
2 Gunmen killed outside Muhammad cartoon drawing contest event

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So... ISIS is claiming responsibility for the gunmen's attack at the muhammad cartoon contest.


From Fark.com:

"ISIS claims responsibility for the Texas shootings that occurred at the Mohammed Cartoon Contest; also take responsibility for Kurt Cobain's death, Amelia Earhart's disappearance, and Hurricane Andrew.":D
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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***Can somebody tell me why Pamela Geller hasn't been arrested for inciting a riot?

Because it's quite legal and fully justified to make fun of psychopathic perverts in this country.

The fact that said psychopathic pervert has many followers that are just as pathologically violent is an even stronger case for ridicule.

Charlie Chaplin had it nailed. Those who censored his work were at fault.

And again, I'm not questioning the First Amendment status of the art; I'm questioning the criminal negligence / incitement to riot status of the individual who decided to through such an event.

I realize the difference might be lost on some.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Who knows how many more radicalized individuals there are like them here in the US just biding their time?


Hey how bout this for a plan to find them?

Have even more offensive cartoon contests and when they show up to attack ambush them?

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Who knows how many more radicalized individuals there are like them here in the US just biding their time?


Hey how bout this for a plan to find them?

Have even more offensive cartoon contests and when they show up to attack ambush them?

I thought the original idea to hold the cartoon event was genius! Especially since they hired the extra armed security.

However, doing it a bunch of times, jihadis will change their tactics to find a more effective way to make their impact... Just gotta stay a couple steps ahead of them.
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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Funny when this happened in Paris this was your stance.


Post 47

A surprise attack by people willing to die for their cause will not be deterred in any way, shape, or form by even the best trained security forces on the planet.

Post 49

You, as an individual, have next to a zero chance of changing the outcome of a terrorist attack like we're talking about here.

Post 57

While there may be some highly trained ex special ops person reading this forum, the vast majority, even the highly trained gun enthusiasts are not capable of making any appreciable difference.
To think they can is wildly Walter Mitty.

Post 61

Just don't think you're actually going to change the outcome of a terrorist attack such as this, because you (and this time it's a personal pronoun) almost certainly won't. 99.999% of the most highly trained individuals on the planet wouldn't be able to.

Looks like texas has the .0001

It goes on and on.

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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Will you claim responsibility for being wrong about this?

Post 119

So, the "if only there were guns" argument is bogus.

The, "if only there was a gun here" or "if only my rambo skills were present" or "if only this guy had done this" is nice, but kind of useless for this argument.

Quade stated that a gun presence wouldn't have made a difference. the pro-gun crowd wanted evidence. Well the evidence is right in the damn incident, guns were present.

If you want to argue that if Rambo happened to have been there with his mad skillz (or any of the regular posters on this forum, who are all Chuck Norris equivalents), the outcome would have been different....have at it.

Looks like we dont need rambo, to stop a mass murder just one traffic cop a side arm, and some well placed shots.

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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And again, I'm not questioning the First Amendment status of the art; I'm questioning the criminal negligence / incitement to riot status of the individual who decided to through such an event.

I realize the difference might be lost on some.

Your position is crystal clear.

We had best appease the psychopaths if we want Peace in Our Time, eh Neville?

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******Agreed - the gunmen were in the wrong. But this is the equivalent of taking a shit on the us flag at, say, arlington cemetery and claiming it's just free speech. Posters on this site have said they would respond with violence to something like that. Blatant provocation in any arena is a shitty idea.


Sick of people being offensive to other people just because they can, society seems to have lost the value placed upon good manners and civilised behaviour and is all the poorer for it.

Pfft... the organizers of the event knew what they were doing. They even paid thousands of dollars for extra security. Well guess what? Two would-be Jihadists showed up hell-bent on exacting revenge with AR-15's. Too bad they didn't take the time to scout the area because they were shot dead by the hired security.

Hey, 2 dead jihadis is better than 2 live ones. Fuck you very much.

I couldn't give a shit about two dead idiots but nice try. My point isn't even exclusively about Muslims, just how totally lacking in empathy and manners the world has become. Thanks for proving the point.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Will you claim responsibility for being wrong about this?

Post 119


So, the "if only there were guns" argument is bogus.

The, "if only there was a gun here" or "if only my rambo skills were present" or "if only this guy had done this" is nice, but kind of useless for this argument.

Quade stated that a gun presence wouldn't have made a difference. the pro-gun crowd wanted evidence. Well the evidence is right in the damn incident, guns were present.

If you want to argue that if Rambo happened to have been there with his mad skillz (or any of the regular posters on this forum, who are all Chuck Norris equivalents), the outcome would have been different....have at it.

Looks like we dont need rambo, to stop a mass murder just one traffic cop a side arm, and some well placed shots.

You believe that one data point makes the basic premise false?

Then one data point would also validate the premise. You copied it from an incident in which the data point was valid. Hence, you are basically arguing with yourself.

I am happy a police officer was able protect and serve his community in this case.

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Funny when this happened in Paris this was your stance.

There is a difference between an individual artist and a specific company of artists deciding to take a risk and an individual or company deciding to involve other members of the general public in the risk.

If she wants to hold the contest at her own home or place of business, fine.

If she wants to involve the general public by holding it at "a school-district owned public events space" surrounded by other uninvolved businesses who have no say in the matter, that's a matter of public safety.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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*********Agreed - the gunmen were in the wrong. But this is the equivalent of taking a shit on the us flag at, say, arlington cemetery and claiming it's just free speech. Posters on this site have said they would respond with violence to something like that. Blatant provocation in any arena is a shitty idea.


Sick of people being offensive to other people just because they can, society seems to have lost the value placed upon good manners and civilised behaviour and is all the poorer for it.

Pfft... the organizers of the event knew what they were doing. They even paid thousands of dollars for extra security. Well guess what? Two would-be Jihadists showed up hell-bent on exacting revenge with AR-15's. Too bad they didn't take the time to scout the area because they were shot dead by the hired security.

Hey, 2 dead jihadis is better than 2 live ones. Fuck you very much.

I couldn't give a shit about two dead idiots but nice try. My point isn't even exclusively about Muslims, just how totally lacking in empathy and manners the world has become. Thanks for proving the point.

You may think differently when some jihadis in England stab you even though you tried to be nice, or some shit. Didn't some dick jihadi cut some poor guy's head off over there a couple years back?

Point being, they don't care about you. They'll kill you just for being a citizen of a country whose foreign policy pisses them off, or for being a non-believer in their twisted brand of Islam. :|
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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***Funny when this happened in Paris this was your stance.

There is a difference between an individual artist and a specific company of artists deciding to take a risk and an individual or company deciding to involve other members of the general public in the risk.

If she wants to hold the contest at her own home or place of business, fine.

If she wants to involve the general public by holding it at "a school-district owned public events space" surrounded by other uninvolved businesses who have no say in the matter, that's a matter of public safety.

Obviously, Texas does things much more differently than Commiefornica.
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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And again, I'm not questioning the First Amendment status of the art; I'm questioning the criminal negligence / incitement to riot status of the individual who decided to through such an event.

I realize the difference might be lost on some.

Your position is crystal clear.

We had best appease the psychopaths if we want Peace in Our Time, eh Neville?


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Is this the same Texas where the Governor has instructed the State Guard to spy on a Special Forces training exercise, because he is afraid it is really a ruse to take over the state by the Federal Government?

That Texas?

As some one else posted on Facebook, even the crazy is bigger in Texas.

More texas hate. What a suprise.

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And again, I'm not questioning the First Amendment status of the art; I'm questioning the criminal negligence / incitement to riot status of the individual who decided to through such an event.

I realize the difference might be lost on some.

Well, what she did isn't incitement to riot, as I understand it.
As was pointed out above, MB's dad in Ferguson saying "Burn the bitch down" would be.
Making statements that get the crowd on your side all worked up is "incitement."

What happened here is more "fighting speech."

Making statements that are so inflammatory and insulting that a physical assault from the subject of the comments is a reasonable response.

Which is bullshit. "Fighting Speech" is still protected speech. If someone is so incensed and inflamed that they are unable to restrain themselves from attacking someone who angers them, then they should go back to kindergarten where little kids learn those things.

Or they should be put into a psych ward because it's clear that they are a danger to society.

And way back, someone (Professor Kallend maybe?) asked if people who are making statements so offensive that they need protection have to pay for that protection.

I can't say for sure, but I think the answer is "No." At least in Wisconsin. The KKK has had rallies in Madison a few times over the years. It went to court a couple times, but the end result was that the KKK had to be issued permits, as long as proper procedures were followed. I'm pretty sure that they had to pay for the porta-potties, and for standard level security from the local cops/sheriff's office.

Of course, the "other side" had to counter-protest, and they had to get permits and all that stuff for it. There ended up being a fence between the two groups to make sure they stayed separate.
But I'm pretty sure that the KKK didn't have to pay extra for the extra security.

The whole "She shouldn't-a-oughta done that" annoys me.

Sure, she deliberately held an event that is blatantly offensive to Muslims.
But the "offense" Muslims are taking is a blatant attack on free speech. The Muslims feel that their "offense" is more important than freedom of expression.

And I'm pretty offended by that.

Any time anyone says "If you say or do that, I'll punch you in the nose!!", I'm more inclined to say or do that particular thing. Just to keep the bullies on notice that I'm not going to be intimidated by them. That I'm not willing to give up my freedoms to kowtow to their threats.

I'm kind of surprised that you would take any different view than that, Quade. As a writer, you should be more interested in preserving and maintaining freedom of speech than most, I would think.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

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***Funny when this happened in Paris this was your stance.

There is a difference between an individual artist and a specific company of artists deciding to take a risk and an individual or company deciding to involve other members of the general public in the risk.

If she wants to hold the contest at her own home or place of business, fine.

If she wants to involve the general public by holding it at "a school-district owned public events space" surrounded by other uninvolved businesses who have no say in the matter, that's a matter of public safety.

This is when the almighty Politically Correct krew wants everyone's first amendment rights violated because we might upset the terrorists.

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And again, I'm not questioning the First Amendment status of the art; I'm questioning the criminal negligence / incitement to riot status of the individual who decided to through such an event.

I realize the difference might be lost on some.

It sure the fuck is!!!!!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***Obviously, Texas does things much more differently than Commiefornica.



This isn't a Texas thing.
It's not a California thing.


You finally got something fucking right
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And again, I'm not questioning the First Amendment status of the art; I'm questioning the criminal negligence / incitement to riot status of the individual who decided to through such an event.

I realize the difference might be lost on some.

It sure the fuck is!!!!!

Oh snap.

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Right on Joe

Remember when the gov paid an artist who's work was to place a cross with Jesus on it, in a jar of piss? Had someone came and shot this artist or someone at the display imagine how different this conversation would be!
A couple of the more extreme positions taken here would be spun 180 degrees
Different, sad, and dangerous[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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