
Go set'm SEALS

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search engine on this website kinda sucks

It's more like the fact that the previous poster didn't use a thread title or text that anyone would recognize as being related to this story. Thus, any search for words like "Seals", "hostages" or "Somalia" would not find that thread.

Bravo for the Seals.
Fuck the Somalian kidnappers.

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Bravo for the Seals.
Fuck the Somalian kidnappers.

But this is SC.
I think we should have given them cookies.

Right. Someone will come along with a tirade about how evil America is for invading foreign soil with armed force and murdering citizens of another nation without a proper trial and justice. Damn those evil capitalist pigs!

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Bravo for the Seals.
Fuck the Somalian kidnappers.

I can agree to that.

But this is SC.

I think we should have given them cookies.

What? Like slightly over cooked oatmeal cookies? you hard ass.

If you would have said fruit cake I would have had to ask you about whether or not you support torture....:ph34r:
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Bravo for the Seals.
Fuck the Somalian kidnappers.

But this is SC.
I think we should have given them cookies.

Right. Someone will come along with a tirade about how evil America is for invading foreign soil with armed force and murdering citizens of another nation without a proper trial and justice. Damn those evil capitalist pigs!

Sounding a bit paranoid there John.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
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Someone will come along with a tirade about how evil America is for invading foreign soil with armed force and murdering citizens of another nation without a proper trial and justice. Damn those evil capitalist pigs!

Sounding a bit paranoid there John.

Nope, I just realize how some people think in this forum. Note the following quotes, from another thread on this subject:
"Much better use of SEAL teams than murdering American citizens."

"Well, whatddya know. The military actually being used for actual defense of American citizens for a change."

"Well, a lot of the leadership of al Qaeda got their start fighting against the Evil Empire in Afghanistan- an effort supported to a large extent by the U.S."

"the 9/11 attacks gave the republicans carte blanche to toss the US Constitution in the trash."
There are people that hate America so much that even when the country does something undeniably good, their only response is to still find a way to bash America. That's a reality that I recognize, and that does not make me paranoid.

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JR, I agree with your positions from time to time but this time you're full of shit.

"Hate America so much" my ass. Don't put words in my mouth. Don't you dare. Especially not those words.

My comment was a wry observation of the fact that our government's policies have rendered the word "defense" into a euphemism... attacking every third country on the planet for whatever the excuse du jour is this week is not "defense".

I've got a buddy who put his ass on the line for this country, got blown to hell in Iraq. Few things piss me off more than honorable people misused for imposing foreign policy goals that have nothing to do with the defending they signed up for and everything to do with the greater economic glory of those who did the sending.

I've got quite a few friends who are current or former military and I'll tell you straight up right now, regardless of what I think of the wars they may be used for, I would never...EVER... trash talk or dishonor their service. I recently encountered an ancient crusty Navy carrier man in line at a convenience store. I don't know WHAT all the stuff on his hat meant except that he'd spent an awful lot of his life in action. I stood aside..."You first, sir." He probably thought I was ex-military myself, (I'm not). I bet he doesn't get that from civilians a lot. For me it was just an impulse to show a little respect. He could have been commanding the ship that rescued the Maersk Alabama for all I know.

And so, when the SEALS go kick some righteous ass on some assholes who desperately needed it, in the process actually doing something that -actually- defends American citizens, (i.e. rescuing them), I applaud sincerely.

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JR, I agree with your positions from time to time but this time you're full of shit.

"Hate America so much" my ass. Don't put words in my mouth. Don't you dare. Especially not those words.

My comment was a wry observation of the fact that our government's policies have rendered the word "defense" into a euphemism... attacking every third country on the planet for whatever the excuse du jour is this week is not "defense".

I've got a buddy who put his ass on the line for this country, got blown to hell in Iraq. Few things piss me off more than honorable people misused for imposing foreign policy goals that have nothing to do with the defending they signed up for and everything to do with the greater economic glory of those who did the sending.

I've got quite a few friends who are current or former military and I'll tell you straight up right now, regardless of what I think of the wars they may be used for, I would never...EVER... trash talk or dishonor their service...

And so, when the SEALS go kick some righteous ass on some assholes who desperately needed it, in the process actually doing something that -actually- defends American citizens, (i.e. rescuing them), I applaud sincerely.


Since you respect the military so much, then why did you use a thread intended to praise them for a job well done, to instead introduce something negative? There are plenty of other threads for talking about America's wars and foreign policy. This one was about a job well-done by the SEALs.

I got a buddy who died in the service too: my brother. I've served myself. I have all the respect in the world for people who serve their country. And that's why I don't like seeing a thread intended to praise them, turned into political hate-mongering. It's better to take that somewhere else. My problem is not with your statement, per se, but with the fact that you chose to use this thread to say it.

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>then why did you use a thread intended to praise them for a job well done, to instead
>introduce something negative?

Same reason you did I guess.


What he said. This thread was doing just fine till JohnRich introduced the negative slant.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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What he said. This thread was doing just fine till JohnRich introduced the negative slant.

though John was just referencing someone else's negative comments in another thread, I agree with you - this thread was doing fine without letting it spill over here

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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we are at war for our planit - not at war on our planit
pull the pin Tom - - thats an order sir! Clevland

Having something never beats doing (>|<)
Iam building things - Iam working on my mind- I am going to change this world - its what I came here 4- - -

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I was wondering how this team parachuted in. Did they HALO, HIHO, or static line jump? I'm just curious.

I'm glad to see these special operations were successful. I can recall some that weren't, in the past.

In 1970 or so, there was a prison camp rescue attempt, in Vietnam, that didn't work. Seal and Army S.F. teams went into an enemy camp, that had been abandoned. The prisoners had been moved. Poor intelligence was at fault.

During Jimmy Carter's era there was another rescue attempt in Iran, that failed miserably, (by Seals and Army Special Forces).

I'm glad that they are getting it right, with these current rescue missions. Possibly better training, better intelligence, and equipment are the key in all this.

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