
Our newest mass murder weapon

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I wonder what the reaction would have been, if within just hours of the Orlando nightclub massacre, some French skydiver posted a similarly styled remark here.

I would have gotten half a dozen PMs demanding it be deleted because it was insensitive.

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I say we ban them so we can all get more exercise.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, if within just hours of the Orlando nightclub massacre, some French skydiver posted a similarly styled remark here.

I honestly don't give a fuck what anyone says. My point was to show that it is the individual, not the instrument, that causes destruction.
Muff #5048

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Pssst . . . airliners are also motor vehicles. 

Well no fucking shit. My original point was that it's what an individual does that is the problem. It makes no difference what means of destruction an individual chooses to use, yet there's many here who would blame an inanimate object.
Muff #5048

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I say we ban them so we can all get more exercise.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, if within just hours of the Orlando nightclub massacre, some French skydiver posted a similarly styled remark here.

I honestly don't give a fuck what anyone says.

I'm certain that was firmly established by your initial post.

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Millertime's point is it don't fucking matter what kind of weapon is used. You ban guns, fine, some asshole will find another way.

However, in this case, the asshole used a box van for shock value and also used guns to shoot once he stopped, it appears like.

A big public celebration is a huge target. Especially if there are no substantial roadblocks to prevent said vehicles from getting into the pedestrian areas...

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Pssst . . . airliners are also motor vehicles. 

Well no fucking shit. My original point was that it's what an individual does that is the problem. It makes no difference what means of destruction an individual chooses to use, yet there's many here who would blame an inanimate object.

Oh, oh I see. That last line of yours wasn't making light of a mass murder.

Your intention was to simply use a mass murder to promote the NRA agenda. Got it. That shows great sympathy for those who died. Good job.

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Nothing is more important to some Americans than defending their right to play with the tools of war. Feelings for victims don't even come close.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Fuck them. Skydivers have never been a PC community.

If you're offended here, you are in the wrong place.

Send them back to their 'safe space.' In the real world, the stove is hot.


The 'we're not a PC crowd' line doesn't wash. There's a line between PC and out-of-order and you know it. Go to a dropzone bar when the beer light is on and start calling people Niggers, then tell everyone you're not part of the PC crowd and how that makes it OK. See how long you're left with your teeth.

There's also a difference about joking about sport death and deliberately being a divisive cunt about everything. If that offends you then you're in the wrong place.

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I knew, upon reading the news this morning, that this thread would exist.
My contempt and disgust for the gun loving crowd just grows and grows. 80+ dead and all you can do is jack off to your guns and use it as an argument in your favour.

Trucks are designed to move goods around and have been honed and perfected to that end over the years. Guns are designed to kill and have been honed and perfected to that end over the years. The cunt who perpetrated this attack was aiming for maximum destruction and mayhem and combined the two. How many days (hours...) do we have to wait until the death toll from guns, since this tragedy, in the US is higher than 80? Probably already happened.

It's not all about you and your gun rights. When 9/11 happened the world opened its arms to the US. When attacks happen overseas and I see a reaction like the OP it makes me regret my compassion to such backward, selfish and ugly people.


Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people

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I say we ban them so we can all get more exercise.

STUPID for multiple reasons!

(Oh, and Tim McVeigh used a truck, as did the Beirut barracks bombers and many others.)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Pssst . . . airliners are also motor vehicles. 

Well no fucking shit. My original point was that it's what an individual does that is the problem. It makes no difference what means of destruction an individual chooses to use, yet there's many here who would blame an inanimate object.

Oh, oh I see. That last line of yours wasn't making light of a mass murder.

Your intention was to simply use a mass murder to promote the NRA agenda. Got it. That shows great sympathy for those who died. Good job.


Not quite. It pointed out the stupidity and naivete of those who blame the instrument instead of the operator.

Those who don't pick up on that are, well...

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I say we ban them so we can all get more exercise.

STUPID for multiple reasons!

(Oh, and Tim McVeigh used a truck, as did the Beirut barracks bombers and many others.)Mcveigh used a bomb made from fertilizer the truck was simply a transportation device, not the weapon.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Pssst . . . airliners are also motor vehicles. 

Well no fucking shit. My original point was that it's what an individual does that is the problem. It makes no difference what means of destruction an individual chooses to use, yet there's many here who would blame an inanimate object.

Oh, oh I see. That last line of yours wasn't making light of a mass murder.

Your intention was to simply use a mass murder to promote the NRA agenda. Got it. That shows great sympathy for those who died. Good job.


Not quite. It pointed out the stupidity and naivete of those who blame the instrument instead of the operator.

Those who don't pick up on that are, well...

... Indoctrinated.

Finished that for you.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Not to you. You were just the last post.

I do find it telling that so many that are on the side of the anti gunners are the ones so enraged about the OP's comments.

I guess when one of your solid fall back, or go to points in an argument gets driven right back in your face, it must be frustrating.

There are other threads already that are not agenda based like this one - if this thread offends you, go to another one.

If you need your safe space and are afraid of chalk words written on a sidewalk, go to a different thread.

That said, I believe the reactions above is more butt hurt from the fact that a talking point of how a mass murder was never made by a vehicle was just disproved, Again.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I say we ban them so we can all get more exercise.

STUPID for multiple reasons!

(Oh, and Tim McVeigh used a truck, as did the Beirut barracks bombers and many others.)Mcveigh used a bomb made from fertilizer the truck was simply a transportation device, not the weapon.

The Nice guy used a gun.

Trucks provide shrapnel in TRUCK bombs.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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No, turtle, it's not the "failure" of the "gun as source of all evil" argument. It's the grabbing of yet another headline just for the sake of "scoring a point" without considering if it's the best way or time to make the point. Now this particular poster doesn't give a fuck, but I'd suggest that most people consider other human beings to be something other than actors in a drama, with no other purpose than to illustrate points they find important.

This usually occurs to people right about the time a close friend dies, or a beloved relative, or someone else who means a lot to them other than as an extension of themselves.

As far as the whole gun thing is concerned, you'll notice I don't participate vigorously in those threads. It's in the Second; it's been interpreted a given way. It's heavily pushed in one direction by a minority of motivated people in the US, but that's how our system works. And we've made it so that money is a megaphone, too.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Pssst . . . airliners are also motor vehicles. 

Well no fucking shit. My original point was that it's what an individual does that is the problem. It makes no difference what means of destruction an individual chooses to use, yet there's many here who would blame an inanimate object.

Oh, oh I see. That last line of yours wasn't making light of a mass murder.

Your intention was to simply use a mass murder to promote the NRA agenda. Got it. That shows great sympathy for those who died. Good job.


Did you facepalm after Obama's funeral speech?

Bet not!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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