
How many jumps to grad AFF

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It's going to depend so much on different student programs at different dropzones and how you define "graduate." Under the ISP, AFF jumps would be categories A-E, which is 8 jumps if you don't skip or repeat any. The F-H are coach jumps. My DZ doesn't let coaches do F1, so that's 9 jumps, and we don't clear students for "self supervision" until they successfully complete F2 and F3 (hop n' pops). So our students would have 11 jumps before they've "graduated." And we really don't make a big deal about the transition from AFF to coach jumps, so most students don't feel "graduated" until they finish category H, which would give them about 17 jumps if they go all the way through H3 to fulfill the requirements.

When I went through AFF, I repeated level 4 once, so I had 8 jumps when I "graduated" to doing solos.


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Mine was more like 14 jumps :S !!! I did my part to keep the dz open during my AFF :P ! I failed L2 twice and L3 four times! It was so frustrating at times, but it was all worth it when I was finished....my instructors were great. They didn't hold my hand, but sure swiped the training wheels quick after each level! It was good for me cause I would have stayed in the same place forever had they not...sure I'm not perfect, but I can save my life! Each jump just gets better and better...

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It's gonna vary, and it's important to be aware that a re-do on a jump isn't always a "fail" but rather "you did OK but I'd like to see you do better so that on the next jump you're coming from a stronger ability."

One person I'm aware of had 33 AFF jumps. Could have had his A license before getting off Student Status.

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Damn as much as I would love to say $ isn't a motivator it sure as hell was... Jill and I both went 7 for 7 with that motivation lol.

btw sorry I didn't include other options, static line ect... guess AFF is still fresh in my head
Travis Roy Foundation. At very least its a tax write off

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My AFF program was supposed to be 9 jumps long. I
finished in 7.

Part of my FJC was to go to our wind tunnel for 5 min. Im a firm beleiver that really helped me graduate earlier.



Why not?
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D.S. #55

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I endered 7 but really my AFF was six or nine jumps. I started static line but couldn't get the practice pulls. After three attempts, they suggested I move to AFF, and started me on level 2 AFF. Thus six jumps AFF jumps, and 3 Static line jumps.
POPS #10623; SOS #1672

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Where is the option "6"? ;)

hahaha well it hadn't crossed my mind,

Made my first 2 post grad jumps this weekend, what a great feeling to be "free" and have nothing required in freefall accept to be altitude aware and pull. My first jump I exited 90 degrees into a dive then rolled onto my back so I could watch my girl jump (also her 1st post grad jump) from freefall. Then just tracked a bit and pulled, landed and manifested again hahaha... Fuck, now I am gonna be broke... but happy!
Travis Roy Foundation. At very least its a tax write off

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I did static line and graduated in 24 jumps. Our program had 21 jumps, I failed the dock and re-dock 3 times.
We had a student show up at our dz this weekend that "graduated" in 7 jumps in Lodi. He doesn't know how to turn on his CYPRES, pack, spot, or even pick up his gear after he lands, but he's "graduated".
"If it wasn't easy stupid people couldn't do it", Duane.

My momma said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an a$$hole.

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Packing is not required to finish AFF. It is for that A though. But that is very sad the kid doesn't know how to turn the cypress on or spot. Some people I do wonder how they ever graduated AFF though because of their actions in the air and on the ground

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Spotting is something that you learn at a non-turbine dz, there's no one yelling "green light" or "go go go".
We could learn to pack at anytime during the student program, meaning you had to pack to graduate. Being graduated means you are capable of safely taking care of yourself.
"If it wasn't easy stupid people couldn't do it", Duane.

My momma said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an a$$hole.

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You didn't include enough choices in your list. Thanks to some time in a wind tunnel prior to AFF, and thanks to some very good instructors, I actually did AFF in 6 jumps. :)Unfortunately some other matters pulled me away from skydiving after only one more jump. I hope to return soon.

The meaning of life . . . is to make life have meaning.

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I've only done 2 since getting my license, but I was done in 6 jumps, too. I was able to combine level 4 & 5 into one jump. Of course, that was also after 10 minutes of required tunnel time, during which I flailed hilariously and didn't feel like I learned anything (other than not to grab the mesh to keep yourself from turning--oops). But maybe those 10 minutes of idiocy got that out of my system so I wasn't as bad as I would've been on my first jumps.

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I've only done 2 since getting my license, but I was done in 6 jumps, too. I was able to combine level 4 & 5 into one jump. Of course, that was also after 10 minutes of required tunnel time, during which I flailed hilariously and didn't feel like I learned anything (other than not to grab the mesh to keep yourself from turning--oops). But maybe those 10 minutes of idiocy got that out of my system so I wasn't as bad as I would've been on my first jumps.

When I was going through AFF the weather was too crappy on the first day and we couldn't jump. The same happened the following 2 weekends I went out to try to get my first jump in. I got so antsy to jump that I went to the tunnel to try and get some kind of feel for free fall. I did 10 minutes in the tunnel and looking back it was a complete waste of time and money. At the time I didn't find it that fun or beneficial to my first few jumps.

That being said the tunnel is a great place to hone your skills and practice new disciplines. I can see the benefits to teaching new jumpers some basics as well.

I passed AFF in 7... Loved all my AFFI's, great peeps.
*I am not afraid of dying... I am afraid of missing life.*
----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.----

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I did 10 minutes in the tunnel and looking back it was a complete waste of time and money. At the time I didn't find it that fun or beneficial to my first few jumps.

Interesting, we (my wife and I took AFF together) had the opposite experience: we did 10 minutes in the tunnel before we started AFF and it made all the difference in the world. When we did our AFF jumps we'd already done the flying and so we were able to concentrate on our gear, exit procedures, altitude awareness, etc etc, without also trying to figure out our bodies at the same time.

I know it made all the difference for me, as I had that whole paralyzing fear of heights thing that monopolized my attention on my first jump. (The only part of AFF1 I consciously remember was pulling my PC....which promptly turned into a PCIT! Fortunately my instructor was still there and he gave a tug on the extended bridle to help the pin out of my container. I of course had no idea what happened until we got to the ground but it gave me nightmares for a few days once they told me about it)

I've sometimes felt like the tunnel should be mandatory before AFF -- I understand the cost and access issues prohibit it -- but think about how less risky AFF1 would be if you knew your student had been in the tunnel and had already found his stable arch at least once.

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I did a 8 jump AFF program in 7 jumps. I did 15 minutes in the wind tunnel after jump #2 and combined 4 and 5 together.

The wind tunnel made a huge difference for me. I had already learned to fall stable and turn in the tunnel, so when it came time to do it in the air it was easy. I did my tunnel time with my AFFI, which was also helpful, since he knew where I was and everything.

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i did mine in 5! started at level 1 with 1 instructor, got let go the first time. my second jump was level 4, did fine again up to level 8 solo hopnpop. strong winds, bad spot, practicing 1\2 brake turns stalled the canopy, got a spinnig main, finally recovered, after i got out of 4 line twists i was at 1000' with the wind pushing me backwards. 150lb exitweight under a falcon 215. landed on my ass, watched my buddy that was on #10 have a similar situation but he landed in the canal!
Flock University FWC / ZFlock
B.A.S.E. 1580
Aussie BASE 121

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