
EPA Free, the way to be?

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Well, if the American Economy was growing like China's, that would help Americans.
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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>Well, if the American Economy was growing like China's, that would help Americans.

I'd much rather live in a place where we grow slowly but can breathe the air. If you prefer China's air - it's just an airplane ticket away.

There you go confusing freeing up the economy with "the right want's dirty air and dirty water" again.

No I don't want a cup of frack water. No I don't want all my essential minerals in one breath.

Yes, I would like to start my own business and be able to compete against the major corporations on a level playing field...:S
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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Yes, I would like to start my own business and be able to compete against the major corporations on a level playing field...

Major corporations have more money. It will never be a level playing field.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Major corporations have more money. It will never be a level playing field.

Wendy P.

Maybe so, but we could start by ensuring that we are all paying the same tax rates, cutting out special loop holes that the rich lobby for, and ending legalized monopolies in the name of "regulations".

Either that, or let me be the president's "Economics Czar" for a while so I can get all the same special considerations as Jeffrey Imelt...:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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***>Well, if the American Economy was growing like China's, that would help Americans.

I'd much rather live in a place where we grow slowly but can breathe the air. If you prefer China's air - it's just an airplane ticket away.

There you go confusing freeing up the economy with "the right want's dirty air and dirty water" again.

No I don't want a cup of frack water. No I don't want all my essential minerals in one breath.

Yes, I would like to start my own business and be able to compete against the major corporations on a level playing field...:S

I think its hilarious that you are using China as a model.
Overbearing government and massive intervention in all areas of life, particularly commerce.
And you can start your own business and compete, you just have to do it better than them. Capitalism is a bitch huh?
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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******>Well, if the American Economy was growing like China's, that would help Americans.

I'd much rather live in a place where we grow slowly but can breathe the air. If you prefer China's air - it's just an airplane ticket away.

There you go confusing freeing up the economy with "the right want's dirty air and dirty water" again.

No I don't want a cup of frack water. No I don't want all my essential minerals in one breath.

Yes, I would like to start my own business and be able to compete against the major corporations on a level playing field...:S

I think its hilarious that you are using China as a model.
Overbearing government and massive intervention in all areas of life, particularly commerce.
And you can start your own business and compete, you just have to do it better than them. Capitalism is a bitch huh?

Why not? The left praises Chairman Mao's social engineering agenda as a model for their social utopia...;)
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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Yes, I would like to start my own business and be able to compete against the major corporations on a level playing field...:S

China and Russia are examples of extremely unlevel playing fields, where winners may find themselves being jailed and their well built companies getting repossessed.

It's a much fairer game here.

Anyone who has ever been inside China, particularly in the interior, can appreciate those photos. Without even having to breathe hard, your eyes can burn from the particulate pollution. The articles this week talked about China's goal to get its use of coal down to 65% of its energy needs (from 68), by 2017.

Wonder how many coal miners die there each year.

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Sure because environmental issues do not have any effect on jobs. Except when your govt shuts down your City because of the pollution.

I am really looking froward to the chemical laced water I will get out of my well once the EPA is gone... because as we all know, benzine is a naturally occurring ingredient in fresh water...


I could go on, but I expect I am talking to a door.

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*********>Well, if the American Economy was growing like China's, that would help Americans.

I'd much rather live in a place where we grow slowly but can breathe the air. If you prefer China's air - it's just an airplane ticket away.

There you go confusing freeing up the economy with "the right want's dirty air and dirty water" again.

No I don't want a cup of frack water. No I don't want all my essential minerals in one breath.

Yes, I would like to start my own business and be able to compete against the major corporations on a level playing field...:S

I think its hilarious that you are using China as a model.
Overbearing government and massive intervention in all areas of life, particularly commerce.
And you can start your own business and compete, you just have to do it better than them. Capitalism is a bitch huh?

Why not? The left praises Chairman Mao's social engineering agenda as a model for their social utopia...;)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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If you prefer China's air - it's just an airplane ticket away.

If you prefer England's gun laws......

Or single-payer healthcare . . .
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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There are Brits who don't like their single-payer healthcare. But the majority that I know of do, in fact, like it. They don't love it, but most Americans don't love their healthcare, either. From wikipedia (the source of the data is provided in wikipedia)

Of hospital inpatients, 92% said they were satisfied with their treatment; 87% of GP users were satisfied with their GP; 87% of hospital outpatients were satisfied with the service they received; and 70% of Accident and Emergency department users reported being satisfied.[12] But when asked whether they agreed with the question "My local NHS is providing me with a good service” only 67% of those surveyed agreed with it, and only 51% agreed with the statement “The NHS is providing a good service"

. So no matter how general the statement, it's positive. The last one (the most general, and not based on actual experience) is the least positive.

It's hardly the be-all and end-all, but how many government services have that much support in the US?

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Have any MTBE in your well? If so, thank Congress and the EPA. When the 1990 Amendments passed to the Clean Air Act, it effectively mandated MTBE for compliance with the new standards. Which the EPA didn't have any problem with. Now that there's a greater capacity for ethanol (of course, at the cost of domestic water, fertilizers, etc).

Regarding China - one can see what happens in a place where individual rights are not a part of the equation. In fact, in a place where what the people get is controlled by government who decides what is "best" for the people ends up just like this. And considering that our government's policy is that it is best for America and its workers that manufacturing occur in China versus here so that we have a place to loan us money and foreign sources of cheap manufactured goods that our beloved corporations can import and sell to us.

Pollution is worst where individual rights are fewest.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Have any MTBE in your well? If so, thank Congress and the EPA. When the 1990 Amendments passed to the Clean Air Act, it effectively mandated MTBE for compliance with the new standards. Which the EPA didn't have any problem with. Now that there's a greater capacity for ethanol (of course, at the cost of domestic water, fertilizers, etc).

You have a case of the fight for cleaner air in California colliding with the ongoing fight for clean water. And it wasn't a pretty story - early on you could see the end result. But the mandate wasn't for MTBE, it was for oxygenates, and MTBE was far cheaper.

When we ditched MTBE, California did petition to be exempted from the requirement to use ethanol, arguing that the requirements could be met without it. Dear old Bush, still smarting from losing California, sent us a nice Fuck You, and continued the support for the corn industry. Obama continues it with the reckless push to E85.

So yes, politics are still present. But...the air quality in California is markedly better now than it was in the 80s, despite far more people living here.

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