
Rick Perry: Just how bad was it?

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I didn't watch the debate but this story sure makes it sound pretty bad.


"To my memory, Perry's forgetfulness is the most devastating moment of any modern primary debate," Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political expert, tweeted in the moments following the blunder.

"Is it possible that Perry's campaign ended tonight? Sounds harsh but it was that bad."

What to people who watched think?

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I didn't watch the debate, but I watched the video when the news stories started to break. It was pretty cringe-worthy - in a modern debate format that's pretty much "talking point vs. talking point" rather than any substantive discussion, he fumbled (multiple times) on his own talking points. This wasn't just stumbling over words (like he has before), this was not even remembering what he claims to stand for.

Do I think it'll doom him? I don't know. In this day and age of style over substance, he's failing on style points, but I can also imagine this will get so much media attention that it might actually garner him sympathy because he's being "attacked" by the liberal media machine.

(BTW, I didn't see the video link in the article you linked, but here's an article that contains it: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-57321982-503544/rick-perry-fails-to-remember-what-agency-hed-get-rid-of-in-gop-debate/)
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Much of mainstream US media overlooked this one as well in the NH debate. I nearly fell off my chair laughing. Perry is as bad or worse than GWB for being a complete doorknob.

fact-check guys, that's all you have to do.

How's that intercontinental railroad of Obama's doing these days, anyway?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Much of mainstream US media overlooked this one as well in the NH debate. I nearly fell off my chair laughing. Perry is as bad or worse than GWB for being a complete doorknob.

fact-check guys, that's all you have to do.

How's that intercontinental railroad of Obama's doing these days, anyway?

Did he ever get to that 57th state?

Maybe he had a corps man take him there
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Did he ever get to that 57th state?

Maybe he had a corps man take him there

You guys have really beaten these to death, time for new material.




Just kills the Obama supporter, high on his horse my man is better than you, indignant snotty nosed comments about conservatives comments, don't you think?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I have brain farts myself, but I am not trying to be the Grand Poobah.

Bye bye Rick.

One thing about it... Perry took all the attention off of Cain! I didn't watch the debate but from what I've seen on various media sources, it was entertaining if not pathetic. People were left wondering if, Perry was drunk or maybe, 'high'! From the video clips I've seen, Perry looked quite pleased with himself while in actuality, looking much the bafoon. At one point, Perry held a gift bottle of syrup close to his heart and babbling uninteligibly. At one point, Perry brain-farted on the third agency he would do away with. Has this guy not heard of note cards? All in all, Perry's over-fed ego was quite noticible. He stated that he was glad he had his boots on because he 'really stepped in it!'. I would say so... he's the one who spread it!
I'm thinking, he's just really trying to skirt the real issues with his antics. Someone really needs to wipe that constant smirk off his face.


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Much of mainstream US media overlooked this one as well in the NH debate. I nearly fell off my chair laughing. Perry is as bad or worse than GWB for being a complete doorknob.

fact-check guys, that's all you have to do.

Does anyone remember the debate with Bush the First with the lights?

In that debate, they were using colored lights to indicate how long the candidates could speak for with yellow meaning "getting close" and red meaning "you're done." So, Bush the First is giving his response when the moderator interrupts him to say that time is up. Bush states that the light had only turned yellow and that he still had time. The moderator admits his mistake and allows Bush to finish, only, Bush had completely lost his train of thought and couldn't remember what he was talking about and had no idea what to say next, so he stood there for a second like a confused Bush before simply stating, "I'm done!"
It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.

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How's that intercontinental railroad of Obama's doing these days, anyway?

I wasn't comparing him to Obama, I was comparing him to Bush, maybe you missed that.

you're right, people just 'misunderestimate' Perry.....

No, didnt miss that

Comparing Perry to Obama though, makes Perry look like a genius
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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reply]I didn't watch the debate but this story sure makes it sound pretty bad.

***"To my memory, Perry's forgetfulness is the most devastating moment of any modern primary debate," Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political expert, tweeted in the moments following the blunder.

"Is it possible that Perry's campaign ended tonight? Sounds harsh but it was that bad."

What to people who watched think?

This was the minor leages compared to Caine not knowing China had nuclear weapons.

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Cain was the biggest winner of Perry's monumental flub. It allowed all the analysis, of his lack of knowledge of anything beyond 9-9-9 to be swept under the rug.

The thing with Perry, is that he had been branded as the guy who can't debate and seems asleep, or makes a major mistake, when it happened, it just magnified and solidified that point of view. It wouldn't have been nearly as damning if it was Newt or Huntsman.

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How's that intercontinental railroad of Obama's doing these days, anyway?

I wasn't comparing him to Obama, I was comparing him to Bush, maybe you missed that.

And I was comparing his fact check to Obama's fact check, maybe you missed that... or is it only applicable to Republicans?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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This is how i felt watching Herman Cain in that debate


Now you know how some of us felt about "Hope and Change".

I agree that any politicians that simply retreats to talking points instead of discussing each issue on its face gets annoying and deserves an angry Samuel Jackson yelling at them, regardless of party.

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I have brain farts myself, but I am not trying to be the Grand Poobah.

Bye bye Rick.

Real leaders don't "forget" the core principles on which they are running. On the other hand, actors do sometimes forget their lines.

Bye bye Rick +1

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Real leaders don't "forget" the core principles on which they are running. On the other hand, actors do sometimes forget their lines.

I sure hope you don't think Obama is a real leader then.


Obama is nothing more than the Hollywood president. You know what they have in Hollywood right? They have plenty of actors who don't speak from the heart when it comes to core principals. Without a doubt Perry screwed up and likely blew any chance he had of ever becoming president. Of course Obama's countless screw ups when the teleprompters fail never seemed to hurt him. Hypocrisy? :o

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Does anyone remember the debate with Bush the First with the lights?

In that debate, they were using colored lights to indicate how long the candidates could speak for with yellow meaning "getting close" and red meaning "you're done." So, Bush the First is giving his response when the moderator interrupts him to say that time is up. Bush states that the light had only turned yellow and that he still had time. The moderator admits his mistake and allows Bush to finish, only, Bush had completely lost his train of thought and couldn't remember what he was talking about and had no idea what to say next, so he stood there for a second like a confused Bush before simply stating, "I'm done!"

There was a time GWB was razor sharp at debating.
See the older examples in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw4Bhmm22xo
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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