
Learning to pack

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Just curious about how ppl learned to pack.

The same way you get to Carnige Hall.

Practice, practice, practice.

Hook up with your local rigger and/or packer and get some teaching on how its done. Then practice, practice, practice. It will upset you at first, especially bagging the canopy, but it will eventually be easy. Learn how to properly pro-pack before you skip along to psycho packing. That will teach you more about how to bag the canopy. Then if you end up wanting to psycho pack, then do so. Or learn how to flat pack first if it helps. Eitherway, its gonna take practice.

Did I mention it takes practice?:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Yeah man i just learned how to pack myself not too long ago. I think it was a good advice from my rigger to learn one step at the time and repeat repeat and repeat. My first step was to stow the brakes do a line check if they were not wraped around smth flake the canopie and put it on the mat.The next step was to put it in the bag-the most furious one:) good luck repetition makes it perfect

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Tons of practice... especially when it is windy, I will pack my packer's rig over and over until I get it right. God, I was so happy when my pack job opened up ok!!

I'm in the same boat as you, but your packer/rigger should give you a good course! :o)

PMS #449 TPM #80 Muff Brother #3860
SCR #14705 Dirty Sanchez #233

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I had to take a packing class at my dz. think it was around 7 hours of pure.. fun... Best advise given was to give the canopy "TOUGH LOVE" .... I had my mentor laughing his ass off when he walked in and i had the canopy undernieth me, ... well, um... use your emagination.. ohhh, and the wonderful curse words that went into that!. strange enough, cussing at the thing, really did make it go into the bag easier.

so, umm, when does it get easy? .. ok, its semi easy. but i'm still working on techniques.like, sometimes, .. i just can't find that one last D line!! where the f*^& does it go!!! and those.. S folds... oh fun. . oh, and not to mention the fact that i tend to get too much canopy in the middle of the bag, and not enough on the edges. grrrr. *breath in, breath out*
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CSA #720

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When I was a student, we had to complete 10 graded packs before we could do our first staticline jumps. We always packed our own mains from jump one.:)

That's exactly how it's still done at that military club on Fort Bragg. Every student makes his/her first jump under their own pack job.

I would still be all for that if every FJC lasted five evenings.


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1. Bring your rig to the DZ (even if you don't plan on jumping it). :|

2. Jump the rental - because you gotta jump if you come to the DZ. :)
3. Then spend the rest of the day practicing with your rig. >:(

We'll all give you lots of helpful :P advice.

Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.

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