
Darwin meets the 2nd Amendment

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Minnesota teen fatally shoots boyfriend in failed YouTube stunt.

Already mentioned in the bonfire in the "You can't make this up news story" thread.

Yes, but gun stuff is supposed to be in here.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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2-digit IQs and firearms are seldom a good mix.

I don't know how some of these people pull off many things.

But hey, they vote, they drive, they have kids.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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>2-digit IQs and firearms are seldom a good mix.

Almost half the people in the US have two digit IQ's.



I don't know how some of these people pull off many things.

But hey, they vote, they drive, they have kids.

Yes, that 50%: got you Trump, the level of driving skill displayed on American highways and a further supply of dim-witted kids
"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

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And the way Resist"ors" the Media and Dem obstructionists are acting (perceived as coordinating each other by many including Dems) Pres. Trump will have a 2nd term. Almost everyone but the deplorables are trying to rip him up - Americans of both parties eventually root for and will vote IMO for the underdog very often. Should he come out smelling like a rose after all the mud/accusations/investigations being thrown at him I believe he will get many votes from new supporters in addition to his loyalists. Right or wrong at least he is trying to accomplish something while the other idiots in congress (both sides) just try to destroy themselves and the other sides objectives.

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Politics is like nature - it gets manipulated by man to be this way and that - same thing with our presidency as perceptions of it and the President are being spun/manipulated to create agenda specific perceptions -

I don't use Trump's twitter exploits to slam him since there may way more to his perceived madness than meets the eye. I believe he has a plan but as he said when he was campaigning - 'he won't share his plans with the enemy like Obama did' - but to be honest I thought he was talking specifically about military action but the way it looks he meant that to pertain to all he plans.

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>And the way Resist"ors" the Media and Dem obstructionists are acting (perceived
>as coordinating each other by many including Dems) Pres. Trump will have a 2nd

Worked well for Nixon.

>Right or wrong at least he is trying to accomplish something

True. And perhaps he will succeed in his latest worthy effort - convincing people that Mika Brzezinski is ugly, dumb and a loser.

On a completely unrelated topic - how is Melania Trump's anti-bullying campaign going?

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Politics is like nature - it gets manipulated by man to be this way and that - same thing with our presidency as perceptions of it and the President are being spun/manipulated to create agenda specific perceptions -

I don't use Trump's twitter exploits to slam him since there may way more to his perceived madness than meets the eye. I believe he has a plan but as he said when he was campaigning - 'he won't share his plans with the enemy like Obama did' - but to be honest I thought he was talking specifically about military action but the way it looks he meant that to pertain to all he plans.

Great. What official presidential plan could be behind disparaging remarks about female journalists?

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This one escaped Darwin, though. She's already pregnant.

"been around the world and found
that only stupid people are breeding
the cretins cloning and feeding
and i don't even own a tv"
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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I believe he has a plan but as he said when he was campaigning - 'he won't share his plans with the enemy like Obama did' - but to be honest I thought he was talking specifically about military action but the way it looks he meant that to pertain to all he plans.

But he didn't have a military plan. He lied about having one, but he didn't have one. If he had one, he would have implemented it when he became president. Instead, he asked the generals to go away and make him a plan. The same generals he slammed on the campaign trail for not having a plan as good as his plan. Go figure.

Same with Twitter. There is no plan, it's just the same juvenile shit he's been spewing for years, and in other media outlets for decades. Thinking there is a method to the madness is the epitome of wishful thinking.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Holy thread-drift batman.

You-tube is filled with dumb gun stuff.

A friend of mine has a .44 mag Desert Eagle, although they also make a .50 AE. Which is bigger in diameter but not appreciably that much more powerful. He also owns a

On one occasion at the range he miscalculated and shot his chronograph right through the middle of its LCD display with his desert eagle. We laughed uproariously and he subsequently got warrant replacement for it.

This of course is one of the top ones on you-tube. If you can't shoot straight, shoot more often and move closer. More so if you're shooting at explosives.

Guns are like crotch rockets. Do stupid sh*t and you can get hurt. Or hurt someone else.

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Skydeker said - "Great. What official presidential plan could be behind disparaging remarks about female journalists?"

Oh - So now females are exempt from playing hardball - so much for gender equality.

What is disparaging about mention of a facelift, some post operative bleeding and saying the word "NO" to express empathy - lacking full context of their conversation challenges anyone's accurate interpretation of what really went on when these two who hounded him for an interview got the interview - than went on to trash him - nice way to say Thank You to him.

News media claims Trumps remarks were sexist but I can't see it in the tweets - he criticized both a female and male then she comes back with a remark about hands sized for cheerios which most understand comes with an obvious very personal connotation to a male. Seems that the woman's response was the vulgar sexist one - just sayin'.

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In the current climate would anyone of us in his position share much with the media other than stuff that drives them and others to distraction.

I mean the 6:00 pm news a massive amount of their very limited air time all about tweets instead of serious issues. Their licenses should be pulled for wasting so much time on anyone's tweets including Trump's.

So stupid. No

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In the current climate would anyone of us in his position share much with the media other than stuff that drives them and others to distraction.

Yes. Of course we would. Anyone would. Not to mention that the current climate would not be the current climate without the adolescent narcissist in chief in office.

By the way, does this post mean that you actually don't kno what he's trying to achieve because he hasn't shared it with the media? In which case, how do you know he's trying to achieve something?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Guess we'll just have to disagree on this - I wouldn't share zip w/media.

I know where I want him to take the Nation but as events and situations change everything any of us want go up for grabs.

OBTW my apologies for hijacking your thread kallend -

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Guess we'll just have to disagree on this

Yeah, as long as you're unable to answer a question as simple as 'what is Trump trying to achieve' then the only thing we can do is disagree.

If you change your mind and decide to try an actual discussion then we could do that instead.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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