
The Oscar Goes to Our Troops--Conservatives Values Upheld On Hollywood's Big Night

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The Oscar Goes to Our Troops--Conservatives Values Upheld On Hollywood's Big Night
By James P. Pinkerton - FOXNews.com

As I wrote about the movie, here in the Fox Forum on February 2: "Locker” takes absolutely no position on the war.

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/03/08/james-p-pinkerton-hurt-locker-kathryn-bigelow-oscar-iraq-honor-military/

Are you fuckin' kidding me? It absolutely takes a position on the war. The very first thing you see in the film is a statement, a single card, white on black statement that is clearly anti-war. That is the thesis for the entire film. It's what motivates the main character and explains his actions.

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Damn it Quade... when will you learn to stop thinking about shit (or for yourself) and start believing everything the media tell you??? :S Quit questioning authority! It makes you look un-patriotic...


Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

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seriously? That clear about it's position? cool...

I haven't seen it yet. But I watched (don't recall if it was in an acceptance speech or after-show) someof the actors in an interview say it wasn't meant to make a statement about whether the war is right or wrong, but to be the viewpoint of these soldiers (or something to that effect). it was probably this morning as I was running around getting ready for work.

well I've yet to go see it. But it's on my list. In any case, even before last night, I'd heard it was an excellent show.

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well I've yet to go see it. But it's on my list. In any case, even before last night, I'd heard it was an excellent show.

Honestly, I think 99% of the people that see it just like to watch shit blow up and the actual message is completely lost on them. I won't ruin it for you, but come back and let's talk about it after you've seen it. It's on Netflix.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Are you fuckin' kidding me? It absolutely takes a position on the war. The very first thing you see in the film is a statement, a single card, white on black statement that is clearly anti-war. That is the thesis for the entire film. It's what motivates the main character and explains his actions.


I disagree.

It may well be anti-war in general, but I really didn't see it take a position on the justifications behind this war. The politics of the situation weren't even mentioned.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I understand what you're saying, but I think you have a logic problem.

War is the larger set and contains "this" war.
If the film is anti-war, then logically it's also against "this" war.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I have seen the "Hurt Locker" and I did not interpret the movie as "anti-war".
I interpreted the movie to be a "war is hell" message.
At least from my perspective there is a difference.

However I could care less about "The Academy" and their awards.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I understand what you're saying, but I think you have a logic problem.

War is the larger set and contains "this" war.
If the film is anti-war, then logically it's also against "this" war.

Or maybe you have a linguistics problem. The term anti-war describes a general attitude, not a hard and fast rule. Trying to apply the sort of 'logic' above is a laughably simplistic approach.

Being anti-war in general does not preclude a person from thinking that any war in particular is justified or even neccessary.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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The Oscar Goes to Our Troops--Conservatives Values Upheld On Hollywood's Big Night
By James P. Pinkerton - FOXNews.com


As I wrote about the movie, here in the Fox Forum on February 2: "Locker” takes absolutely no position on the war.

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/03/08/james-p-pinkerton-hurt-locker-kathryn-bigelow-oscar-iraq-honor-military/

Are you fuckin' kidding me? It absolutely takes a position on the war. The very first thing you see in the film is a statement, a single card, white on black statement that is clearly anti-war. That is the thesis for the entire film. It's what motivates the main character and explains his actions.


You are soooooo off the mark. The first line in the movie in black and white is "War is a drug."

As a sky diver and an EOD tech, I can tell you that putting on a bomb suit and taking the long lonely walk down a road to an IED in the middle of Iraq is on par or even a little more of a rush than jumping out of a plane. This rush is what drives him. That is what the movie is trying to convey. Watch the last five minutes of the movie again with him in the cereal isle at the grocery store and smiling in the bomb suit and tell me I'm wrong.

Remember, the same chick that directed this movie also did Point Break. You don't remember the line about "Some people snort for it, some jab a vein, all you have to do is jump?"

I didn't see anything in the movie that was pro or anti war. The only war message I saw was war is hell.
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
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well I've yet to go see it. But it's on my list. In any case, even before last night, I'd heard it was an excellent show.

Honestly, I think 99% of the people that see it just like to watch shit blow up and the actual message is completely lost on them. I won't ruin it for you, but come back and let's talk about it after you've seen it. It's on Netflix.

It sucked.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
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The first line in the movie in black and white is "War is a drug."

You don't see that as an anti-war statement? Funny, because that's exactly what it is. It's stated right in the film and by the writer and director. I don't want to ruin the film for anyone that might want to see it so . . .


Seriously . . . spoiler alert hidden in white text. Highlight it to read.

The reason the James, the main character, goes to war is because HE'S BORED. That's it. He goes to war because he's bored and wants to blow shit up.

It's an amazingly dangerous attitude that even the people working with the main character recognize when they talk about fragging him.

The guy wouldn't be alive for a week let alone go on mission after mission. You really WANT there to be a good reason for what he's doing, but the only reason is . . . he's a fuckin' loon.

There is absolutely nothing noble in his character whatsoever. He's ONLY thinking about himself. Not his team, not his wife or little girl . . . nobody. He's not doing it for America or to fight the terrorist.

Like I said, most people like to watch the shit blowing up and the message of the film is completely lost on them.

BTW, have some consideration of other folks that haven't seen the movie yet (which is almost everyone) and at least hide your remarks about the end of the film.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Seriously . . . spoiler alert hidden in white text. Highlight it to read.

And how on earth do you make that out to be an anti-Iraq v2.0 statement? You said it yourself - it's about Will James. He's not a representation of the wider American soldier, because again, like you said, the other soldiers think he's mental (and that's no spoiler, it's in all the blurb).

So how do you think the exploration of a completely atypical character doubles as a critique on the entire war?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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And how on earth do you make that out to be an anti-Iraq v2.0 statement.

I didn't say anti-iraq war. I said anti-WAR. The concept of war does, however, include what's going on in iraq.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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And how on earth do you make that out to be an anti-Iraq v2.0 statement.

I didn't say anti-iraq war. I said anti-WAR. The concept of war does, however, include what's going on in iraq.

If you give any kind of flying flip related to anything Hollywood does, celebrate or praise, I feel sorry for you, which make the whole thread moot.......
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if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
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And how on earth do you make that out to be an anti-Iraq v2.0 statement.

I didn't say anti-iraq war. I said anti-WAR. The concept of war does, however, include what's going on in iraq.

If you give any kind of flying flip related to anything Hollywood does, celebrate or praise, I feel sorry for you, which make the whole thread moot.......

Right, because we all know people shouldn't care about the work they do.


quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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And how on earth do you make that out to be an anti-Iraq v2.0 statement.

I didn't say anti-iraq war. I said anti-WAR. The concept of war does, however, include what's going on in iraq.

Don't play games.

You said the film takes a position on the war, meaning the current Gulf war, meaning it's anti-Iraq. I really do not think that is true.

As I said, your argument of anti-war in general means it' opposed to this war is laughably simplistic. Look at Saving Private Ryan. Look at the terrible things that happen to nearly every character in that film. Safe to say that Spielberg wasn't attempting to glorify war in that film, but was it anti WW2? Of course not.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You don't see that as an anti-war statement?

No I don't. Having been there done that, I can tell you that risking your life to save someone else is a powerful drug. It's what drives policemen, firefighters, paramedics, and so forth. This rush is what I believe lead to him making a bad call.

Yes, he did make a bad call, but I'm pretty sure it was in the interest of the movie to make it interesting. I won't get into the details to spoil the movie.

My apologies if I gave to much away in my last post. I tried to be vague and not include to much detail about the scenes.

For the record, I also thought the movie sucked. As an EOD tech I can tell you that they screwed a lot of things up, but I do understand the message. It's not pro or anti war. It's just war.
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
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I thought the movie said that war is what war is, and gave examples. Most of the examples would be bad to most people; those who really thrive on this kind of action would probably not think it was as bad.

But it was a good movie.

After all, some people think drugs are good. In most cases, the destruction brought on by war and drugs is greater than the benefit. But not always. But you'd better damn sure be aware of what war or drugs are like before deciding they're the right way to go.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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The first line in the movie in black and white is "War is a drug."

You don't see that as an anti-war statement?

Saying it is addictive is not really a pro/con statement. And as Wendy notes, some drugs are beneficial. Had any coffee today? (or for those like me, Diet Coke)

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Remember, the same chick that directed this movie also did Point Break. You don't remember the line about "Some people snort for it, some jab a vein, all you have to do is jump?"

Very interesting, if short, collection of work. Point Break, the New Order Substance Video, K-19. Blue Steele. May this Oscar give her more opportunity, more selectivity in the future.

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As an old friend said a while back;

"I was in the play, I don't need to see the movie."

"I didn't think much of it then, and I think less of it now."

“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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Remember, the same chick that directed this movie also did Point Break. You don't remember the line about "Some people snort for it, some jab a vein, all you have to do is jump?"

Very interesting, if short, collection of work. Point Break, the New Order Substance Video, K-19. Blue Steele. May this Oscar give her more opportunity, more selectivity in the future.

Let's not forget Strange Days, one of my favorites.

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