
Increase my taxes, says Warren Buffett

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the man makes sense...


"I think people at the high end, people like myself, should be paying a lot more in taxes," the billionaire investor and founder of Berkshire Hathaway said. "We have it better than we've ever had it."

With America's economic recovery still fragile, politicians on Capitol Hill need to decide before the end of the year whether to extend tax cuts first introduced by President George W. Bush in 2001 and then deepened in 2003. President Obama and most of the Democrats favour extending them for all families earning under $250,000 (£156,000) a year, or roughly 98pc of US taxpayers. Many republicans and some Democrats argue they should be extended to even the very richest, claiming that it is this group who are more likely to invest and create jobs.

Mr Buffett, ranked America's second-richest man with an estimated fortune of $45bn (£28bn), told ABC News that "the rich are always going to say, just give us more money and we'll go out and spend more then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years and I hope the American public is catching on."

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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the man makes sense...


"I think people at the high end, people like myself, should be paying a lot more in taxes," the billionaire investor and founder of Berkshire Hathaway said. "We have it better than we've ever had it."

With America's economic recovery still fragile, politicians on Capitol Hill need to decide before the end of the year whether to extend tax cuts first introduced by President George W. Bush in 2001 and then deepened in 2003. President Obama and most of the Democrats favour extending them for all families earning under $250,000 (£156,000) a year, or roughly 98pc of US taxpayers. Many republicans and some Democrats argue they should be extended to even the very richest, claiming that it is this group who are more likely to invest and create jobs.

Mr Buffett, ranked America's second-richest man with an estimated fortune of $45bn (£28bn), told ABC News that "the rich are always going to say, just give us more money and we'll go out and spend more then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years and I hope the American public is catching on."


Good for him

You can mail your extra dollars in today!

What is stopping you?

Oh, I forget
You want OTHERS to send in THEIR money

Never mind[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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no one is going to voluntarily send in their money - that is why we need government to oversee the country and provide for (and fund) the programs that the people need and want.

This country cannot even sustain the military at this point, yet we continue to spend it and want to cut taxes. Not even possible and it is simple math.

Do the math

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no one is going to voluntarily send in their money - that is why we need government to oversee the country and provide for (and fund) the programs that the people need and want.

This country cannot even sustain the military at this point, yet we continue to spend it and want to cut taxes. Not even possible and it is simple math.

Do the math

The math has been done
The problem has nothing to do with taxation
Spending is the issue
And military spending is very little if any of the problem
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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the useless military budget is the noose around your neck :)
(and the chinese are drawing it tight)

The noose is there but it is not from the military
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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let me see.....we have the largest military budget in the world- surpassing the total of most other military budgets combined.....and yet it is 'not part of the problem'.....


You are starting to figure it out

Much of the problem can be fixed by simply moving the fed power BACK to that which is spelled out by the constitution. This then moves power back to the states where things can be done much more efficiently.

Military spending is NOT the issue
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And military spending is very little if any of the problem

oh really?


Ah, I never said it wasnt costly.... .... ... did I
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Ah, I never said it wasnt costly

So you want your costly programs and don't want to pay for them. Multiply that by 300 million and you have the debt problems we have today.

The solution is to cut spending (in all areas, not just the programs you hate) AND raise taxes. Both have to happen to balance the budget in the short term.

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>Ah, I never said it wasnt costly

So you want your costly programs and don't want to pay for them. Multiply that by 300 million and you have the debt problems we have today.

The solution is to cut spending (in all areas, not just the programs you hate) AND raise taxes. Both have to happen to balance the budget in the short term.

Oh the hate word again

tsk tsk Bill

And I never said or indicated any of those things
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Ah, I never said it wasnt costly

So you want your costly programs and don't want to pay for them. Multiply that by 300 million and you have the debt problems we have today.

The solution is to cut spending (in all areas, not just the programs you hate) AND raise taxes. Both have to happen to balance the budget in the short term.

That is the solution. But the point they are not making very clearly is that defense spending hasn't changed dramatically in recent years. It's always been a large line item, but has little to do with the sudden growth to a 1.4T deficit.

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***"I think people at the high end, people like myself, should be paying a lot more in taxes,"

and did he put his money where his mouth is and send in a lot more last year? How much and was it "no strings attached"? just sent to the treasury as extra.

seems the hypocrit is 'wasting' all that government money (currently in his accounts) by donating to causes of his choosing rather than just sending to the treasury where it can be spent much smarter by politicians.

or does he just want "people like himself" to pay more, but not really including himself as a 'more equal' pig on the farm........?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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no one is going to voluntarily send in their money - that is why we need government to oversee the country and provide for (and fund) the programs that the people need and want.

This country cannot even sustain the military at this point, yet we continue to spend it and want to cut taxes. Not even possible and it is simple math.

Do the math

The math has been done
The problem has nothing to do with taxation
Spending is the issue
And military spending is very little if any of the problem

Point one... the math has been done.... are you kidding.. by who... grade school dropouts????:S:S:S

Point #2

Every other war in this nations history has had taxes raised to support it. By not doing so W and his boys screwed the pooch!!!

The basic premise that we have to spend more for our military than every other country on the planet is flawed. Let the other people who do not appreciate being "protected" start paying for their own protection, I for one am sick to death with have a Defense Department that is defending the rest of the damn planet.

You are right about only oine thing.... YES we have been spending far too much... but cutting taxes in the face of deepening debt is something even a fifth grader knows is stupid.

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>But the point they are not making very clearly is that defense spending
>hasn't changed dramatically in recent years.

Well, overall it's gone from $350 billion to $900 billion in the past 10 - and $900 billion would seem to be a big chunk of $1400 billion. But I agree that it's only one part of the solution.


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And military spending is very little if any of the problem

Military spending is MOST of the problem.

$700,000,000,000 a year in military budget (Afghanistan and Iraq are off-budget) is over HALF the deficit. It's more than the rest of the world spends put together on their militaries. It's THIRTY times what other countries our size spend (Canada has a $21.8B budget). It's TEN times what #2 spends.

I'm surprised so-called "conservatives" put up with such an enormous socialist employment program.

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>But the point they are not making very clearly is that defense spending
>hasn't changed dramatically in recent years.

Well, overall it's gone from $350 billion to $900 billion in the past 10 - and $900 billion would seem to be a big chunk of $1400 billion. But I agree that it's only one part of the solution.


the oddity of this is the sudden growth in the past 2 years. I thought we had been baselining ~600B for some time now.

This source, which bundles in foreign aid and veteran affairs (big growth here), show a 120B increase from FY09 to FY11. What's behind it? Foreign aid is +20, Veterans +30, but that leaves another 70B. Raises?

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And military spending is very little if any of the problem

Military spending is MOST of the problem.

$700,000,000,000 a year in military budget (Afghanistan and Iraq are off-budget) is over HALF the deficit. It's more than there rest of the world spends put together on their militaries. It's THIRTY times what other countries our size spend (Canada has a $21.8B budget). It's TEN times what #2 spends.

I'm surprised so-called "conservatives" put up with such an enormous socialist employment program.

Fair enough, but... The systemic problem is that we are good at pissing other people off. The current military budget is a necessary evil of the political position our country is in. We need to solve the other problems first and the military budget will fall in tow. You guys are going to ignore my post cause it's sensible and go on arguing about if this program or that should be cut, but the fact of the matter is that most of the people in this world have gone overboard on everything. Too many hand outs, too many kids, too much consumption, too much telling others what to do, rich people with too much money, too much period. It's not one side of the fence, it's most people, pretty much everywhere for one reason or another.

All things in moderation. I'm all for helping people in need and stepping in when we have to politically, but damn... shit is out of hand. Way out of hand.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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no one is going to voluntarily send in their money - that is why we need government to oversee the country and provide for (and fund) the programs that the people need and want.

This country cannot even sustain the military at this point, yet we continue to spend it and want to cut taxes. Not even possible and it is simple math.

Do the math

The math has been done
The problem has nothing to do with taxation
Spending is the issue
And military spending is very little if any of the problem

Point one... the math has been done.... are you kidding.. by who... grade school dropouts????:S:S:S

Point #2

Every other war in this nations history has had taxes raised to support it. By not doing so W and his boys screwed the pooch!!!

The basic premise that we have to spend more for our military than every other country on the planet is flawed. Let the other people who do not appreciate being "protected" start paying for their own protection, I for one am sick to death with have a Defense Department that is defending the rest of the damn planet.

You are right about only oine thing.... YES we have been spending far too much... but cutting taxes in the face of deepening debt is something even a fifth grader knows is stupid.

not as stupid as spending more of what you don't have. and to the amount of defende spending, we could always have russia or china defend us.

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Coming back to the thread………….

“The man makes sense”

The man makes no fucking sense.

This comment from W.B. gets brought up all the time, normally by liberals that want to make a point that one of the people who you would think is conservative supports the view that the “rich” should pay more….

Warren Buffet should pay more. (Bill Von shouldn’t be forced to pay more…but of course he should voluntarily send in more- hell he probably does!) :P

Warren Buffet makes me just as sick to hear him preach how the “rich” should pay more as does any of the Hollywood elite.

Someone that makes over $250,000 a year are NOT the same as someone that makes 100 million….anymore than the person making $250K is the same as the one making 50K

Hearing them preach that the rich should pay more is irrelevant. Another 10% from them doesn’t change their life (this argument is used ALL the time here) it does someone making 250K.

So I support the pure SHIT out of raising these assholes taxes, every one of them but leave the rest of us alone.


Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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no one is going to voluntarily send in their money - that is why we need government to oversee the country and provide for (and fund) the programs that the people need and want.

This country cannot even sustain the military at this point, yet we continue to spend it and want to cut taxes. Not even possible and it is simple math.

Do the math

The math has been done
The problem has nothing to do with taxation
Spending is the issue
And military spending is very little if any of the problem

Not very good at math, are you?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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