
Is it "funny" to push somebody out of the door?

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Wow, you are amazing.


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The pilot is spotting with a GPS

That shows you don't know how to spot.

I was refering to jumping over cloud cover. You do a jump with me where you can't see the ground and show me how to spot, and I'll buy your jump!


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You either trust it or you dont. There is no need for that decission to be made while burning usuable jump run.

Nope, but you DO need to clear your airspace and not be a green light lemming.

I'm done here. Its clear you think you are right no matter how many people disagree with you...even if those people have thousands more jumps than you.

You will also read in my post that I said you have to clear your airspace, and no one should get out of a door without looking. But you can't look at the ground if you can't see it.

You are incredible. You can pick the things you want to gripe on but never actually read the post.

I'm glad your done.

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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The pilot is spotting with a GPS.

This brings up an important point that I forgot to include last night.

Once before I started doing big ways, Spaceland had leased additional Otters for a Texas State Record attempt.

I was jumping 4-way RW and we were in one of the leased Otters from another Texas dz. As the red light came on, we looked out and were way off the dz. When the green light came on, we were still downwind of the dz by quite a distance so we held up our exit.

The pilot and everyone on the load starts yelling at us to go! We hold our ground and exit at what we thought was the proper time; still had to open higher than normal and barely made the dz property line.

While standing in the hanger killing time till our next load and watching the TSR jumpers dirt dive the pilot from our last jump came over and chewed us out for not trusting him and the gps. He said if we did it again there was going to be hell to pay.

Sure enough on our next load we were on the same plane, but were the second RW team out. The green light came on and the first team climbed out and exited. We immediately climbed out and exited too!

Nope we never looked.

We were almost two miles from the dz and 10 or so of us landed off.

When I asked the dzo if he thought the pilot intentionally put us out early, he replied "I don't think so. His GPS is not working and he really wouldn't know exactly where your exit point should be. You guys need to spot yourselves when you're in his plane."

Don't put all your trust in one man or single piece of equipment.

Blue skies,


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When I have done it, I have done it to my close friends, usually on hopnpops, or when we "planned" a freefly exit and on "ready" I'll push someone out.

It's not a random thing, just adding fun. I would not do it to someone elses group. I've chewed people a new one at the door, but would never push them if they werent ready to go.

Ah... your previous statement made it sound like it was funny anytime.


So to go back on topic, as long as safety is not an issure, it is extremely funny to push someone out of the door.

I was responding to that. The thread was started by someone who was unexpectedly pushed by a non-friend. Your above quote "extremely funny" made it sound like you supported the idea.

I don't believe that an effective case can be made for unexpectedly pushing someone out the door. I don't know why there is even thread. A one-sided issue in my judgement.

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While standing in the hanger killing time till our next load and watching the TSR jumpers dirt dive the pilot from our last jump came over and chewed us out for not trusting him and the gps. He said if we did it again there was going to be hell to pay.

WOW I'm glad I'v never had a jump pilot that was a dick like that to me... I'd have been kicked off the DZ for telling the pilot that I don't tell him how to fly he shouldn't tell me when to jump... but the truth is I tell pilots what to do all the time "10 Left please" ... what I might have said to this pilot "could" have sounded like this "eat a dick, no eat 2 I'll leave when I like the spot, don't like me holding in the plane with the green on don't Fing turn on the green so far from a decent spot, dick head.... and then collected my gear and been kicked off the DZ ... like I said I'm really glad I'v always had good, nice pilots.

Good Judgment comes from experience...a lot of experience comes from bad

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Fortunately he came with an Otter leased for the TSR. Never had to fly with him again.

Kinda' reminded me of the overaggressive canopy pilot attitude...you know "i'm the best ever, learn faster, know 100% of everything, never gona' happen to me" pilot.

Blue skies,


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at my graduating hop-n-pop (3500') one of my JM's literally booted me out the door, it scared the crap out of me, but I regained stabilty quickly and all was good... I definitly didnt find it funny and I recall him getting chewed out by the dzo....
Exodus 20
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I'm a bit interested to see what the other side at your DZ has to say on these subjects.

well if it is light and variable I have heard many a person from that group say i will land in the other direction even if it creates a crisscross landing direction issue because my knees cant take it...

we at the ranch set our landing direction at the loading area...and I have seen people say specifically that...I cant land down wind I would rather land into the oncoming canopies thatn have to slide or run...

John is not lying...I have seen heard and screamed at people for ignoring the safety of others while waiting to get the perfect spot so they can land on the peas...and then on top of it they land which ever way the want to instead of the agreed landing direction...that can kill people...

it is not everyone who is an XXXX flier it just is what it is...and these people have also refused to start spotting while the yellow light is on as well...just fyi....

Hey John...want to kick me out of the plane this weekend????just make sure you bring the camera up for it...


CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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in reply to "What do you think? "


Unlike the rest of us skydivers ;) some freeflyers act as if they invented the sport .
As you say you're not a violent person... did you approach these FF people on the ground and get an explanation/apology for their behaviour?

I bags dumping their reserves (on the ground ! ) for you .:D

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"Is it funny to push somebody out of the door?"


Is it funny to punch someone in the face?

They say its wrong to hit someone in the face with a closed fist... but it is ... on occasion... Hilarious (stolen quote, can you name it?)

Good Judgment comes from experience...a lot of experience comes from bad

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That video is pretty funny, but the act of pushing unknowing skydivers who aren't in your particular group out of the plane can't be safe. I had a good buddy of mine pushed out of the plane on his AFF graduation jump and that was halarious. The instructor told him to look out of the door and spot the DZ. As soon as he stuck his head out of the plane he got a foot to the butt and out the plane he went, chased by his instructor. What made it even funnier is the fact that after he got stable, he flew right up to the instructor, who was having trouble catching him, and the proceeded to out fly his instructor.(He had at least 25 hours of tunnel time before he started his AFF training)

Don't disrespect just because you can't hang in my tunnel. Here's to blue skys and cool recirculating tunnels.

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