Gun Joke

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Pick one. I have.

A poor model promoted by people on power trips.

Yes, there's always a bad guy out there.
Yes, there will always be victims.

No . . . even if you consider yourself to be a "sheepdog," there's clearly things out there nobody can protect even the sheepdogs from.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm mostly scared of things having a gun would have absolutely no effect on whatsoever if that's what you're getting at.

Me getting robbed in my home really isn't one of them which is apparently what an awful lot of folks with guns do worry about. People are frequently afraid of the wrong things.

A test tube of smallpox being dropped in front of the Cinderella Castle at Disneyland during the summer fireworks show. That would fuck things up pretty bad.

Few people think about it.

Shit like that.

Really? You are worried about a test tube..,
Go on! You are trollin' me and should ban yourself!!!;)

No really, what are you scared of?
We jump out of planes every weekend which would scare the bejebus out of the majority of the population, so.., what scares you?

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I'm mostly scared of things having a gun would have absolutely no effect on whatsoever if that's what you're getting at.
Me getting robbed in my home really isn't one of them which is apparently what an awful lot of folks with guns do worry about. People are frequently afraid of the wrong things.
A test tube of smallpox being dropped in front of the Cinderella Castle at Disneyland during the summer fireworks show. That would fuck things up pretty bad.
Few people think about it.
Shit like that.

Really? You are worried about a test tube..,
Go on! You are trollin' me and should ban yourself!!!;)
No really, what are you scared of?
We jump out of planes every weekend which would scare the bejebus out of the majority of the population, so.., what scares you?

Like I said before, most people worry about the wrong things.

If the idea of a massive human die off due to terrorists getting their hands on stockpiled biological agents doesn't concern you at all . . . I guess you're one of them.

And a gun isn't going to help you one damn bit in that scenario.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm mostly scared of things having a gun would have absolutely no effect on whatsoever if that's what you're getting at.
Me getting robbed in my home really isn't one of them which is apparently what an awful lot of folks with guns do worry about. People are frequently afraid of the wrong things.
A test tube of smallpox being dropped in front of the Cinderella Castle at Disneyland during the summer fireworks show. That would fuck things up pretty bad.
Few people think about it.
Shit like that.

Really? You are worried about a test tube..,
Go on! You are trollin' me and should ban yourself!!!;)
No really, what are you scared of?
We jump out of planes every weekend which would scare the bejebus out of the majority of the population, so.., what scares you?

Like I said before, most people worry about the wrong things.

If the idea of a massive human die off due to terrorists getting their hands on stockpiled biological agents doesn't concern you at all . . . I guess you're one of them.

And a gun isn't going to help you one damn bit in that scenario.

It doesn't concern me in the least.

But please answer the original question ; what scares you and why?

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I'm mostly scared of things having a gun would have absolutely no effect on whatsoever if that's what you're getting at.
Me getting robbed in my home really isn't one of them which is apparently what an awful lot of folks with guns do worry about. People are frequently afraid of the wrong things.
A test tube of smallpox being dropped in front of the Cinderella Castle at Disneyland during the summer fireworks show. That would fuck things up pretty bad.
Few people think about it.
Shit like that.

Really? You are worried about a test tube..,
Go on! You are trollin' me and should ban yourself!!!;)
No really, what are you scared of?
We jump out of planes every weekend which would scare the bejebus out of the majority of the population, so.., what scares you?

Like I said before, most people worry about the wrong things.

If the idea of a massive human die off due to terrorists getting their hands on stockpiled biological agents doesn't concern you at all . . . I guess you're one of them.

And a gun isn't going to help you one damn bit in that scenario.

It doesn't concern me in the least.

But please answer the original question ; what scares you and why?

Reading comprehension not your strong suit, huh?:P He told you what scares him. A terrorist dropping small pox in public. Why? It's uncontrollable, unable to defend against, and able to cause massive damage.
What you say is reflective of your knowledge...HOW ya say it is reflective of your experience. Airtwardo

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama

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[replyReading comprehension not your strong suit, huh?:P He told you what scares him. A terrorist dropping small pox in public. Why? It's uncontrollable, unable to defend against, and able to cause massive damage.

The world has dealt with smallpox epedmics in the past and come out stronger and in larger numbers.

A fear of smallpox is irrational.

So what scares you "heatmiser"?

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[replyReading comprehension not your strong suit, huh?:P He told you what scares him. A terrorist dropping small pox in public. Why? It's uncontrollable, unable to defend against, and able to cause massive damage.

The world has dealt with smallpox epedmics in the past and come out stronger and in larger numbers.

A fear of smallpox is irrational.

So what scares you "heatmiser"?

1. My children making negative decisions now that will affect the rest of their lives. Why? They have no comprehension of the lasting effect.

2. Deep water, where I can not see the bottom. Simply fear of the unknown. Friday the 13th fucked me up on that good.;)
What you say is reflective of your knowledge...HOW ya say it is reflective of your experience. Airtwardo

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama

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A fear of smallpox is irrational.

If you only knew, but "you can't handle the truth."

If you only knew why it hasn't happened yet...;)

"Now that I've got you, lets revisit the birth of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company.":D
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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What's all this joking in a joke thread?! This is SC! THERE SHALL BE NO LAUGHING!!!11 :P

I'd like to liken guns to cars. Both are capable of taking life and both do, daily. Yet one can appreciate the worksmanship and the beauty of the design as well the quality of it's 'output', when performing the way it was made to.

Maybe it's different in the country I live, but with the amount of illegal guns on the streets you can be almost guaranteed that if someone enters your house to rob you, they're going to be armed and in many cases they will shoot unprovoked, and if they don't ,they have been known to tie you up, torture you, rape you and then rob you. Even 14 year olds find the idea of torture and murder 'fun' according to interviews with the ones convicted.

I see no reason why a gun is a bad thing if one uses it responsibly. It's irresponsible people that end up with their children shooting themselves, if you left a razor on the ground next to a toddler you may well end up with the same result. They should be stored in a combination safe clearly out of the reach of children.

There will always be a large blackmarket gun trade and it will always be in the hands of criminals, nothing is going to stop this, the only option I see is to defend yourself.

If someone came into my house armed, I know I'd rather go out fighting and shoot back than have them tie me up and rape the ones I love, while they force me to watch (all too common a procedure) - if I were to get killed in the process, so be it. But in many cases a gunshot alone will send burglars fleeing.

Am I scared of being robbed, not to the point of obsessing about it. But I do realize that it's very possible and that it happens in every neighbourhood every day, and as such I'd like to think that I am not at the mercy of whoever walks through my doorway.

But with that said, if people don't like guns I complete support their choice to not own them and if someone in the house is against them then it's something that should be addressed. I certainly think it's wrong having someone else in the house live in fear so that you can have peace of mind.

All I can say is that I fear the police and their guns and the criminals and their guns far more than I fear the next door neighbour and his guns - and given the happens here, I feel that's a reasonable approach.

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A fear of smallpox is irrational.

If you only knew, but "you can't handle the truth."

I oughta post a joke more often. Well, if you're that worried about the smallpox scenario; why do you seem so worried about folks owning guns?
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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Understandable that pro-gun supporters would feel as if the joke proves their point.

However, what's interesting about the joke is the ironic subtext of the punchline that it's ONLY because he's surrounded by guns that he feels as if he's in control of his world.

Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it, because when you need it you need it badly.

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Understandable that pro-gun supporters would feel as if the joke proves their point.

However, what's interesting about the joke is the ironic subtext of the punchline that it's ONLY because he's surrounded by guns that he feels as if he's in control of his world.

Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it, because when you need it you need it badly.

Be that as it may, even your statement is one based in fear. To deny it would be silly.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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your statement is one based in fear

this statement is true for some, not for others

(if you were specifically calling Winsor a scaredy cat, but not all gun owners in general, I withdraw my statement, I don't know Winsor so cannot assess his level of relative spookishness)

but so what?

we're not descended from the brave monkeys that went out and attacked the saber tooth with sticks. we're descended from the survivors. you know, the little (smart and) trembly ones that ran and hid in the tree

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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but so what?

See joke in original post.

The the truck driver states he's not afraid of anything.

Understand I see nothing intrinsically wrong with the concept of fear or being prepared. It's just when people are in denial about their motivations, well, there's probably a bigger issue they're also in denial about.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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but so what?

See joke in original post.

The the truck driver states he's not afraid of anything.

Understand I see nothing intrinsically wrong with the concept of fear or being prepared. It's just when people are in denial about their motivations, well, there's probably a bigger issue they're also in denial about.

Right, like you assert upon occasion that your goal is not abolition of firearms.

FWIW, the best form of self-defense is real estate - put as much of it as possible between you and trouble and your odds improve markedly.

I agree that firearms are anything but a panacea - if you really need one, you are in pretty deep kimchee.

My problem is that the people who advocate banning firearms are in favor of eine Schimmverbesserung (it does not translate well). Basically the intent is to make firearms as illegal as, and as unavailable as, say, cocaine.




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Right, like you assert upon occasion that your goal is not abolition of firearms.

FWIW, the best form of self-defense is real estate - put as much of it as possible between you and trouble and your odds improve markedly.

I agree that firearms are anything but a panacea - if you really need one, you are in pretty deep kimchee.

My problem is that the people who advocate banning firearms are in favor of eine Schimmverbesserung (it does not translate well). Basically the intent is to make firearms as illegal as, and as unavailable as, say, cocaine.




Except you infer what I've never implied.

I'm all for the vast majority of people having guns and always have been. That said, some people shouldn't have access to guns at all and there are some weapons that shouldn't be in the hands of people for a number of reasons.

This is not to say I'm against guns in general, but some people can only see black and white and never a shade of grey.

There are a number of people on this forum that are simply single digit binary in their thinking.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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There are a number of people on this forum that are simply single digit binary in their thinking.

frankly, they are either binary in thinking, or not

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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