
Rangel: Jesus Said You're Going to Hell if You Don't Support Food Stamps, Social Security

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His beliefs. Just as bad as telling people that they're going to Hell if they vote pro-choice, or are in favor of gay marriage.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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His beliefs. Just as bad as telling people that they're going to Hell if they vote pro-choice, or are in favor of gay marriage.

Wendy P.

This is also the idiot who said, "NYC voters will forget Weiner 'sexting' scandal by Dem primary". http://thehill.com/homenews/house/313181-rangel-voters-will-forget-weiner-sexting-scandal-by-dem-primary. Makes you wonder about the caliber of people who would believe anything out of his mouth. Something about ethics violations still hound this guy.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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The amount he owes on back taxes is enough to feed about thirty families for a year.
Ya, know, I don't respect his politics, but he is quite a character.
We're never going to agree and I tend to give him grace and latitude for his actions during the Korean conflict.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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The amount he owes on back taxes is enough to feed about thirty families for a year.
Ya, know, I don't respect his politics, but he is quite a character.
We're never going to agree and I tend to give him grace and latitude for his actions during the Korean conflict.

I do admire him for his service in uniform but little else.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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His beliefs. Just as bad as telling people that they're going to Hell if they vote pro-choice, or are in favor of gay marriage.

Wendy P.

Rangels hell would be heaven
So I am ok with what he said
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Makes you wonder about the caliber of people who would believe anything out of his mouth. Something about ethics violations still hound this guy.

The very same thing could be said about those who supported Bush and Cheney not long ago while the country was deliberately being lied to.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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His beliefs. Just as bad as telling people that they're going to Hell if they vote pro-choice, or are in favor of gay marriage.

Wendy P.

How do you know that isn't true though?:o
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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***Makes you wonder about the caliber of people who would believe anything out of his mouth. Something about ethics violations still hound this guy.

The very same thing could be said about those who supported Bush and Cheney not long ago while the country was deliberately being lied to.

This is how shit lousy democrats have become. Acting like Bush or Cheney is considered an actual defense.

Giving the guy some slack for his Korean service is like giving Duke Cunningham slack because he was a fighter ace.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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***Makes you wonder about the caliber of people who would believe anything out of his mouth. Something about ethics violations still hound this guy.

The very same thing could be said about those who supported Bush and Cheney not long ago while the country was deliberately being lied to.They went with what they had from the CIA as did every democrat who voted for war. Just where did Sadam's WMD go? I would believe this before anything from democrats. This is old news, but somehow it never made the US papers. http://www.worldthreats.com/?p=49

Do you think Rangel relies on the CIA when he tells his whoppers and references to Jesus or do you think he did it the old fashioned way by pulling it out of his ass?
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Didnt JC also say something about teaching a man to fish?

......and what an amazing man he was. I am searching for the Bible verse that describes how he tied his ass to a tree and walked 13 miles to Jericho, but that might have been Joseph... too much information.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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******Anyone who intentionally misquotes scripture is intstantly suspect.

I said I was searching, and unfortunately, I have had no success.

I was referring to Rangel.Oops. I was feeling guilty.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Jesus, as an observant Jew, would have adhered to Mitzvot regarding the poor, needy, downtrodden and what have you. Under archaic Hebrew traditions, failing to look out for those down on their luck is a pretty serious sin, this in a book that mandates capital punishment for calling your mother a whore if she turns tricks.

BTW, there is no mention in the Torah of 'heaven,' 'hell' or 'the devil' of any kind.

None of this, however, translates into a government run program of any kind. The 'logic' whereby Jesus reportedly referred to commandments that one must look after the poor, Food Stamps and Social Security look after the poor, therefore opposing Food Stamps and Social Security will get you a ticket to Hell is an interesting take on the whole process.

Of course, to some of us it only goes to show that Charlie Rangel is a world-class schmuck, but that goes without saying to anyone who has followed his career even in passing.



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Didnt JC also say something about teaching a man to fish?

Yes, He did. The problem now is, the animal rights folks don't want you fishing or hunting. If you go dumpster diving, you get accused of digging into peoples 'privacy'. About the only other choice is road-kill.


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***Didnt JC also say something about teaching a man to fish?

Yes, He did. The problem now is, the animal rights folks don't want you fishing or hunting. If you go dumpster diving, you get accused of digging into peoples 'privacy'. About the only other choice is road-kill.


In many places, harvesting after a road-kill is illegal. In MD, it's considered poaching unless you obtain a Road Kill Tag for it.
WSCR 594
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******Didnt JC also say something about teaching a man to fish?

Yes, He did. The problem now is, the animal rights folks don't want you fishing or hunting. If you go dumpster diving, you get accused of digging into peoples 'privacy'. About the only other choice is road-kill.


In many places, harvesting after a road-kill is illegal. In MD, it's considered poaching unless you obtain a Road Kill Tag for it.

:S:SWhat a crazy mixed up world

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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******Didnt JC also say something about teaching a man to fish?

Yes, He did. The problem now is, the animal rights folks don't want you fishing or hunting. If you go dumpster diving, you get accused of digging into peoples 'privacy'. About the only other choice is road-kill.


In many places, harvesting after a road-kill is illegal. In MD, it's considered poaching unless you obtain a Road Kill Tag for it.

One would have to get a 'Road Kill Tag' first? Isn't that like 'self incrimination' and showing intent you intend to hunt with your vehicle? :S


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*********Didnt JC also say something about teaching a man to fish?

Yes, He did. The problem now is, the animal rights folks don't want you fishing or hunting. If you go dumpster diving, you get accused of digging into peoples 'privacy'. About the only other choice is road-kill.


In many places, harvesting after a road-kill is illegal. In MD, it's considered poaching unless you obtain a Road Kill Tag for it.

One would have to get a 'Road Kill Tag' first? Isn't that like 'self incrimination' and showing intent you intend to hunt with your vehicle? :S


Well, there's bow season and gun season; maybe's there's a car season? :ph34r:
WSCR 594
FB 1023

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