
Answers in Genesis

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Do you believe in faith?


Of course.

That's really all that needed to be said...


Now . . . answer my question.

Do you believe in the possibility of a universe without god?

Ya, it's called the lack of faith...I was there once and don't ever want to go back.

Now answer this question...do you believe in the possibility of a universe with God?
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Now answer this question...do you believe in the possibility of a universe with God?

I don't see it as a requirement for the creation of the universe nor do I see any proof whatsoever of a god having a hand in it. Show me the proof and I'll believe, but until then I see no need to include faith in a god in the explanation.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Show me the proof and I'll believe

It's within you...somewhere.:)

No. I can absolutely guarantee it's not. No proof can come from "within" me. That's the entire point. I need objective proof, not some subjective wishy-wash.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Show me the proof and I'll believe

It's within you...somewhere.:)

No. I can absolutely guarantee it's not. No proof can come from "within" me. That's the entire point. I need objective proof, not some subjective wishy-wash.

but you can't absolutely guarantee that, can you?
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Show me the proof and I'll believe

It's within you...somewhere.:)

No. I can absolutely guarantee it's not. No proof can come from "within" me. That's the entire point. I need objective proof, not some subjective wishy-wash.

but you can't absolutely guarantee that, can you?

I absolutely, 100% can guarantee I will not have faith in a god until I'm shown objective proof.

I've been shown far too much objective proof there is no need for him and quite a bit of subjective evidence in my personal life he doesn't exist at all that you're simply not going to convince me he does exist any other way.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Show me the proof and I'll believe

It's within you...somewhere.:)

No. I can absolutely guarantee it's not. No proof can come from "within" me. That's the entire point. I need objective proof, not some subjective wishy-wash.

but you can't absolutely guarantee that, can you?

I absolutely, 100% can guarantee I will not have faith in a god until I'm shown objective proof.

Ok...not bad....definately an argument for the doctrine of predestination...

have you read scripture objectively, yet?
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Ok...not bad....definately an argument for the doctrine of predestination...

Hogwash. Any concept of predestination is science fiction.


have you read scripture objectively, yet?

Nope. It's all mythology from my point of view. I've done comparative studies with other western mythologies and I gotta tell you that unless you do that you'll never know how much the Bible borrowed from quite a few of them.

I see no objective truth in any of it.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Ok...not bad....definately an argument for the doctrine of predestination...

Hogwash. Any concept of predestination is science fiction.

If only you were more confident in science...



have you read scripture objectively, yet?

Nope. It's all mythology from my point of view. I've done comparative studies with other western mythologies and I gotta tell you that unless you do that you'll never know how much the Bible borrowed from quite a few of them.

Try me...give me your best shot!


I see no objective truth in any of it.

Truth is truth all of the time...it doesn't matter when and it certainly doesn't matter where.

Can you say the same for science?
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I appreciate your sentiment and wish more had your attitude(even though you and I have very different opinions on the reality of god.)
These people are teaching children that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time. I guess my question(to everyone) is "are you ok with this? Do you believe that man and dinosaure actually lived at the same time?
I thought primarily of Jaybird when I saw this, because he is, for me, the face of christian fundamentalism and a proponent of AIG...but the question is open to anyone.

People in Florida still live with dinosaurs. It's really not that big of a deal :)
You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

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.... nor do I see any proof whatsoever of a god having a hand in it. Show me the proof and I'll believe...

You just blew your credibility.
You do realize that asking for "proof" of the existence of God is THE lamest argument EVER?
The counter is, "prove that he DOESN'T exist" which is just as lame.

Do you see this as a legitimate request for proof?:
Can you prove that you'll never hit your significant other?
How could you possibly prove that at this time?


I absolutely, 100% can guarantee I will not have faith in a god until I'm shown objective proof.

Which is an answer to a completely different question than the one that was asked. Nice dodge.


I've been shown far too much objective proof there is no need for him and quite a bit of subjective evidence in my personal life he doesn't exist at all...

I'd be interested in knowing just what "proof" and "subjective evidence" you are talking about there. Got examples?


...you're simply not going to convince me he does exist any other way.

I don't see anybody trying to convince you of anything. Since the existence of God is unprovable at this time, it would be pointless to attempt it, wouldn't it?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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The biggest problem, IMHO, with the "I want 100% proof of God/no God" is that such a thing is not possible whatsoever. If God exists outside this Universe, of our space/time, how on earth would you ever test for it one way or another? In the case of testing for God, the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence because there is no test to gain any sort of results -- no possible way to observe anything that might or might not exist beyond our own universe. Thus, we're left with inferring from data we can see and observe (physics, biology, history, etc) on whether or not we believe such observations are the results of something (God) acting from the outside. Either way, being a theist or atheist, is never a 100% certainty.
You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

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I appreciate your sentiment and wish more had your attitude(even though you and I have very different opinions on the reality of god.)
These people are teaching children that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time. I guess my question(to everyone) is "are you ok with this? Do you believe that man and dinosaure actually lived at the same time?
I thought primarily of Jaybird when I saw this, because he is, for me, the face of christian fundamentalism and a proponent of AIG...but the question is open to anyone.

What is "AIG?"

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I absolutely, 100% can guarantee I will not have faith in a god until I'm shown objective proof.

I've been shown far too much objective proof there is no need for him and quite a bit of subjective evidence in my personal life he doesn't exist at all that you're simply not going to convince me he does exist any other way.

The problem with that argument is that faith is belief without proof.
Faith is trusting that God exists without a need for him to have created the universe.

Proof would remove the requirement for actual faith.

And yes, I know this is an adaptation of the Hitchhiker's Guide passage about the Babelfish.

You've seen the subjective evidence and interperted it as demonstrating (not proving) he doesn't exist. I've seen subjective evidence and intepereted it as demonstrating (again, not proving) that he does exist.

And I love how the YouTube vid in the OP has the dude talking to little kids.
I'd be interested in seeing him give the exact same talk (well, with vocabulary adjusted for age) to a group of college students.
Maybe in a biology class. :P
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The greatest thing I've learned about science and God is that anything is possible...:)

How about a round square?
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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I love how they say "Christianity is on the defensive...." and "...the mainstream...."

They seem to forget that the religious dogma is actually the 2000 year old 'science', the 'mainstream' if you will.

Evolution and its theories are barely 150 years old, it is the 'new' and apparently it is on the defensive.

poor poor religion- so few supporters...


Defend it all you want religious zealots, but unless you fail to believe in DNA, medical technology, carbon dating, basic mathematics and such, then that granite shield underneath Newfoundland is actually 500 million years old just like science tells us it is.

Does not matter if you do not believe it, it is still true and defendable at every level of science. - lots of people believe that guns will not fire if they pray to Jesus...:S:S

scares the fuck out of me that we are still feeding this crap to kids,

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You do realize that asking for "proof" of the existence of God is THE lamest argument EVER?
The counter is, "prove that he DOESN'T exist" which is just as lame.

Do you see this as a legitimate request for proof?:
Can you prove that you'll never hit your significant other?
How could you possibly prove that at this time?


I absolutely, 100% can guarantee I will not have faith in a god until I'm shown objective proof.

Which is an answer to a completely different question than the one that was asked. Nice dodge.


I've been shown far too much objective proof there is no need for him and quite a bit of subjective evidence in my personal life he doesn't exist at all...

I'd be interested in knowing just what "proof" and "subjective evidence" you are talking about there. Got examples?


...you're simply not going to convince me he does exist any other way.

I don't see anybody trying to convince you of anything. Since the existence of God is unprovable at this time, it would be pointless to attempt it, wouldn't it?

Revisit Logic 101. Proof of existence is a perfectly rationale request. If the claimant can not prove so, then existence is not ruled out, but the credibility of their claim is weak, not even up to theory standard. Ideas that can not be tested or proven are just that - ideas.

On the other hand, proof that something does not exist is not possible (other than things like my previous tongue-in-cheek example of a round square - which is just a labeling limitation). There is no burden of proof for something not existing.

Put another way, prove invisible elves do not exist - and aren't stealing the produce from my garden at night. Not possible. However, if I claimed such events were happening, I'd have no credence whatsoever unless I could show evidentiary proof.

Silly of us to apply logic to internally held faith-based beliefs.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Put another way, prove invisible elves do not exist - and aren't stealing the produce from my garden at night. Not possible. However, if I claimed such events were happening, I'd have no credence whatsoever unless I could show evidentiary proof.

I'll tell you what...If you can get, like...lets say, um...practically the whole freaking world as witnesses of kleptomaniac elves, you might have a point.
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Put another way, prove invisible elves do not exist - and aren't stealing the produce from my garden at night. Not possible. However, if I claimed such events were happening, I'd have no credence whatsoever unless I could show evidentiary proof.

I'll tell you what...If you can get, like...lets say, um...practically the whole freaking world as witnesses of kleptomaniac elves, you might have a point.

So when there are more muslims than christians you'll convert?
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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