
A message one week after the election

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A little over a week ago conservatives were patting themselves on the back on how there would be no "blue wave" and they would likely keep the house.

Now, a week after the election, the GOP is scrambling to contain the damage. They are going through the process of appointing minority leaders. Trump is bitter and resentful, shirking his duties as president and as Commander-in-Chief as he sulks. He is also simultaneously declaring victory and explaining that they lost because of vote tampering. One choice rant of his:

"The Republicans didn’t win and that’s because of potentially illegal votes. When people get in line that have absolutely no right to vote and they go around in circles. Sometimes they go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again. Nobody takes anything. It’s really a disgrace what’s going on. . . ."

So Republicans won. But they lost because . . . people with no right to vote go around in circles. With a new hat.

He then demanded voter ID. Then said voter ID won't help. Then demanded it again.

"If you buy a box of cereal — you have a voter ID. They try to shame everybody by calling them racist, or calling them something, anything they can think of, when you say you want voter ID. But voter ID is a very important thing.”

And as time goes on, more and more races are getting called for Democrats, many in states and locations that were solidly red not long ago. The NYT sums it up well:
A Week After the Election, Democratic Gains Grow Stronger

Erin Schaff for The New York Times
Nov. 13, 2018

The 2018 midterm election looked last Tuesday like a serious but not crippling setback for Republicans, yet the picture has grown grimmer for the party since then as a more complete tally of votes has come in across the country.

What looked at first like a modest Democratic majority in the House has grown into a stronger one: The party has gained 33 seats so far and appears on track to gain between 35 and 40 once all the counting is complete.

And Democratic losses in the Senate look less serious than they did a week ago, after Kyrsten Sinema was declared the winner in Arizona on Monday. It now looks like Democrats are likely to lose a net of one or two seats, rather than three or four as they feared last Tuesday.

The underlying shifts in the electorate suggest President Trump may have to walk a precarious path to re-election in 2020, as several Midwestern states he won in 2016 threaten to slip away, and once-red states in the Southwest turn a purpler hue. The president’s strategy of sowing racial division and stoking alarm about immigration failed to lift his party, and Democratic messaging about health care undercut the benefit Republicans hoped to gain from a strong economy.

David Winston, a Republican pollster who advises congressional leaders, said his party should not use victories in the Senate to paper over severe losses with women, young people, independent voters and Latino voters, and Democratic gains with suburbanites and seniors.

“We didn’t lose the Senate, but losing by the margins that we did with a lot of these groups is unsustainable,” Mr. Winston said.

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No blue wave.

Republicans gain seats in the Senate

Obama lost what, 63 house seats and how many Senate seats?

History is a great teacher

Perspective my friend.

It is important
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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6 Senate seats lost by the Dems during Obamas first mid term election...

Keep telling yourself that losing the House doesn't matter. The voters have clearly moved away from Trump in the places that matter. I'm sure he'll do fine in SD, but no one lives there.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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***6 Senate seats lost by the Dems during Obamas first mid term election...

Keep telling yourself that losing the House doesn't matter. The voters have clearly moved away from Trump in the places that matter. I'm sure he'll do fine in SD, but no one lives there.

there you go

Inventing again
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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6 Senate seats lost by the Dems during Obamas first mid term election...

Who gives a shit what happened in Obama's term anymore - Can you not talk about anything other than either Obama or Hillary? :S

And as the counts continue those precious Senate gains you've been harping on about are getting narrower and narrower.
Picking up 1 or 2 in the senate but losing nearly 40 in the house? Yeah. You just keep up with all that 'winning'....

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Who gives a shit what happened in Obama's term anymore - Can you not talk about anything other than either Obama or Hillary?

Trump supporters do. They certainly can't tout what Trump is doing; he is nothing but a petulant, whining failure lately. All they can do is try to tear down other people.

Funny thing about a recent Obama comment:
Right before the election, they try to scare the heck out of you. And then the election comes, and suddenly the problem is magically gone. Everything's great. 'I'm sorry, what did we say? This is what happened in 2010, this is what happened in 2012, what happened in 2014, just over and over and over again, they'll just run these same stories and then after the election, suddenly they're not interested anymore.
I suspect the Trumpies won't be mentioning that little prediction, made a few weeks before the recent election.

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Hi Will,


Can you not talk about anything other than either Obama or Hillary?

But then he would not have anything to talk about.

Jerry Baumchen

Soon enough the Ds will start the 2020 nomination fight and there will be new demons to excoriate.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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>Soon enough the Ds will start the 2020 nomination fight and there will be new demons to excoriate.

I predict the next FOX News bogeyman (bogeyperson?) will be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Woman? Check.
Young? Check.
Disturbing shade of brown? Check.
Outspoken? Check.

Everything FOX fears in one small package.

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For those who think their vote doesn't make a difference:

Democrat beats Republican by 1 vote in Kentucky state House race
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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No blue wave.

Republicans gain seats in the Senate

Obama lost what, 63 house seats and how many Senate seats?

History is a great teacher

Perspective my friend.

It is important

Just shows the level of gerrymandering taking place:

2010 election: 45 million people voted Republican.
2018 election: 60 million people voted Democrat.

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***I love the excuses people like you like to use.

For winning?

I think the excuses you're using for losing this one are much better.

In my little corner of the world, Brian Kemp (R) defeated Stacey Abrams (D) socialist/communist for governor of GA.

Ron DeSantis (R) defeated Andrew Gillum (D) socialist/communist for governor of FL.

Rick Scott (R) defeated Bill Nelson (D) progressive liberal and socialist for Senator of FL. For the first time in decades, FL has two Republican senators.

These victories took place in spite of millions of dollars invested by George Soros and Tom Steyer; despite the campaigning by BHO and HRC; despite the illegalities pursued by the Broward County (FL) election supervisor Brenda Snipes.

Note: Snipes has resigned in defeat.

President Trump sought Republican control of the Senate and he has it.

There is divine intervention guiding the movement to regain America. How for will it go?
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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>President Trump sought Republican control of the Senate and he has it.

He already had that.

He also sought Republican control of the House. He lost that.

The House was a long shot and he knew it. He concentrated on the Senate because of the their inherent power.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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>The House was a long shot and he knew it.

From Oct 11:

The controversy over unsuccessful Democratic attempts to derail the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh energized Republicans, President Donald Trump said on Thursday. So much so, he even thinks his party may retain its majority in the House of Representatives.

"I think that we’re going to be successful," Trump said Thursday during an interview on the "Fox & Friends" morning show on Fox News.

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>The House was a long shot and he knew it.

From Oct 11:

The controversy over unsuccessful Democratic attempts to derail the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh energized Republicans, President Donald Trump said on Thursday. So much so, he even thinks his party may retain its majority in the House of Representatives.

"I think that we’re going to be successful," Trump said Thursday during an interview on the "Fox & Friends" morning show on Fox News.

That's no proof -- you know he lies.

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***>President Trump sought Republican control of the Senate and he has it.

He already had that.

He also sought Republican control of the House. He lost that.

The House was a long shot and he knew it. He concentrated on the Senate because of the their inherent power.

He concentrated on the senate because it was highly unlikely he'd lose it given who was up for re-election.
Come on Ron, it's not that hard to work this stuff out, you can do better.
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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