safety in a cotton field right next to a couple guys from the first group out.

I didn't find my off landing to be that big a deal, but my hats off to those of you who learned on rounds.

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I didn't read through the whole thread but...

My first was around jump #80 on my first balloon jump. After that, I had about 85-90 jumps and landed in a softball field in DeLand. After you do it a few times, it's not such a big deal. Sure, it sucks, but it's ok as long as you can pay attention and land in the right direction. :)

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