
Storm hype at an all time high?

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As much as I'm concerned for the East Coast this storm is being hyped by the media who love a good disaster story in the making with headlines like Sandy threatens 'catastrophe' or 'HISTORY-MAKING' SANDY STRENGTHENS, HOOKS LEFT TOWARD EAST COAST. I think this is all reaction forced by Katrina. No government official wants to look like they were unprepared, and the media is tired of talking about the election.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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I think it is a case of who it is aimed at rather than the overall damage capacity. The south is used to 'canes and let's face it just isn't as significant in the national (media's) psyche as is New York. It isn't that much different than the difference in coverage when a storm hits Mexico vs the southern US.

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The last time a large (geographically) slow moving storm hit that area, my families in No. VA. were without power for about 10 days and clean drinking water for 4. It flooded the water treatment plants. It is a cause for concern and preparedness, but yes, the media is hyping it up pretty strongly due to the nature of the affected area. But OTOH, the more people that are aware and prepared, the better. So it's not so much a bad thing in my eyes, just gets old.
In every man's life he will be allotted one good woman and one good dog. That's all you get, so appreciate them while the time you have with them lasts.

- RiggerLee

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And people say I'm cynical.

If nobody dies nor would have as a result of the storm, then you're 100% right. If cities crumble and fall, there are mass power outages and a significant number of people die, then you're 100% wrong. My guess though is reality is going to end up somewhere between those two extremes. My guess is fewer people will die because of the warnings. In my world, that's a good thing.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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As much as I'm concerned for the East Coast this storm is being hyped by the media who love a good disaster story in the making with headlines like Sandy threatens 'catastrophe' or 'HISTORY-MAKING' SANDY STRENGTHENS, HOOKS LEFT TOWARD EAST COAST. I think this is all reaction forced by Katrina. No government official wants to look like they were unprepared, and the media is tired of talking about the election.

Being in Texas and sitting through Katrina, Rita & Ike...MAYBE the reason they are hyping it is because people don't take it as seriously as they should.

Run a few million people outta food, water & power for a week and watch how 'society' breaks down...:|

I don't think of it hype as much as 'get ready'...

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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This thing is about to hit an area that doesn't see storms like this very often. In the southeast, it's pretty routine. People take in stride. Folks in the northeast need to be serious about it.

Katrina was a super storm and did a good deal of damage. The real catastrophe was man made, The levies failed and that's what caused the major portion of the damage in New Orleans.
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Louis D Brandeis

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No - this is a big storm hitting the Northeast. Not a particularly strong storm. Not a particularly nasty storm. But a good one that will cause some damage and probably a few deaths.

But it's hitting the Northeast. And that's big news. I myself would like to see a bit less of the "oh this is disastrous and awful and the sky is falling." It's a fricking tropical storm.

There's some political hay to try to make. And press gets good stuff.

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My guess is fewer people will die because of the warnings.

This is math that should be done more often. Too frequently lots of people die from the warnings. Check out Fukushima - more people died fleeing the perceived danger than died from the perceived danger. (Death toll from radiation at zero and holding steady).

And even after the Irene stuff, not much mention of potential for flooding in the northern track of the storm. Storm surge makes great photos. But we still haven't learned, have we?

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Check out Fukushima - more people died fleeing the perceived danger than died from the perceived danger. (Death toll from radiation at zero and holding steady).

I'm not certain that's completely true considering the increased cancer risk over time from radiation, but yes it's possible. However, had the country been able to warn their people say, two days in advance, such as with most hurricanes in our modern satellite era, I doubt there would have been any deaths. Japan is sort of known for swift and non-panicked compliance with such evacuation orders.

So you're really comparing apples and oranges.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Its a Tropical Storm that has snow associated with it ;) We are looking at potentially getting a few inches snow this week off the edges of the storm and depending on the front and where it moves you might be seeing snow in the same areas of the flooding and power outages. Essentially you are getting the damage of a tropical storm in areas of the country that the trees just don't see winds of that speed which will lead to power outages and then will be following it up with temperatures that will be dipping into the low 40's during parts of the storm. At least the Gulf area never has to worry about the roads freezing in the middle of their Hurricanes :D

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Its a Tropical Storm that has snow associated with it

So it's like a nor'easter. Hurricane force winds, coastal flooding and snow are hallmarks of a nor'easter. As is polar cold mixing with warmer water storm.

This is a CLASSIC nor'easter pattern. It's big. Given. It's big. And instead of actually having a storm like a tropical cyclone there is actually a tropical cyclone.

None of these effects have not been seen before.

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Apophis? Where do you get this stuff ;) Had to look that one up.

Hey, right now it's a 1:250,000 chance, but considering the consequences if it were to happen, I think it's worth keeping an eye on.

People play the lotto and have much, much worse odds of "winning."
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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That's just it, it's not a nor'easter. It's a nor'easter converging with a hurricane with 11ft+ of storm surge.
In every man's life he will be allotted one good woman and one good dog. That's all you get, so appreciate them while the time you have with them lasts.

- RiggerLee

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A couple of years ago, they were hyping a snow storm coming. I put it down to "look at me, I'm the Weather guy, I'm super important." Turns out, it WAS a pretty big deal -- got stuck for another couple of days in Atlanta.

Was it snowing in ATL?
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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And if Apophis happens to strike the earth, that too will be nothing "new." However, that doesn't mean it wouldn't be significant.

Remember when the chances were significantly higher? And there was all the hype around it?

What about the swine flu overreaction? That was just a few years ago and I thought it was an overreaction. The fukushima overreaction (which REALLY sucked even more because of the true public health emergency and devastation that occurred to cause the Fukushima issue)?

When "Frankenstorm" was coined I knew it would be a media circus. Which it is.

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Years ago when I still lived in Colorado I remember the media was hyping up a massive blizzard that was set to hit the state. I was at work and one of my colleagues sent out an email to the company telling everyone that they needed to leave work "before this blizzard gets any worse" and someone replied "and what blizzard would that be". The skies were clear and not one flake of snow was falling when this email was sent out. It was funny as hell. As someone who lives in "Wintery" Canada let me tell you, life does not grind to a halt for every storm. Life goes on, people go to work even when Mother Nature is nasty to us. Now I understand Hurricanes pack winds that can be destructive. So weather warnings should be issued. But if every time "History Making" and/or "Snowpocalypse" predictions are made from the media and the storm does not live up to the hype, people just chalk it up to another "Boy Cries Wolf" scenario.

The media is a joke. Every day I lose more and more respect for whatever it is they are peddling.

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We actually got a great deal to Cancun right in the middle of the Swine Flu snow job. Maybe 20 people o n the flight down from CLE. Airport was a ghost town. Had to visit with a medical assistant before they would let you board the return flight. :S

Problem was the beating the poor natives took over a media load of crap. Those people don't have much to begin with.

Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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