
Thoughts on Syria

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First, it was also "Confirmed" by the G.W. administration that Iraq had WMD's.... And despite what SOME people on this thread say, no I DO NOT blindly believe what ANY news source or government tells me. (That comment still pisses me off.)

In this case, it's been confirmed by at least the French and UK governments, as well as journalists who brought back samples to France. Nerve gas was mentioned.

This being said, I agree with your comments about any involvement should be done as part of a UN initiative.

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So with that being said, isn't it also possible that perhaps our confirmations should be backed up and presented to the UN Security Council or something before we start shipping more weapons into an historically unstable region?

but somewhat related to lamentations about Israel violating UN resolutions, Russia and likely China will block any UN action on the subject. The Security Council is entirely a political body, not a global oversight bureau.

I'm happy to sit it out for many reasons, but let's not pretend that our inaction, or "leaving it to the UN", won't have direct consequences.

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It's amazing to me that this has become a discussion about Israel. Here we have evil in the Syrian government fighting with evil in the name of the rebels. Hezbollah vs. Al Qaeda.

And Israel is what's being discussed.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Oh my god the delusions of evil islamists taking over the world are abound. Tell me again, who supplies, trains, fiunds rebel forces with weapons in hopes of overthrowing governments and replacing them with factions sympathetic to their own interests, disregarding human rights and moral obligation in the name of their own self righteousness??

And what exactly are the motives behind our obligations to Israel? Is it ideological? Are we, the USA, somehow defending "God's Promise" by helping the poor, persecuted Israelis? Heck no.

I'm back. We Infidels do love our BBQ pork. Please forgive my naivety, but I didn't realize I was sparing with someone with such a deep hatred for the " Children of Abraham". Is this something you picked up in kindergarten? Please explain your hatred. Where did you acquire this disillusion? Did this come out of a mosque, or were you brain washed in some refugee camp or from daddy and mommy?
The darkness of "evil islamists" isn't about some large army overthrowing governments. It's about simple everyday infiltration from the lowest to the highest echelons of government. It is also about tying up our courts, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies. It is an army from within the host country. So far we have kept you at bay with a few failures like 9-11, the Boston Bombings, and multiple murders across the US, but over all, I think you are in check. Regarding NSA, do all your planning in the local mosque. Until barack leaves, mosques are off limits to NSA and the FBI.:D:D:ph34r:
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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My letter to Congress just yesterday:

June 14, 2013
Congressman Gus Bilirakis
5901 Argerian Drive, Suite 102
Wesley Chapel, FL 33545-4220

Dear Congressman:

We now see a continuing move towards intervention and involvement in the civil war in Syria. I cannot even begin to express how much I OBJECT to our involvement.

Bottom line is that the USA cannot afford another war. If you want to go to war, then I am OK with it as long as every person in the USA gets a bill in the mail each month to pay for it. Then you might really see the actually support that exists for such a move.

We are justifying this possible intervention based upon the use of chemical weapons? Weapons that ‘might’ have killed a few hundred people? What about the conventional weaponry that has killed 90,000 people already? What the USA is saying is that we are NOT concerned with the numbers of people killed, but the method by which they are killed. I am sure that is great console to the families of tens of thousands of dead people. :S

I might remind you of the hundreds of thousands of people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan at the hands of the USA and its allies. Let’s try not to pretend that we somehow care about human life – because apparently we do not.

30,000-40,000 children starve to death in the world every day. Just to name one of the many larger issues that face humanity today.

Stay out of Syria altogether. The proper way to do it is to put up a Paypal donation page and let those who care about Syria freely donate their own money to the cause. I for one, do not want to see my taxpayer dollars spent fighting a civil war that will likely result in the implementation of another extreme Islamic regime in the Middle East.

David Hayes
Zephyrhills, FL
.cc US Senators Bill Nelson & Marco Rubio

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My thoughts on Syria? America never fucking learns. The rebels already have plenty of firearms and ammo thanks to the Saudi's but are getting a kicking because of the Tanks and airstrikes, therefore the only way the USA can really assist is by provision of training and supply or SAM and anti armour weapon systems. Next thing after that is some Jihadi loon taking down a civilian aircraft with US supplied system, better trained Jihadi's US soldiers killed by the people they're supposed to be training, or a Hezbollah strike on the USA or the Training team followed by an escalation... Leave it the fuck alone.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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No problem...it worked out so well in Rwanda. :S

How many Rwandans have committed terror attacks against US interests?
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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is Al Qaeda not an enemy of the US?

Why would you arm your enemy?

Historic precedence?
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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It's amazing to me that this has become a discussion about Israel. Here we have evil in the Syrian government fighting with evil in the name of the rebels. Hezbollah vs. Al Qaeda.

And Israel is what's being discussed.

Because you can't ignore the elephant in the room.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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My thoughts on Syria? America never fucking learns. The rebels already have plenty of firearms and ammo thanks to the Saudi's but are getting a kicking because of the Tanks and airstrikes, therefore the only way the USA can really assist is by provision of training and supply or SAM and anti armour weapon systems. Next thing after that is some Jihadi loon taking down a civilian aircraft with US supplied system, better trained Jihadi's US soldiers killed by the people they're supposed to be training, or a Hezbollah strike on the USA or the Training team followed by an escalation... Leave it the fuck alone.

Unfortunately, there are those within the US State Department and Congress that think they can send a bag of these high tech weapons to our "friends" and buy them back. Can't anyone remember the CIA trying to buy back and account for all those Stinger Missiles after the Russians packed up and left Afghanistan?
These dopes really think they can snap their fingers and say, "wars over; now give us back our stuff". As for those nasty Russians, it would be cheaper and more healthful to be friends with them.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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[Reply]Because you can't ignore the elephant in the room.

True. Like when the guy with the machine gun is spraying the circus - damn. That elephant is just sitting there.

But on another subject - will there be background checks on the recipients of these weapons that we're sending?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I will say thank you, though, for bringing up the USS Liberty. I wasn't going to mention it.

Are you really thanking yourself for bringing up USS Liberty because you weren't going to mention it?:S
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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It's amazing to me that this has become a discussion about Israel. Here we have evil in the Syrian government fighting with evil in the name of the rebels. Hezbollah vs. Al Qaeda.

And Israel is what's being discussed.

Well, DUH, they ARE land stealing Jews, and you can't be a fan of God unless you are Islamic.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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[Reply]Because you can't ignore the elephant in the room.

True. Like when the guy with the machine gun is spraying the circus - damn. That elephant is just sitting there.

But on another subject - will there be background checks on the recipients of these weapons that we're sending?

And a three day waiting period.

I also demand that they receive a full blown psyche test and evaluation before they are allowed to handle their weapons.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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The plot thickens...


Iran to send 4,000 troops to aid President Assad forces in Syria
World Exclusive: US urges UK and France to join in supplying arms to Syrian rebels as MPs fear that UK will be drawn into growing conflict

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***[Reply]Because you can't ignore the elephant in the room.

True. Like when the guy with the machine gun is spraying the circus - damn. That elephant is just sitting there.

But on another subject - will there be background checks on the recipients of these weapons that we're sending?

And a three day waiting period.

I also demand that they receive a full blown psyche test and evaluation before they are allowed to handle their weapons.http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2013/03/07/irans-new-arash-20mm-shoulder-fired-anti-material-rifle-with-barrett-bors-clone/ It's too late for Fathers Day. Better get 'em before Christmas before some liberal bans them. I'm sure our friendly-nation State Department would make an exception for these in the interest of cultural diversity with our iranian friends.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Going into Syria makes less sense than going into Iraq

Hell, even many Dems wonder what the hell he is up to
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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This is what I'm talking about. First, yes Israel MUST be discussed because it is Israel's security that is the main concern with the conflict in Syria... The concern isn't with the Syrians themselves. Like I said before, this isnt about a humanitarian issue, not is it about oil. This is about Israel's security.

Secondly, and I want to be CRYSTAL clear here. Yes, I despise the fact that Israel's well being is continually put to the forefront. Yes, I despise that Israel gets away with as much as they do... As much as the U.S gets away with. That's ISRAEL, buddy, not Jews. It IS possible to dislike a government without foolheartedly hating it's people.

And THAT'S why I brought up the quote. Say something bad about Israel, and you're immediately labeled an anti-semite. You're the ignorant one here, not I.

Your comments reek of ignorance, suggesting a bigoted hatred of Jews, that I was brainwashed in Kindergarten because I disagree with Israel's policies? If you think that Israel isn't as much of a cause of the problems we have in the region today as 1) neighboring Arab countries and 2) the blind support of the U.S. then all I can really say to you is that yes, Ignorance must be bliss.

If anyone wants to ignore the fact that Islam has become a sacpegoat for warmongering military actions, the forcefed teachings of hate toward people of middle eastern descent, and blind borderline ultranationalism by a lot of people in the U.S., then more power to them... But don't rag on me for calling out what is clearly the REAL elephant in the room.

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This is what I'm talking about. First, yes Israel MUST be discussed because it is Israel's security that is the main concern with the conflict in Syria... The concern isn't with the Syrians themselves. Like I said before, this isnt about a humanitarian issue, not is it about oil. This is about Israel's security.

Secondly, and I want to be CRYSTAL clear here. Yes, I despise the fact that Israel's well being is continually put to the forefront. Yes, I despise that Israel gets away with as much as they do... As much as the U.S gets away with. That's ISRAEL, buddy, not Jews. It IS possible to dislike a government without foolheartedly hating it's people.

And THAT'S why I brought up the quote. Say something bad about Israel, and you're immediately labeled an anti-semite. You're the ignorant one here, not I.

Your comments reek of ignorance, suggesting a bigoted hatred of Jews, that I was brainwashed in Kindergarten because I disagree with Israel's policies? If you think that Israel isn't as much of a cause of the problems we have in the region today as 1) neighboring Arab countries and 2) the blind support of the U.S. then all I can really say to you is that yes, Ignorance must be bliss.

If anyone wants to ignore the fact that Islam has become a sacpegoat for warmongering military actions, the forcefed teachings of hate toward people of middle eastern descent, and blind borderline ultranationalism by a lot of people in the U.S., then more power to them... But don't rag on me for calling out what is clearly the REAL elephant in the room.

So how come you're living in the USA?
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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So how come you're living in the USA?

Tread carefully, friend. You don't know me, my story, where I've been, what I've done any more than I know you/yours. It takes all kinds, opinions, and ideas to make the US work. Even more importantly, it takes tolerance and acceptance of those whom you don't agree.

Clearly we don't agree.. But you don't see me questioning your alliegance, do you?

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