
Chicago homicide toll highest since 1999

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We all know the majority of these homicides are black-on-black crime. Where are all the protests? I don't see anybody protesting these. But they'll come out and protest ONE officer-involved shooting for weeks. :S

It's like when you hit and abuse your wife, you think it is fine. But as soon as somebody else hits your wife, you get upset.

Maybe now you can relate?

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We all know the majority of these homicides are black-on-black crime. Where are all the protests? I don't see anybody protesting these. But they'll come out and protest ONE officer-involved shooting for weeks. :S

It's like when you hit and abuse your wife, you think it is fine. But as soon as somebody else hits your wife, you get upset.

Maybe now you can relate?

I'd say it's more like a brother hitting a brother until someone else hits him - then it's wrong.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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We all know the majority of these homicides are black-on-black crime. Where are all the protests? I don't see anybody protesting these. But they'll come out and protest ONE officer-involved shooting for weeks. :S

It's like when you hit and abuse your wife, you think it is fine. But as soon as somebody else hits your wife, you get upset.

Maybe now you can relate?

I'd say it's more like a brother hitting a brother until someone else hits him - then it's wrong.

Of course you would. Anything to keep the racial undertones alive.

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yep. Murder rate declined for 20 years. Then Chicago's gun laws were loosened and CCW permits issued, and look what happened. Just as predicted.

"As for Chicago, the Pew Research Center published a report in 2014 that found that while Chicago had seen a lot of murders in raw numbers, smaller cities had a higher rate, adjusted for population. Using FBI data — with the caveat that it is reported by local police agencies and not always consistently — the Pew Research Center determined that the top cities in 2012 for the murder rate were Flint, Michigan; Detroit; New Orleans; and Jackson, Mississippi. Chicago came in 21st.

An August 2013 CDC report looked at rates for gun homicides in the 50 most populous metropolitan areas. It found that for 2009-2010, the top gun murder rate areas were, in order: New Orleans, Memphis, Detroit, Birmingham, St. Louis, Baltimore, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Philadelphia and Chicago.

Six of those cities are in states with poor scores for their gun laws, while the other four get a “C” or better. Chicago, which placed last in the top 10, had a ban on handguns at the time. There’s no discernible pattern among those cities, nor clear or convincing evidence in these statistics that shows more gun laws lead to more or less gun crime."

"There’s been much talk recently — including from President Obama — about there being a substantial correlation between state-level gun death rates and state gun laws. Now correlation obviously doesn’t equal causation; there may be lots of other factors that are the true causes of both of the things that are being measured. But if we do look for now at correlation, it seems to me that the key question should focus on state total homicide rates, or perhaps (for reasons I describe below) total intentional homicide plus accidental gun death rates. And it turns out that there is essentially zero correlation between these numbers and state gun laws."

Where did the fatality flawed study come from?

"According to a recent National Journal analysis of data from 2013, "the states that im­pose the most re­stric­tions on gun users also have the low­est rates of gun-re­lated deaths, while states with few­er reg­u­la­tions typ­ic­ally have a much high­er death rate from guns...

Some states were excluded from these analyses, and the reason is revealing. The fine print at the bottom of the charts says "Alaska, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming had too few homicides in 2013 to calculate a reliable rate" (emphasis added). These are all states with permissive gun laws, and three of them are among the seven states with the highest overall gun death rates, which highlights the importance of distinguishing between suicides and homicides. Had National Journal's main analysis excluded suicides, some of the states with few gun controls, including Alaska and Wyoming, would have looked much safer.

"The states with the most gun laws see the fewest gun-related deaths," say the headline and subhead over the National Journal post, "but there's still little appetite to talk about more restrictions." The implication is that the data prove a cause-and-effect relationship. But the question of whether stricter gun control policies cause lower gun death rates cannot be addressed by this sort of static analysis. Gun laws obviously are not the only way in which Alaska, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, and Wyoming differ from Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Jersey. Furthermore, while the latter states have both low suicide and low homicide rates, the former states (with the notable exception of Louisiana) are distinguished mainly by high suicide rates.

To get a clearer idea of what's going on, you would at least want to see whether the adoption of certain gun controls is associated with reductions in gun death rates, as compared to pre-existing trends in the states that adopt them and ongoing trends in the rest of the country. In any case, it clearly is not true that permissive gun laws are inevitably accompanied by higher gun death rates, especially if you focus on homicides, which is the main threat cited by proponents of new gun controls."

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Ya know, having had two brothers who fought all the time when they were kids, I knew exactly what Turtle meant. No coding, just understanding that your familial brother is your worst enemy until you realize that someone else can attack.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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yep. Murder rate declined for 20 years. Then Chicago's gun laws were loosened and CCW permits issued, and look what happened. Just as predicted.

How many of those killings were committed by permit holders?

How many by gang bangers & drug dealers?
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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yep. Murder rate declined for 20 years. Then Chicago's gun laws were loosened and CCW permits issued, and look what happened. Just as predicted.

How many of those killings were committed by permit holders?

How many by gang bangers & drug dealers?

Over 300,000 guns stolen EVERY YEAR from legal gun owners.

THAT is how guns get into the hands of criminals. From legal gun owners. No manufacturer sells directly to gang bangers.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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yep. Murder rate declined for 20 years. Then Chicago's gun laws were loosened and CCW permits issued, and look what happened. Just as predicted.

How many of those killings were committed by permit holders?

How many by gang bangers & drug dealers?

Over 300,000 guns stolen EVERY YEAR from legal gun owners.

THAT is how guns get into the hands of criminals. From legal gun owners. No manufacturer sells directly to gang bangers.

Blah blah blah

You and you numbers...
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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yep. Murder rate declined for 20 years. Then Chicago's gun laws were loosened and CCW permits issued, and look what happened. Just as predicted.

How many of those killings were committed by permit holders?

How many by gang bangers & drug dealers?

Over 300,000 guns stolen EVERY YEAR from legal gun owners.

THAT is how guns get into the hands of criminals. From legal gun owners. No manufacturer sells directly to gang bangers.

Blah blah blah

You and you numbers...

Kallend I think you would really be surprised how many gang bangers can purchase a gun legally. Not all have been caught and charged yet.
Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle

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>We all know the majority of these homicides are black-on-black crime.
>Where are all the protests?

All over. But it's hard to get outraged over these, so they are ignored.

'Army of Moms' Starts Patrolling South Side After Shooting
By Sam Cholke | June 30, 2015 5:30am

Tamar Manasseh of Mothers Against Senseless Killings is hoping to to break the violent cycle of retaliatory violence in Englewood by restoring some of the power of parents.

ENGLEWOOD — An army of mothers started patrolling their neighborhood on Monday, gathering on corners after a shooting.

Mothers Against Senseless Killings volunteers in pink shirts were sitting in folding chairs and leaning against a mailbox at 75th Street and Harvard Avenue on Monday, hoping to prevent a violent retaliation after the death of Lucille Barnes a week ago.

“People are very emotional about it, and we don’t know what’s going to happen,” said Tamar Manasseh. “If people say there will be violence, there likely will be violence, and you go where you’re called.”

According to police, a man walked by Barnes and two other women at 11:35 p.m. on June 23 in the 7500 block of Stewart Avenue and opened fire, fatally wounding 34-year-old Barnes.
MLK Peace Chain Founder Seeks Thousands to Hold Hands Against Violence
By Josh McGhee | May 20, 2014 6:41am

WOODLAWN — When Lunden Gregory closes her eyes, she dreams of thousands of Chicagoans holding hands in peaceful protest against the violence that led her to move around the city twice before moving out-of-state.

On the past few Sundays, the 26-year-old took her own steps toward making her dream a reality by gathering dozens of anti-violence activists to hold hands at the intersection of 63rd Street and Dr. Martin Luther King Drive in Woodlawn. She plans to continue the protests indefinitely with hopes a creating a giant "MLK Peace Chain."

"I just got tired of hearing people say, 'We should do something,' or, 'This is so sad,'" Gregory said about the gun violence in the city that takes hundreds of lives each year. "I didn't lose anyone specifically but this does affect me."
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Protests Against Violence In Chicago
Written By Kenon White

This past weekend, the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha, a historic Black fraternity, took to the streets of Chicago and held steadfast in the midst of icy temperatures and a snowstorm to protest against the epidemic of violence plaguing Black communities in the Windy City.

On Monday, Roland Martin host of NewsOne Now, talked with Rev. Roosevelt Watkins, Pastor of the Bethlehem Star Missionary Baptist Church, about the protest and what other measures are being taken by the African-American community to end the killings ravaging Chicago neighborhoods. The NewsOne Now panel also discussed the protest action and how the media reports on African-Americans standing up to inter-community violence.

Examiner.com quoted Watkins as saying the march held on Nov. 21 was “the beginning of activism taking place on 79th Street.”

“We will stand up for this community. We are marching as men to confront the violence on these blocks and to reinvigorate economic development on 79th Street.”

During Monday’s edition of NewsOne Now, Watkins told Martin that, unfortunately, “we’ve been seeing a spike in crime and on 79th St., the street on which we marched, there is a gang war going on from Damen to Cottage Grove,” an extremely large stretch of the South Side of the city, which is predominantly African-American.

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>Blah blah blah
>You and you numbers...

Yep. He's definitely one of those factinistas on the nerd patrol.

Damn numbers never say what you want them to anyway. And some are so needlessly long. Best shun them, or at least mock people who use them.

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>Blah blah blah
>You and you numbers...

Yep. He's definitely one of those factinistas on the nerd patrol.

Damn numbers never say what you want them to anyway. And some are so needlessly long. Best shun them, or at least mock people who use them.

Coming from the guy who posted we will never see $2 gas again
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***>Blah blah blah
>You and you numbers...

Yep. He's definitely one of those factinistas on the nerd patrol.

Damn numbers never say what you want them to anyway. And some are so needlessly long. Best shun them, or at least mock people who use them.

Coming from the guy who posted we will never see $2 gas again


The Chicago homicide rate is properly described as a socioeconomic problem sitting on a powder keg of guns. The supply of which is NOT limited by restrictive gun supply, or gun law purchasing barriers.

If supply and restrictive ownership laws were the sole determinants of homicide rates. Chicago should be the safest place in the world. Israel and Switzerland have the highest rates of firearms ownership in the world. Together with the lowest homicide rates.

The Swiss have the highest average income in the EU combined with the lowest income inequality. Almost twice the US income.

Then there are the Chicago areas with the highest rates. The are summarized in the clearest fashion by going to the Chicago police Departments, Chicago crime map:


You have to go to Summarize Police Beat category.
Category homicide 1st & 2nd degree.
Past year(longest period available).

It shows four isolated police beats with the highest rates and huge swaths of the city with none. I'd hazard a guess that the small isolated areas with the highest rates have concentrated drug use and dealers competing for business. High youth unemployment, poor incomes and low education rates.

To be politically uncorrect. Lots of poor, uneducated black youths with criminal records at 18 years of age with no employment prospects. Drugs, guns and a hopeless situation to achieve independence or employment. Equates to a recipe for crime and violence. Of course thats not the nature of every resident in those police beats or neighborhoods. Merely enough residents with the interpersonal and personal inclinations to kill someone else.

Here is a video on Swiss gun laws and use. It doesn't address low income inequality vr other jurisdictions.


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We all know the majority of these homicides are black-on-black crime. Where are all the protests? I don't see anybody protesting these. But they'll come out and protest ONE officer-involved shooting for weeks. :S

It's like when you hit and abuse your wife, you think it is fine. But as soon as somebody else hits your wife, you get upset.

Maybe now you can relate?

I'd say it's more like a brother hitting a brother until someone else hits him - then it's wrong.

Of course you would. Anything to keep the racial undertones alive.

Racial undertones?

Tell me what reference to any family member (Brother, Sister, Cousin) that wouldn't have racial undertones in your mind.

Lol . . . And you infer that I'm a racist.

You can't imagine anyone not being racist, can you?

You must have been an only child - if you had siblings then you would understand just how correct my analogy is, unless you are just trolling and being deliberately aloof.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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If supply and restrictive ownership laws were the sole determinants of homicide rates. Chicago should be the safest place in the world.

You are two years out of date. Chicago's gun laws are now more permissive than many other places in the USA. Following the relaxation of the restrictive gun laws, the murder rate has shot up (pun intended) after steadily declining for two decades.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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If supply and restrictive ownership laws were the sole determinants of homicide rates. Chicago should be the safest place in the world.

You are two years out of date. Chicago's gun laws are now more permissive than many other places in the USA. Following the relaxation of the restrictive gun laws, the murder rate has shot up (pun intended) after steadily declining for two decades.

Here is the real reasons. Gun laws have nothing to do with what has been created by Democratic leadership in this city

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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