
Political correctness gone mad: Morons request removal of description of criminal suspects

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Yeah, it seems pretty silly, but . . . is there an alternative?

Simply pointing out a problem is only half a solution. Unless a person offers up an actual alternative, then the problem is still a problem.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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‘U’ Students Want Crime Alerts To Avoid Using Racial Descriptions

The letter, sent on Dec. 6, 2013, was issued by members of the African American and African Studies, Black Faculty and Staff Association, Black Graduate and Professional Student Association, Black Men’s Forum, Black Student Union and Huntley House for African American Males.


Yeah, it seems pretty silly, but . . . is there an alternative?

Simply pointing out a problem is only half a solution. Unless a person offers up an actual alternative, then the problem is still a problem.

Acording to the article the letter gave 12 recommendations, so the idea in the headline plus eleven others. Two others mentioned in the article are requiring officers to attend diversity training, and attaching a link on crime alerts to the U’s no-tolerance policy on racial profiling. Those two ain't half bad. The other nine aren't discussed in the article.

So how about this as an alternative... Instead of implementing all the recommendations, discard the stupid ones like the one in the headline and implement the more reasoned ones. How's that?

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Maybe we should also cease reporting the religious affiliation of terrorists, so we don't harm the esteem of other sensitive muslims.

Does reporting religious affiliation of a suspect assist the police (or anyone else ) with catching him/her?

"The suspect is a Baptist female..."
"The suspect is an Episcopalian male..."

Your post is just bigoted and silly.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Does reporting religious affiliation of a suspect assist the police (or anyone else ) with catching him/her?

"The suspect is a Baptist female..."
"The suspect is an Episcopalian male..."

Your post is just bigoted and silly.

It would depend on the religion, wouldn't it?

Catholic priest is pretty easy to spot. Run, young men, run!

Same with orthodox Jewish male, or Sihkhs, or Muslim women.

Have any Arab terrorist stooped to shaving ahead of their acts to blend in?

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Does reporting religious affiliation of a suspect assist the police (or anyone else ) with catching him/her?

"The suspect is a Baptist female..."
"The suspect is an Episcopalian male..."

Your post is just bigoted and silly.

It would depend on the religion, wouldn't it?

Catholic priest is pretty easy to spot. Run, young men, run!

Same with orthodox Jewish male, or Sihkhs, or Muslim women.

Have any Arab terrorist stooped to shaving ahead of their acts to blend in?

Muslim <> Arab. The world's largest predominantly Muslim nation is not Arab. Neither is the 2nd largest. Nor the 3rd largest. In fact Arabs only comprise about 20% of the world's Muslims.

Lots of Muslim men are clean shaven. Many Muslim women wear completely western clothing.

Orthodox Jewish? or could be ZZ Top.

You are too quick to stereotype.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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To require a solution you have to think it's an actual problem as opposed to just an idiotic point of view.

I'd like to elaborate on this point a bit because I think it's important beyond just this particular topic. There's a way of thinking that needs recognizing.

You have to remember that there is one alleged problem and one known problem in this story. The alleged problem is that there is racial profiling going on, which may very well be the case. The known problem is that there are groups that exist for the promotion of black people that are concerned that there is racial profiling going on. These groups of people made 12 recommendations to address these concerns. What you cannot do is allow these recommendations to rescope the issue into twelve seperate problems that are uniquely addressed by these twelve recommendations, all deserving their own consideration, and all demanding their own alternatives.

In other words, the simple fact that the word "black" shows up in police alerts frequently is in no uncertain terms not a problem in and of itself and thusly there is no need to address that directly as an issue.

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To require a solution you have to think it's an actual problem as opposed to just an idiotic point of view.

Please do not introduce logic into this.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Oh please! If an irish catholic blows up a school then the public knowing they are irish catholic might help catch them in an irish catholic church.
If a white supremacist blows up a jewish deli then the description of them being white supremacist might point you toward finding them with the other skinhead assholes in the supremacist compound or church.
If an islamic jihadist blows shit up then the description of them being muslim might help to find them in a radicalized mosque.
All the things that describe a person including race,height,weight,scars,limp,radical religious beliefs,ect can and should be used to both catch suspects,and to give warning to other potential victims of the increased threat posed by the described suspect.

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I read the article, but not the underlying letter. There is no logic behind what I read.

A murderer is on the loose. If I use two words to describe the murderer: 'Black' eliminates 87% of the US population. 'Male' eliminates 52% of the US population. Between those two words, I've narrowed my search to roughly 6 out of every 100 persons. Why would I NOT do so? If I knew his name and SSN, I would broadcast that.

The evidence does not suggest racial profiling. It suggests good police work. If the majority of calls are describing a black male (as the article suggests), then the question is whether the description is ordinarily accurate.

If the majority of crimes are being committed by black males, this same community of organizations that promote themselves as champions of the black male should look internally for their solutions.

If the majority of crimes are being committed by black males, then a brief statistical analysis would suggest the police should be looking for a black male even in crimes where those details are not known. (If 85% of recent car thefts are by a purple labrador and a car has been stolen; look for a purple labrador. The odds are with you.)

If the majority of crimes are being perpetrated by purple labradors and the police are broadcasting and looking for black males, then they probably have a problem with racial profiling.

When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. When your organization's purpose for existing is racially motivated, every problem looks like racism.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Maybe we should also cease reporting the religious affiliation of terrorists, so we don't harm the esteem of other sensitive muslims.

I doubt reporting on the fact that most terrorists in the USA are White Christians will bother most Muslims in the slightest.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Orthodox Jewish? or could be ZZ Top.

O sordid sins of omission! Why do you hate Bill Booth?

I had to look up Bill Booth. Thanks for the indirect history of skydiving lesson.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Muslim <> Arab.

what does that mean? i suspect it is supposed to mean "not equal to" judging by context. the correct accepted symbol is " != " if i recall correctly. it is still an equals sign with a line through it, but they use this for keyboards now.
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

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^ It's not equal to in some SQL versions.


A murderer is on the loose. If I use two words to describe the murderer: 'Black' eliminates 87% of the US population. 'Male' eliminates 52% of the US population. Between those two words, I've narrowed my search to roughly 6 out of every 100 persons. Why would I NOT do so? If I knew his name and SSN, I would broadcast that.

That's great unless you only have resources to follow up on 1%. It distracts and misleads from actual police work. That's the actual argument against this sort of thing--nothing to do with feelings.

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You lost me with that argument. It sounds like you are saying that if you can't narrow the field to only what you can handle, you should not narrow the field at all.

Please rephrase. Thanks.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Does reporting religious affiliation of a suspect assist the police (or anyone else ) with catching him/her?

"The suspect is a Baptist female..."
"The suspect is an Episcopalian male..."

Your post is just bigoted and silly.

It would depend on the religion, wouldn't it?

Catholic priest is pretty easy to spot. Run, young men, run!

Same with orthodox Jewish male, or Sihkhs, or Muslim women.

Have any Arab terrorist stooped to shaving ahead of their acts to blend in?

Muslim <> Arab. The world's largest predominantly Muslim nation is not Arab. Neither is the 2nd largest. Nor the 3rd largest. In fact Arabs only comprise about 20% of the world's Muslims.

Lots of Muslim men are clean shaven. Many Muslim women wear completely western clothing.

Orthodox Jewish? or could be ZZ Top.

You are too quick to stereotype.

Well said Sir.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Muslim <> Arab.

what does that mean? i suspect it is supposed to mean "not equal to" judging by context. the correct accepted symbol is " != " if i recall correctly. it is still an equals sign with a line through it, but they use this for keyboards now.

Correct by whose standard, young'un?

I'm sure there are those here who remember .NE.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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^ It's not equal to in some SQL versions.


A murderer is on the loose. If I use two words to describe the murderer: 'Black' eliminates 87% of the US population. 'Male' eliminates 52% of the US population. Between those two words, I've narrowed my search to roughly 6 out of every 100 persons. Why would I NOT do so? If I knew his name and SSN, I would broadcast that.

That's great unless you only have resources to follow up on 1%. It distracts and misleads from actual police work. That's the actual argument against this sort of thing--nothing to do with feelings.

<> is valid in a lot of Basic's & Pascal
!= is valid in C, C++, Java, C# and all the other influenced by C
~= is valid in Matlab

Most SQL implementations accept both != and <>.
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

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