
751 "No-Go" Zones in France where non-muslims aren't allowed?

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******I get that. My question is more towards whether the government has given up control in those areas.

These areas have set up there own governement and courts that use Sharia law
This is just not true.
Your quotation sound very similar to the right wing ideology (Extreme political party). No problem to find you people here (unfortunately) who will say that your quotation is right. It's not, they just use fear to get more votes.

I will see if I can find the interview and get back to you
but this person did not talk about Brirmingham or any other town (that I remember) And he dealt in French governance and policy
I should be able to find it because I know what statition and about what time
I just need to find what program and go from there
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I was speaking to the thread title


751 "No-Go" Zones in France where non-muslims aren't allowed?

They exist but not as fox stated.


I googled the "muslim no-go zones" keywords. After scanning 10 pages of google-hits, I had to stop. And I find it interesting, FWIW, that virtually every hit showed it to be yet another viral meme circulated and re-circulated by the right wing blogosphere, or anti-Muslim sites, etc. In those 10 pages of hits that I scanned, not a single hit was from a mainstream news outlet that has a reputation for journalistic neutrality on political matters. The only hits I found that weren't from, ahem, "totally out there" were 1 or 2 from FoxNews, the Wall Street Journal (highly, highly biased to the Conservative on political matters), and the Daily Mail (the UK's equivalent to the US's National Enquirer).

If you want to do anything other than preach to the choir of the usual Muslim-bashers and their skin-headed pals, credibility and reliability of sourcing is not unimportant. Just sayin'.

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>I googled the "muslim no-go zones" keywords. After scanning 10 pages of google-hits, I
>had to stop. And I find it interesting, FWIW, that virtually every hit showed it to be yet
>another viral meme circulated and re-circulated by the right wing blogosphere

From Wikipedia:
Echo chamber (media)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In media, an echo chamber is a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by transmission and repetition inside an "enclosed" system, where different or competing views are censored or disallowed.

How it works

Observers of journalism in the mass media describe an echo chamber effect in media discourse. One purveyor of information will make a claim, which many like-minded people then repeat, overhear, and repeat again (often in an exaggerated or otherwise distorted form)until most people assume that some extreme variation of the story is true.

Participants in online communities may find their own opinions constantly echoed back to them, which reinforces their individual belief systems. This can create significant barriers to critical discourse within an online medium. The echo chamber effect may also impact a lack of recognition to large demographic changes in language and culture on the Internet if individuals only create, experience and navigate those online spaces that reinforce their world view. Another emerging term for this echoing and homogenizing effect on the Internet within social communities is cultural tribalism.

Otherwise known as "it must be true - I've seen it dozens of times!"

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Ooh shit my bad, I was the one to post the skepticism of the existence of the zones with that fox post, and I then read JB's (from france) post as;

There is just "no-Go zones for non Muslims" instead of There is just no "no-Go zones for non Muslims" :D:D Ok I now turn the skepticism back on as I research it thanks for pointing that out.

I figured he being from France they would know first hand, but I missed the NO-NO lol. :|

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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Here's a list of 52 US no-go zones ("the US cities to avoid at all costs" per the article) Non-Christians can be beaten, robbed, even killed if they go there.


Ah, Ok
but I was not talking about the US for the most part
Seems these areas across the pond have existed for some time
Even in the UK they have been talking about this since 08

France has an issue to deal with
The US is going to have an issue to deal with

Just because a news org you love to hate gets it wrong does not mean the whole premise of the issue is flawed
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So, we're talking about the "Huffington Post Effect."

A compilation of news reported by other sources, reported by other sources, reported by other sources, reported by other sources...
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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Been talked about in 2012
Go figure


Real biased interpretation of facts (some are real and some invented by the author).
the "ZSP" exists, but they are not "no go zone for non muslims" they most of the time area of drug dealing where policemen enters only when they are enough. 2 cops won't go inside such areas, 20 will go when needed.
But once again this is not related to religion.
ça passe ou ça frotte

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Been talked about in 2012
Go figure


Real biased interpretation of facts (some are real and some invented by the author).
the "ZSP" exists, but they are not "no go zone for non muslims" they most of the time area of drug dealing where policemen enters only when they are enough. 2 cops won't go inside such areas, 20 will go when needed.
But once again this is not related to religion.

In all fairness, I do not think the jihad and the killings there has anything to do with a relion either
I think this is an ideology hinding behind a religion
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
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Kind of like a white person in the hood after dark, I get that.

Here is fox news with its foot in mouth after "expert" was on about this subject and made up a few no go zones of his own.



Terrorism "expert" Steve Emerson on Fox News this week spread the false claim that the city of Birmingham, England – that country's second most-populous – is made up entirely of Muslims.

I had to laugh at that one. Fox really don't help themselves sometimes.
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Now being at home i watched the video and it's bullshit. Don't trust this "Djihad specialist".

more on the topic

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And favelas are no-go areas for police in Brazil. And reservations are no-go areas for police in the USA. For different reasons, but still.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Nigel Farage is basically the UK's Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Since you probably don't know who that is either, he runs a nationalist, racist political party whose only two campaign platforms are being anti-immigration and anti-EU. He's an expert on the subject of muslim influence in Europe in the same way Ken Ham is an expert on the science of evolution.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Nigel Farage is basically the UK's Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Since you probably don't know who that is either, he runs a nationalist, racist political party who's only two campaign platforms are being anti-immigration and anti-EU. He's an expert on the subject of muslim influence in Europe in the same way Ken Ham is an expert on the science of evolution.

SO you dont agree with him?
thats fine
but being anti imigration in not the same as being a racist
At least to normal people

As for this whole topic
I am learning about it for now
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
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but being anti imigration in not the same as being a racist
At least to normal people

Did I say they are racist because they are anti immigration? No, I said they are racist and they are anti-immigration.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Nigel Farage is basically the UK's Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Since you probably don't know who that is either, he runs a nationalist, racist political party whose only two campaign platforms are being anti-immigration and anti-EU. He's an expert on the subject of muslim influence in Europe in the same way Ken Ham is an expert on the science of evolution.

Ah...so he was like our Tom Tancredo.:ph34r:
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I am learning about it for now

Re UKIP (Nigel Farage's party) they have won a couple of seats around the country by pushing the anti immigration bandwagon, and I think a Tory defected to them in an area where he was a shoo-in as well.
However they are starting to attract the same sorts of people as the BNP who generally only open their mouths to change feet, and genuinely are racist, xenophobic, bigoted and sexist, both in terms of followers and of the politicians themselves. This isn't a left vs right thing, its everyone normal vs the genuinely abhorrent.
The fact that the daily mail tends to love UKIP should be a good clue.....
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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I am learning about it for now

Re UKIP (Nigel Farage's party) they have won a couple of seats around the country by pushing the anti immigration bandwagon, and I think a Tory defected to them in an area where he was a shoo-in as well.
However they are starting to attract the same sorts of people as the BNP who generally only open their mouths to change feet, and genuinely are racist, xenophobic, bigoted and sexist, both in terms of followers and of the politicians themselves. This isn't a left vs right thing, its everyone normal vs the genuinely abhorrent.
The fact that the daily mail tends to love UKIP should be a good clue.....

Liberals today call anyone they dont agree with all the crap you list above
Forgive me if I dont take your word for it
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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