
Gun nut?

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So this guy murders people using a gun and then selects to be executed by firing squad. Does that make him a gun nut and does he get honorary membership of the NRA:ph34r:?

It makes him an executed murderer who received the justice he earned.

Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"; Jesus, as quoted by Matthew.


Why is it that our most vociferous conservative christian pro-life posters here are pro killing others in war and capitol punishment. I do hope that when they stand in judgement that those decisions in their lives come home to them.
Judge not lest ye be judged comes to mind and I think there just might be some weeping and gnashing of their teeth:o

Are you saying he should not be punished?

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It makes him an executed murderer who received the justice he earned.

Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"; Jesus, as quoted by Matthew.

And how'd that work out for him? Never bothered with Cartman's favorite movie, The Passion, but I know I wouldn't be turning the other cheek.

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So this guy murders people using a gun and then selects to be executed by firing squad. Does that make him a gun nut and does he get honorary membership of the NRA:ph34r:?

It makes him an executed murderer who received the justice he earned.

Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"; Jesus, as quoted by Matthew.


Why is it that our most vociferous conservative christian pro-life posters here are pro killing others in war and capitol punishment. I do hope that when they stand in judgement that those decisions in their lives come home to them.
Judge not lest ye be judged comes to mind and I think there just might be some weeping and gnashing of their teeth:o

Are you saying he should not be punished?

I am saying bury the fucker in a prison where he has no contact with other human beings since he has proven he is incapable of living with others. Feed him.. provide him his cell(Shelter).. provide him a shower and a place to shit. Basic human needs. Beyond that.... give him all the books he can read... but beyond that... let him prepare for his own natural mortality. Good riddance.

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So this guy murders people using a gun and then selects to be executed by firing squad. Does that make him a gun nut and does he get honorary membership of the NRA:ph34r:?

It makes him an executed murderer who received the justice he earned.

Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"; Jesus, as quoted by Matthew.

Not applicable, the executed murderer was not preaching the gospel at the time he committed the homicides.

See Romans 13

Be Subject to Government

1Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
2Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.

3For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same;

4for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I have excluded myself from this forum for a while because of childishness, rudeness and unreasonable attempts at argument. However, I have elected to drop back in on this issue.

If you have not had to sentence someone to punishment, it is hard to understand. If you have never taken a life, you can not understand. If you have never wrestled with your own conscience to determine what is right in this situation, you have the luxury of platitudes and strongly held opinions. (I mean to chastize both sides with this comment)

This case, if reported correctly, is a poor argument against the death penalty. There are plenty of excellent arguments against the death penalty. This is clearly not one.

Even so, I would be amazed if the officers who performed this execution were not changed by it. It is a heavy burden, even when absolutely necessary and just, to take a life. It should always be a heavy burden to punish another. If I ever reach the point where it does not pain me to punish, I will have ceased to be human.

Clearly, this person was dangerous to society and had to be removed. However, there is no joy in that. It should pain all of us that this became necessary. We should look for ways to prevent it in the future.

The blank was just a tradition and the traditional reason was given. Each person on that squad assumed moral responsibility for doing what had to be done.

The method of execution was chosen by the convict and was more humane than what he offered his victims. It was the best we can do. Sad, but true.

And to bring the NRA into the argument is silly. The NRA generally protects the right of the individual to protect themselves. This can never be a bad thing. All tools can be abused. This convict abused one and that is why he paid this price. To disarm everyone and leave more people open to becoming victims is ludicrous.

I would love to live in a world where firearms were not necessary. I would love to live in a world where the death penalty was not necessary. I would love to live in a world where there was no hatred, violence or corruption.

But I live here in reality. I have to deal with it as it is.

Please continue to wish for ideals and argue against things you think are unjust. We need that so we can continually examine what we do and why. But also recognize that you often argue things that you do not understand, because you have not been there. It is not nearly as easy as you would like to think.

Thank you. I believe that is the best, most well-reasoned response I have read in SC. Bravo!
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"; Jesus, as quoted by Matthew.


Why is it that our most vociferous conservative christian pro-life posters here are pro killing others in war and capitol punishment. I do hope that when they stand in judgement that those decisions in their lives come home to them.
Judge not lest ye be judged comes to mind and I think there just might be some weeping and gnashing of their teeth:o

See my above response to penniless.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"; Jesus, as quoted by Matthew.


Why is it that our most vociferous conservative christian pro-life posters here are pro killing others in war and capitol punishment. I do hope that when they stand in judgement that those decisions in their lives come home to them.
Judge not lest ye be judged comes to mind and I think there just might be some weeping and gnashing of their teeth:o

See my above response to penniless.

OK we let you JUDGE.. you can pull the trigger too

I certainly think... the passage CERTAINLY applies and you had better hope you are right[:/]

MOST of the civilised world no longer believes in killing its citizens no matter how despicable they may be.

Then again.....I see a whole lot of the supposedly righteous.... being pretty despicable

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In your mirror. Right?

I have no problem looking in mine at any time. There is no greater joy than being at peace with oneself.


Well let me know when you find any peace. Ok?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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In your mirror. Right?

I have no problem looking in mine at any time. There is no greater joy than being at peace with oneself.


Well let me know when you find any peace. Ok?

Already there Marc.:)
It's so sad there are so many tortured souls here in SC. All that pain in flyover country must be so hard .. and all that having to be strong... never showing how much turmoil there is inside yall, and so hard to find resources that can help[:/]

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I am saying bury the fucker in a prison where he has no contact with other human beings since he has proven he is incapable of living with others. Feed him.. provide him his cell(Shelter).. provide him a shower and a place to shit. Basic human needs. Beyond that.... give him all the books he can read... but beyond that... let him prepare for his own natural mortality. Good riddance.

Oh. Like Guantanamo Bay. Right?
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I am saying bury the fucker in a prison where he has no contact with other human beings since he has proven he is incapable of living with others. Feed him.. provide him his cell(Shelter).. provide him a shower and a place to shit. Basic human needs. Beyond that.... give him all the books he can read... but beyond that... let him prepare for his own natural mortality. Good riddance.

Oh. Like Guantanamo Bay. Right?


A Super Max will do. Guantanamo is the wrong facility in the wrong place with the wrong people in charge to handle this type of inmate.

The people in Guantanamo who prepetrated the attacks that murdered thousands of Americans need a special place commensurate with their crime.

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So this guy murders people using a gun and then selects to be executed by firing squad. Does that make him a gun nut and does he get honorary membership of the NRA:ph34r:?

It makes him an executed murderer who received the justice he earned.

Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"; Jesus, as quoted by Matthew.


Why is it that our most vociferous conservative christian pro-life posters here are pro killing others in war and capitol punishment. I do hope that when they stand in judgement that those decisions in their lives come home to them.
Judge not lest ye be judged comes to mind and I think there just might be some weeping and gnashing of their teeth:o

Are you saying he should not be punished?

I am saying bury the fucker in a prison where he has no contact with other human beings since he has proven he is incapable of living with others. Feed him.. provide him his cell(Shelter).. provide him a shower and a place to shit. Basic human needs. Beyond that.... give him all the books he can read... but beyond that... let him prepare for his own natural mortality. Good riddance.

But....."Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"; Jesus, as quoted by Matthew.?"

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So this guy murders people using a gun and then selects to be executed by firing squad. Does that make him a gun nut and does he get honorary membership of the NRA:ph34r:?

It makes him an executed murderer who received the justice he earned.

Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"; Jesus, as quoted by Matthew.


Why is it that our most vociferous conservative christian pro-life posters here are pro killing others in war and capitol punishment. I do hope that when they stand in judgement that those decisions in their lives come home to them.
Judge not lest ye be judged comes to mind and I think there just might be some weeping and gnashing of their teeth:o

Are you saying he should not be punished?

I am saying bury the fucker in a prison where he has no contact with other human beings since he has proven he is incapable of living with others. Feed him.. provide him his cell(Shelter).. provide him a shower and a place to shit. Basic human needs. Beyond that.... give him all the books he can read... but beyond that... let him prepare for his own natural mortality. Good riddance.

Honestly I have no "moral" problem with the death penalty for murder. I realise that the potential for executing the wrong person makes me tend to believe that it should be used in very limited circumstances. You only have to look at where we have got to in Europe to realise that life sentences quickly get eroded to the point where people are spending approximately 10 years as a "life sentence" for murder which is completely immoral.

As another angle on the mental pressures on the firing squad (must be a crap job). Why not provide the criminal with a remote control device to fire a remote gun at himself?
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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In your mirror. Right?

I have no problem looking in mine at any time. There is no greater joy than being at peace with oneself.

Could have fooled me. Many of your post are the most angry sounding post here. I guess you have a different definition of what is meant by "being at peace with oneself". :D

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In your mirror. Right?

I have no problem looking in mine at any time. There is no greater joy than being at peace with oneself.

Could have fooled me. Many of your post are the most angry sounding post here. I guess you have a different definition of what is meant by "being at peace with oneself". :D

Classic, I stand by my personal observations of flyover land[:/]

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Why is it that the same group of people that claims you can not trust the government for anything, all of a sudden trust them when it comes to executing someone? Very strange.

Not strange at all. If they could have their way, our prison system would be privatized and run by large corporations who can be trusted to execute people much more efficiently than the government. They are doing it to the military already.

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>a person with a gun is a citizen.

You've just solved the entire illegal immigration problem in one fell swoop. Just sell guns at the border; the number of illegal immigrants will drop to near zero. (And since that will increase the number of guns, and guns apparently prevent crime, crime will drop to near zero as well.)

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