
LGBT Not So Sweet

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Maybe I want to have my cake and eat it too. I am very supportive of gay right. But I also think there has to be a balance. I don't think gays should be legally denied by a state from having a recognized marriage, but I think the religious institution (even though I think they are idiots) should have the right to not participate in gay weddings.

Since when is a bakery a religious institution?
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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>Since when is a bakery a religious institution?

Ever since the Church of the Flying Cannoli Monster opened.

like any other response even expected with that question

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>Since when is a bakery a religious institution?

Ever since the Church of the Flying Cannoli Monster opened.

I'll leave the religion; Take the cannoli.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Now for the record; a women and her mother went into this facility to buy a wedding cake. When the owner ( the guy ) asked what they would the cake to read, they responded with something like 'Congratulations Nancy & Susan,' that is when he refused to provide the cake because he said that he did not believe in that lifestyle.

A few weeks ago I went to a AA baseball game here in Akron that was supporting the Gay Games 2014, happening in Cleveland and Akron next year.

I seriously don't want this to digress into a discussion about the need for "Gay Games"

Anyway... I'm standing at a booth with a couple of friends filling out a form for a free registration and this guy walks up in "free stuff" mode. Starts to fill out a form..

Then he says "wait.. this is gay?"

Me: Yeah, but on this level, it's just sports..

Him: I can't support this

Me: It's just sports


But I'm married

Me: (huh)

Me: It's just sports. You don't have to suck dick to watch

Him: I can't support this.

I know that someone will ask why there's a need for "gay games"

Reference the 2014 Olympics in Russia for your answer
Owned by Remi #?

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I don't think gays should be legally denied by a state from having a recognized marriage, but I think the religious institution (even though I think they are idiots) should have the right to not participate in gay weddings

Agreed :)
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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Hi Lyra,


Does anybody have any further info on what exactly this group did?

***Are they really using those phrases to describe a group that staged a simple protest/boycott of a business, or did this group actually maliciously attack them?

Once again: I live here. Every day I read my entire newspaper. Every day I listen to the nightly news.

I have heard zero about any 'militant activists,' and 'mob tactics,' and 'maliciously attack them.'

There were some folks with signs in their hands in front of the business a couple of times. They were civil and did not stop anyone from entering the business.

Re: 'or did this group actually maliciously attack them? Stand outside their business with pitchforks? Stop people from entering the store? Deface their store front? Throw eggs at them?'

Nope, this IMO is all loony-toon horse-puckey.


I figured as much. In that case, it's really sad that an article laced with such wording is out about this case. Sounds like it couldn't be farther from the truth.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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***If the yuppie going into the soul food restaurant chops his fried chicken into little bitty pieces and mixes it with the collards -- does the owner get to object? How about if he does it with his take-out selection?

this is a great point -

The breakdown is people being too much into each other's business.

the bakery owner can sell a cake
the customer can buy a cake

cake leaves store - the owner has nothing to do with it

why does the owner even need to know the details
why does the customer feel obliged to give the details

it's a business transaction, not a social statement - both these groups seem to have forgotten that

Now that makes perfect since to me.

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Hi Channman,

Not picking on you, just that you were the first posting.

Here's some more:


The laws in this state are being enforced, as they should be.

Some may disagree, so be it.


Thanks Jerry, I thought this post moved into the archive section days ago. Stay safe, as I'm waiting on a line of thunder storms to move past before getting the Piper Saratoga back into the air.

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If they are right there, helping him out as he attacks me? Yes, then they are part of the attack, and it's useful to stop all the people attacking me.

I know this is a clarfication at best, or snarky at worst since I hope the inference wasn't so full of holes. But, Let's get back to this, it's pertinent.

I don't see how you make the call on what "helping" him with the attack is. If you want to explore the grey areas, then that's fine, but we know that in cases of social issues, like the bakery, there are people that are reasonable about what active help includes, but there are also fanatics that would not be satisfied until the culprit, all his family, and anyone that smiled blankly at him at the mall are all ostracized and belittled.

So in the analogy, what do you do about the freak that decides the parents need to be punished just based on the existence of their kid alone. And all his friends, and his landlord, etc.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>So in the analogy, what do you do about the freak that decides the parents need
>to be punished just based on the existence of their kid alone.

If the parents are still supporting the guy? (i.e. letting him live at their house, giving him an allowance, covering for him) Then I'd tell the freak "dude, make sure they know what their son is doing and tell them what their actions support - but you don't need to punish them for what their son did."

If they are no longer supporting the guy? Then he's completely out of line.

Let's ask you a similar question. From your example:

A bully attacks you. You Judo flip him (because you don't need a gun or a pointy stick, dammit). Is it useful for you to then kick him in the head a few times, and then go judo flip his teachers and parents?

Let's say you know the guy who attacked me, and you go to the same dojo he does. You ask his teachers about him.

"Yeah, that's old Kenny, he's quite a card. We taught him everything he knows. Great street fighter."

"Do you know he's attacking people in the street?"

"I heard that. But that's his choice. He pays his bills on time, and he's one of our most loyal customers. We could use more like him."

Would you continue to go to that dojo?

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"I heard that. But that's his choice. He pays his bills on time, and he's one of our most loyal customers. We could use more like him."

Would you continue to go to that dojo?

If it had a cool Cobra Kai emblem I sure would :)

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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"I heard that. But that's his choice. He pays his bills on time, and he's one of our most loyal customers. We could use more like him."

Would you continue to go to that dojo?

If it had a cool Cobra Kai emblem I sure would :)

Wendy P.

That's what I thought!>:(
I go to the Miyagi Dojo!

Don't make me go all "Crane" on your ass!B|
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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