
Which threads are the most boring?

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I'm just looking to identify the members of the choir within this forum.

Cool. I've seen dogs do that, with a different method.

You tell him to class up his language upthread and then bust that out?

Maybe you should take your own advice.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I'm just looking to identify the members of the choir within this forum.

Cool. I've seen dogs do that, with a different method.

You tell him to class up his language upthread and then bust that out?

Maybe you should take your own advice.

Ron and I were have fun in a good-natured exchange. We're both cool with that. How you choose to "spin" it - I guess as part of... what? ... "forum politics"? - is irrelevant.

But more to the point: Seriously, what the fuck's the matter with you, Mike? Maybe others are willing to engage you in this constant, personal-level fighting that you do in one fucking thread, after another, after another, but I'm just not interested. I don't wish you ill at all; but I'm telling you that your demons are going to eat you up alive unless you find yourself some peace.

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I'm just looking to identify the members of the choir within this forum.

Cool. I've seen dogs do that, with a different method.

You tell him to class up his language upthread and then bust that out?

Maybe you should take your own advice.

Ron and I were have fun in a good-natured exchange. We're both cool with that. How you choose to "spin" it - I guess as part of... what? ... "forum politics"? - is irrelevant.

But more to the point: Seriously, what the fuck's the matter with you, Mike? Maybe others are willing to engage you in this constant, personal-level fighting that you do in one fucking thread, after another, after another, but I'm just not interested. I don't wish you ill at all; but I'm telling you that your demons are going to eat you up alive unless you find yourself some peace.

The telepathy gig isn't working for you, either.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I'm just looking to identify the members of the choir within this forum.

Cool. I've seen dogs do that, with a different method.

You tell him to class up his language upthread and then bust that out?

Maybe you should take your own advice.

Ron and I were have fun in a good-natured exchange. We're both cool with that. How you choose to "spin" it - I guess as part of... what? ... "forum politics"? - is irrelevant.

But more to the point: Seriously, what the fuck's the matter with you, Mike? Maybe others are willing to engage you in this constant, personal-level fighting that you do in one fucking thread, after another, after another, but I'm just not interested. I don't wish you ill at all; but I'm telling you that your demons are going to eat you up alive unless you find yourself some peace.

Irony meter pegged at 10
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I would like to see a discussion on the development of freedom enclaves within CONUS. That is, where do people think they can maintain their liberties and survive in view of a complete liberal/socialistic takeover.

Right now, I am looking to the mountains of GA, NC, TN.

I have family in GA by the river in the mountains overlooking TN...nice country. I also have a buddy who has acres of freedom in TN, no worries here.

Personally, one reason I love detroit is for the freedom...you can pretty much do whatever you want without hassle, but there's obviously a price to pay for that, unfortunately....ya know?

I absolutely love it up here in northern michigan...the freedom, oh the freedom! We have the national forest where anything goes...We got the base with all their straightaways. I just got done burning a quarter tank in the Monte running an average of 110mph for 10 miles. I can't wait to burn out the rice rocket this spring. We also have a couple 100- 150 ft towers to jump - all I need really.

The only problem is the kids. This is the worst school district in the state....not looking good for the future. The kids are idiots being taught by a bunch of liberal queers...Can you imagine a liberal homosexual teaching christianity?:S

I've never seen such stupid fuckin' kids in my life. It's scary...I was actually hit on by a 10-13 year old boy last summer...wtf? That never happened to me before, not even in CA.

The government and public school system does a good job supporting christianity, especially with their extra curricular events, but it's pretty much just futile superficial BS....
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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I've never seen such stupid fuckin' kids in my life. It's scary...I was actually hit on by a 10-13 year old boy last summer...wtf? That never happened to me before, not even in CA.

The combination of degenerate alcoholism and Christian fundamentalism always make for some remarkable entertainment.

Dude, instead of looking for Jesus, you should be looking for a moment of clarity.

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Sorry, but I disagree, unless your ideal US is very, very homogeneous, with people who don't want anything to change.

Now ask if those are the people who innovate, invent, and think up cool technologies?

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I have family in GA by the river in the mountains overlooking TN...nice country. I also have a buddy who has acres of freedom in TN, no worries here.

Personally, one reason I love detroit is for the freedom...you can pretty much do whatever you want without hassle, but there's obviously a price to pay for that, unfortunately....ya know?

I absolutely love it up here in northern michigan...the freedom, oh the freedom! We have the national forest where anything goes...We got the base with all their straightaways. I just got done burning a quarter tank in the Monte running an average of 110mph for 10 miles. I can't wait to burn out the rice rocket this spring. We also have a couple 100- 150 ft towers to jump - all I need really.

The only problem is the kids. This is the worst school district in the state....not looking good for the future. The kids are idiots being taught by a bunch of liberal queers...Can you imagine a liberal homosexual teaching christianity?:S

I've never seen such stupid fuckin' kids in my life. It's scary...I was actually hit on by a 10-13 year old boy last summer...wtf? That never happened to me before, not even in CA.

The government and public school system does a good job supporting christianity, especially with their extra curricular events, but it's pretty much just futile superficial BS....

My wife and I have made two purchases in GA. The first is a nine acre piece in SE GA co-owned with two of the boys. We can use this land for hunting or farming or both I suppose. It is surrounded by hunt club land of which one son is a member.

The second piece is two acres with a house in N GA. It is up in the mountains and could easily be our safe house. The structure is large enough to include part of the family. There is a large double wide trailer on two acres adjoining our land. It is in foreclosure, needs some interior repair, and we are hoping we can purchase it also. It we are able, we will have enough room to house most of the family. The kids and grandkids will be together.

The oldest son has extensive survival connections and resources in his area to the south. So far we have made contact with several Vietnam vets in the northern mountains.

We all seem to share the same apprehensions about our future. Therefore, we are all cautiously forming our alliances.

I have been advised, by our realtor, that some hard core survival groups are in the area. I am not seeking them out just yet. It is good to know they are there however.

If we have to hold up in FL, we have neighbors and other resources that we can count on. Everyone feels the tension and recognizes the need for preparation.

The upcoming presidential election is going to be a key factor in the sustainability of the American way of life.

The first priority is to trust the Lord to guide us. Next, we have to make our physical preparations and bind with our allies.

God is not sitting on the sidelines waiting to see how this turns out. He is separating the sheep and goats. He is caring for His own. He is loving and actively guiding those who seek Him in prayer for wisdom.

Seek His will, pray for the best and prepare for the worst.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I don't think the website allows for changes. However, you need to ask Coreece. He was the originator of the thread and the poll.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Just wondering...

I voted other. The ones with a lot of Quade BillVon and especially Amazon. There so boring cause they always post the same whines, they just do save and replace on the names and subjects.

Interesting ones have Andy 908 and John Ritch and Kallend cause if you agree or not they at least say different things and seem to think a little before hitting send.

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What the hell difference does it make if Joe Blow is religious ??? or not ??

For me it's not whether someone is religious or not, it's whether they want to shove whatever they believe down my throat. Over here it's mainly Christians (and if you take into account their lower numbers, Dutch Muslims have a lot of whining and meddling twats among their ranks too) who think everyone should respect and live their lives according to their bullshit. As long as people keep their religion to themselves you won't hear me complain. Why do you think I never bother to whine about Buddhist or Hindus? Well, that's because they don't bother me or others with their faith.

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Yeah marinus...you're so oppressed!:D

Part of the Christian mandate is to spread the word.

If I was walking before you, and you believed there was danger ahead, I would hope you would at least warn me rather than letting me befall the snare just for shits n' giggles or simply because you were a coward and thought I'd make fun of you.

Ok, so you don't accept the message...maybe sometime in the future you will.

Anything forcing you into a belief system is not of the Christian Spirit....

Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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Dear, the majority of us have no religious affiliation. roughly 40% is irreligious, and I estimate another 20-40% is religious but doesn't give a crap. But that doesn't mean the minority of obnoxious meddling reli-twats doesn't do their best to enforce their religious BS on the rest anyway.

An example: ATM we're experiencing a rather extreme cold spell which could make a legendary 200k/125 mile ice-skating marathon a possibility. It looks like we're not going to make it, because thaw will strike around Sunday. However the Reformed Christian Party which represents 0,66% of the voters demands that the rest of us respect the Sunday and call it off even if it would be possible to organize the event on Sunday.

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However the Reformed Christian Party which represents 0,66% of the voters demands that the rest of us respect the Sunday and call it off even if it would be possible to organize the event on Sunday.

the oppression is if they have the power and authority to actual and legally restrict the rest of you and actually canceling a Sunday event

if not, they can demand all they want, but in the end, they only have the right to not show up personally on that day

just like the rest of you have the right to organize and go ahead and skate all you like

so the question is --- they are demanding it. so what. Will they succeed?

If they do, or can force it - then that a type of oppression

If they can only rant impotently, then that is just you being a baby about choosing to listen to their speech on the subject - which they have a right to do (even if it is tired and boring and annoying)

which is it?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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