
Happy With USPA elections

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I'm happy with the results of the USPA elections. For one, I'm glad that none of the immature Red Bull kids got elected. Can you imagine where our sport would have headed with these arrogant Red Bull kids leading USPA.
I hope some sense prevails in them (Red Bull kids) trying to pull off a 400 ft opening altitude for demos, you got to be kidding me.......

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PA by an anonymous poster on post #2. First post was a group attack on a small group of people many of us know personally.

The hell with that, just attack him right back. If they are anonymous than technically how is it a personal attack?
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I'm happy with the results of the USPA elections. For one, I'm glad that none of the immature Red Bull kids got elected. Can you imagine where our sport would have headed with these arrogant Red Bull kids leading USPA.
I hope some sense prevails in them (Red Bull kids) trying to pull off a 400 ft opening altitude for demos, you got to be kidding me.......

If those "kids" had won, it would have changed USPA. The sport itself is going to (eventually) change any way skydivers force it to.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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I'm actually of two minds about the failure of Ely and company to make the board. On the plus side, we won't hear about the latest proposal to allow 400 foot demos. On the minus side, they represent a new perspective on skydiving, one I think USPA needs.

I'm sorry Jan didn't make it from a perspective of representing skydivers, but I am glad that there will be fewer loose cannons in USPA.

I'm definitely sorry Krisanne didn't win. She also represents a new perspective on skydiving, but a very different one from Ely and company.

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For all the six months of sis boom bah; rah, rah, rah on here about change and how the USPA sucks, etc.
Ten percent of the the membership took the time to pull the friggin ballots out of the magazine that was dropped in their lap; five minutes to fill out the ballots and maybe two minutes to put a stamp on it.

If we as a society are too fucking lazy to fill out a ballot that's dropped in our lap; I guess no one should be stunned that driving down the fucking street to vote for our legislators is too much of an inconvenience.

Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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I personally learned to skydive from two of those "kids." I confess I know nothing about how they would or wouldn't change the USPA. But I respect and like those who taught me. As one who lives with boards, change is usually a good thing.
POPS #10623; SOS #1672

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I'm actually of two minds about the failure of Ely and company to make the board. On the plus side, we won't hear about the latest proposal to allow 400 foot demos. On the minus side, they represent a new perspective on skydiving, one I think USPA needs.

Ditto. Marketing is going to play a big part in the continued growth and education within the sport. I couldn't vote for any of the Red Bull group in a managing capacity, but very much appreciate the energy they bring to the table.

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I'm sorry Jan didn't make it from a perspective of representing skydivers, but I am glad that there will be fewer loose cannons in USPA.

So are you now saying Jan Meyer is a "loose cannon"?

Being a BOD is all about "representing skydivers", and now we will have one fewer very experienced BOD member that will do that during the next term.

Well, no, wait a minute. I think she will probably continue to represent skydivers......

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I'm sorry Jan didn't make it from a perspective of representing skydivers, but I am glad that there will be fewer loose cannons in USPA.

So are you now saying Jan Meyer is a "loose cannon"?

Being a BOD is all about "representing skydivers", and now we will have one fewer very experienced BOD member that will do that during the next term.

Well, no, wait a minute. I think she will probably continue to represent skydivers......

You mean the person who rallied a skydiving organization to monitor the business practices of a company, getting said organization into a lawsuit, and then single handedly forced a settlement so that the USPA could continue to exist?

Id say loose cannon is a fairly accurate description
BASE 1384

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You mean the person who rallied a skydiving organization to monitor the business practices of a company, getting said organization into a lawsuit, and then single handedly forced a settlement so that the USPA could continue to exist?

I'm sorry, all of that would be very inaccurate, (almost like Bill himself wrote it). I would tell you look up the pertinent legal documents, but I can tell from the way you wrote that sentence that you do not wish to investigate any further.

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You mean the person who rallied a skydiving organization to monitor the business practices of a company, getting said organization into a lawsuit, and then single handedly forced a settlement so that the USPA could continue to exist?

Id say loose cannon is a fairly accurate description

Before you label someone, you may want to check your facts, or a least cite your sources...on the other hand if THAT'S the way ya roll...I got some great ocean front property right next to Eloy I can sell ya. ~One heck of a deal! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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>So are you now saying Jan Meyer is a "loose cannon"?

In my opinion, yes.

Your stalwart defense of Jan is admirable, and as I've said I have a lot of respect for her. I have spoken to several other people who do not share your view of her. Which is fine; that's what elections are all about.

> I think she will probably continue to represent skydivers......

I think she will too, and I think she will likely be more effective in whatever role she chooses to take on next.

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>So are you now saying Jan Meyer is a "loose cannon"?

In my opinion, yes.

Your stalwart defense of Jan is admirable, and as I've said I have a lot of respect for her. I have spoken to several other people who do not share your view of her. Which is fine; that's what elections are all about.

> I think she will probably continue to represent skydivers......

I think she will too, and I think she will likely be more effective in whatever role she chooses to take on next.

I believe so too. The gag comes out of her mouth now. ;)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Call Jan a loose cannon if you want. She's been called much worse by her fellow BOD members. But what I saw at the BOD meeting I attended, was Jan keeping the President of the BOD from breaking rules and steering things towards his own agenda. Hopefully, he straigtens up his act this term, since he's been re-elected.

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