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Another scumbag politician.

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Tommy Tuberville voted against Biden's infrastructure bill and announced it would be a disaster.  Recent tweets where he takes credit for it:

I'm pleased to see Pelham awared a grant to make much-needed infrastructure updates so that Shelby County residents can safely go about their daily routines with minimal disruption.

Broadband is crucial to the success of our rural communities and for our entire economy.  Great to see Alabama receive crucial funds to boost ongoing broadband efforts.

Of course Tubie has also championed his cause of crippling our military by denying approval for any promotions to get back at Biden.  Recent quote on FOX News attempting to blame Biden for this:

Of course we are in a tough time right now because our military is struggling to actually put a group together.

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3 hours ago, billvon said:

Tommy Tuberville voted against Biden's infrastructure bill and announced it would be a disaster.  Recent tweets where he takes credit for it...

Lots of R congresscritters are pretending they were in favor of stuff that is working well.

Of course, like always, they're lying through their teeth.

Fortunately, a lot of Ds are calling them out on it.


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16 minutes ago, ryoder said:


Something tells me that this woman was in a relationship with Bridget Ziegler, but had to claim it was a three way to keep her husband Christian happy.  Then one day Christian and the woman found themselves alone, and he tried to "claim his rights."

Which means he's probably lost the polyamory vote right there.  But he may pick up a few more GOP supporters.

I liked this line: "A voicemail was left with Mr. Ziegler for comment and a message was left at Bridget Ziegler’s school board office. Neither had been returned prior to publishing this story."  So a message, not a voicemail?

I can see it now, her assistant yelling across the crowded City Hall offices; "Hey Brig!  Another call about the three way!  What should I tell em?" "Tell em I'll call them back!"

Also liked a recent DeSantis statement about her: “Bridget Ziegler, we should have her in every county in Florida.  We have to do a better job in these school board races.”  


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Here in Western Australia our premier abruptly resigned about 6 months ago. He has only ever served as a politician and during his tenure as premier his personal wealth increased from approximately $2M to $8M and he grew from 1.71m to 1.78cm as a middle aged man!

He retired on the claim he was exhausted and has a $250k a year pension for life, and yet within 6 months he has taken on not 1 but 4 jobs as an advisor for mining companies lobbying the government. 

As premier he also passed laws that drew criticism from the UN human rights commission, where he placed the interests of big business over the rights of Indigenous peoples sacred places.

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12 hours ago, ryoder said:

And republicans have a problem, since they just kicked Santos out for an arguably less serious set of crimes.  Getting gold bars from the guy who bribed you to stop a criminal investigation into the briber is neither ambiguous nor hard to understand, and there is hard proof in the form of those serialized gold bars.  (And now also proof in the form of the briber's fingerprints on a few hundred thousand in currency found in Menendez's house.)  So how do they justify NOT kicking him out?

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32 minutes ago, billvon said:

And republicans have a problem, since they just kicked Santos out for an arguably less serious set of crimes.  Getting gold bars from the guy who bribed you to stop a criminal investigation into the briber is neither ambiguous nor hard to understand, and there is hard proof in the form of those serialized gold bars.  (And now also proof in the form of the briber's fingerprints on a few hundred thousand in currency found in Menendez's house.)  So how do they justify NOT kicking him out?

Err, I’m assuming the Republican party would quite like to kick him out? Surely more so than his own party, anyway.

Edited by jakee

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On 12/4/2023 at 10:31 PM, ryoder said:

To make it clear, the bars were stolen in an armed robbery, then subsequently recovered and returned.
They were stolen from the guy accused of bribing Menendez.

The key takeaway is that the bars had serial numbers, which were on the police & court documents. 
Those establish that the guy accused of bribing Menendez owned those bars at one time.
Not that they were stolen property when used to bribe Menendez.
Which was my first impression.

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16 minutes ago, wolfriverjoe said:

To make it clear, the bars were stolen in an armed robbery, then subsequently recovered and returned.
They were stolen from the guy accused of bribing Menendez.

The key takeaway is that the bars had serial numbers, which were on the police & court documents. 
Those establish that the guy accused of bribing Menendez owned those bars at one time.
Not that they were stolen property when used to bribe Menendez.
Which was my first impression.

Daibes also signed “property release forms” to get the gold back, which certified that the stolen goods belonged to him. They also found his fingerprints on an envelope containing thousands of dollars in cash in the home of the people he gave the gold bars to.

Like Trump's legal problems, the evidence seems to lead to nothing but guilt.

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1 hour ago, normiss said:

Daibes also signed “property release forms” to get the gold back, which certified that the stolen goods belonged to him. They also found his fingerprints on an envelope containing thousands of dollars in cash in the home of the people he gave the gold bars to.

Like Trump's legal problems, the evidence seems to lead to nothing but guilt.

I reckon he’ll be running for president now.

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Remember Bobo's "first date" groping session with a Democrat?

Well, it looks like she used campaign funds to watch him in the Leadville 100 bike race, just 10 miles outside of her district.

Lauren Boebert used campaign funds to buy tickets to cheer boyfriend Quinn Gallagher on to 774th place in grueling Colorado bike race - weeks before the couple were kicked out of Beetlejuice performance

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Hi folks,

This one may not fit the description of Scumbag Politician; but, it sure is stupid:  “I’m fundamentally changed as a human having gone through something like that,”

Susanna Gibson’s Campaign and the Crisis of Digital Privacy - POLITICO

I simply cannot understand the rationale of doing something so stupid.


Jerry Baumchen

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3 hours ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi folks,

This one may not fit the description of Scumbag Politician; but, it sure is stupid:  “I’m fundamentally changed as a human having gone through something like that,”

Susanna Gibson’s Campaign and the Crisis of Digital Privacy - POLITICO

I simply cannot understand the rationale of doing something so stupid.


Jerry Baumchen

"There’s very little discussion — I saw no discussion in this in particular — of blaming and shaming the political operative." In the current political climate thats not surprising.

Some republicans would mark this whole issue with a badge of pride. Keep in mind that it was just disclosed a day ago that Hunter Biden spent something like $170k on escorts and strip bars.

IMO it can be summed up to the effect that she only lost by 1000 votes. So she should try again.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene explains one of the recent GOOD decisions that was made by Congress:

"The whole NDAA deal was made between Speaker Johnson, Chuck Schumer, and the House Armed Services Committee. And people like me, we didn’t get to participate."

And due to her being excluded - to republican's horror - a bipartisan deal was made, and the military was funded.

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4 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

No kidding? Are they taking credit cards or giving out receipts now? Venmo? Paypal? Did he keep a ledger to show the "Big Guy" where the bribe money was going? 

He spent it on drugs, women, booze and the rest he just wasted.

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Of all the rationales for atrocities throughout history, none are so insidious as "God wants me to do it."  Anything can be explained away with that rationale - genocide, murder, fraud, theft.  Hey, God works in mysterious ways, after all!  And we are just his humble servants carrying out his wishes that we take from the congregation and buy ourselves jets, blow and hookers!  Take from Caesar what is Caesar's and all that.  And Proverbs 21:5 - "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.”  God is telling them to not be poor.

With that in mind it's unsettling to hear this come out of the new speaker: "And then at the end, when it came toward the end, the Lord said, ‘Now, step forward.’ ‘Me? I’m supposed to be Aaron.’ No, the Lord said, ‘Step forward.’ "  Let's hope the next thing the Lord tells him to do doesn't involve young children, untraceable Cayman Island accounts, electoral fraud or an inconvenient (and turbulent) priest.

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