
Miss Beverly Hills Thinks God Wants Gays Put to Death

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That is Old Testament law. New Testament teaches forgiveness from sin..
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True. Except for some dietary restrictions, God does not declare something wrong in the OT, then later says it's okay in the NT. Jesus changed the way we are to deal with sin, but He didn't say the sin was okay.

Homosexuality is morally wrong, as is a bunch of other stuff. God doesn't hate gays any more than He hates people who drink too much, or gossip, or sell stolen property, or commit adultery, or downsize too aggressively, etc. We all stand on even ground at the foot of the cross.

Jon S.

Then that's a good reason to allow gay people to marry, so that what they're doing is no longer adultery.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Tell you what. Go through Speakers Corner and count how many angry atheists we have denouncing religion, and how many angry religious people we have denouncing atheism.

The angry atheists LOUDLY proclaiming atheism & denouncing religion far outnumber the believers who are pushing their religion.

So says someone who hasn't actually counted.


So why is it OK for atheists to proclaim their atheism, but not OK for the religious?

Are you kidding? Even supposing you're right about the breakdown of this forum, take a look at the world around you. Which side has the TV stations, the radio stations, the vast political power base?

Not sure about that.

There's plenty of outlets on both sides.

The thing is: Fundy Atheists and Fundy Christians are both assholes.

They spout their crap & expect the other side to bend over & take it.

I have no problem with Christian or Muslims. I have a BIG problem when they use their religion as an excuse to act like assholes.

Similarly, I have no problem with atheists. I have a BIG problem when they use their Atheist beliefs to act like assholes.
Speed Racer

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Funny how an omniscient and omnipresent god can change his mind like that...
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It wasn't about "changing His mind." There's much you misunderstand.



Irony score candidate.

Anyhow, explain to us in detail how it isn't a change of mind when all of a sudden the rules are changed. Were the original rules of an OMNISCIENT and OMNIPRESENT god wrong in some way that they needed to be fixed?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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People that think California is nothing but left wing godless homos take note; this is Beverly Hills.

If a person can't be left alone as homosexual in Beverly Hills . . . where the hell?

Those of us in FL have long believed that CA creates the trends that spread across the nation. Could it be that the good people of CA have just become fed up to their eyeballs the LGBT weirdos within their midst?

You're obviously never seen an episode of COPS. The country would be better off if FL snapped off and sank into the ocean.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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...In my religion, declaring a large group of wonderful people as being members of a "morally wrong" group is morally wrong....
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The Judeo-Christian tradition recognizes the Bible as inspired by God. Therefore, if the Bible says homosexuality is morally wrong, that means that God says it is, not some caveman. This is why the Bible is recognized as something of an authority on the subject.

I know a lot of judeo-Christians and it is hard to even get more than a few to agree on any one aspect of their own bible. It is not that I have not paid attention or been exposed to the bible or interpretations of the bible... I went to a very religious (Christian) college and was forced to study the bible as part of the most basic curriculum. (I went because the same school was respected in my field of study and I just tolerated the forced religion). Oh, and I am a confirmed Catholic and thus had to go to many hours of "Sunday School", which happened to be on Tuesday nights... It was taught by a Catholic priest, who happened to have sex with my best friend's mother, causing a divorce and tearing apart a family... So I understand that just because someone calls themselves "Christian", they don't necessarily have good characteristics...


The same Bible that declares queer sex wrong also emplores us to treat people with respect, etc. regardless of whether they personally partake in queer sex. Those who do can recipirocate this respect by keeping their personal lives to themselves and not continually looking for ways to bring it to our attention. Keep my nose out of your bedroom.

I don't have a rainbow sticker on my car, nor do I preach anything about my personal life to friends or the general public... But - this request sounds like "don't ask, don't tell" - the soon to be repealed military policy.

Here's the problem. Almost every sitcom on TV, even the Olympic figure skating routines - are all based on human sexuality and relationships. Heterosexual kissing in public is so common place no one notices... Can homosexual relationships have the same respect in public without putting your nose in my bedroom????


Many "wonderful people" also engage in immoral straight sex (I did once,)...

I wonder what your interpretation of your religion defines as immoral? I have been told that certain positions in bed between two heterosexuals, who are married, and who were virgins until their wedding night, can be immoral, let alone cheating on a loved one....


use foul language, gossip, drink too much, use illegal drugs,

I wonder - were there any illegal drugs back in the day when the bible was written? I never thought of this until you mentioned it... Or do we just have to assume that some modern day behaviors would be immoral based upon extrapolations of how the bible applies to today's technology??? I know someone who partakes in some "X" and "K" at raves... He just dances and dances having so much fun, then goes home with someone else driving the car and sobers up and no one is harmed... But my ex-office manager's life was destroyed by drugs... So, I find it hard to even make blanket assumptions about "illegal drugs".


mistreat people on occasion (usually not on purpose,) say stupid things in anger, cheat on the job, even shoplift or engage in other petty crime. We can treat these people with compassion & respect, while still holding to the standard that their behavior was wrong.

Again, what is right and wrong is based upon one's personal beliefs... Our society has a bunch of laws that theoretically are based upon the desires of the public to protect the public from other people... Traffic laws, gun laws, and laws about property (steeling, vandalism, etc)... But there are a lot of things you might find wrong that I don't... And the other way around too. I try to be open minded enough to say - if it doesn't harm me, and it is not harming my friends - then why stick my nose in other people's lives...

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It really is that simple.

Why do people use this phrase after stating their opinion?

It seems to be most commonly used after talking about something which is in fact NOT simple.

In my mind.... it is simple:P

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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The same Bible that declares queer sex wrong also emplores us to treat people with respect, etc. regardless of whether they personally partake in queer sex.

Queer sex. Hmm, yes, I see that is very respectful.


Those who do can recipirocate this respect by keeping their personal lives to themselves and not continually looking for ways to bring it to our attention. Keep my nose out of your bedroom.

Bringing it to your attention how? By ever mentioning it public? By talking about their partners the same way a straight person would? By not keepin it completely and utterly secret?

I don't think I've ever felt that my nose has been dragged into a gay persons bedroom. If that's where yours has ended up, it's your own issues that put it there.


Y'know I've never understood this hostility to "fundamentalism"

That's because you don't realise what you look like from the outside.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Are you kidding? Even supposing you're right about the breakdown of this forum, take a look at the world around you. Which side has the TV stations, the radio stations, the vast political power base?

Not sure about that.

Once more, are you kidding?

If you think there is any comparison at all, please bear in mind that you are not as impartial as you think you are.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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The Judeo-Christian tradition recognizes the Bible as inspired by God. Therefore, if the Bible says homosexuality is morally wrong, that means that God says it is, not some caveman. This is why the Bible is recognized as something of an authority on the subject


Even if the bible says it's ok to smash infants heads on rocks, isolate menstrating women, and sell your daughter into slavery?

The bible is an authority on what subject?



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The Judeo-Christian tradition recognizes the Bible as inspired by God. Therefore, if the Bible says homosexuality is morally wrong, that means that God says it is, not some caveman. This is why the Bible is recognized as something of an authority on the subject


Even if the bible says it's ok to smash infants heads on rocks, isolate menstrating women, and sell your daughter into slavery?

The bible is an authority on what subject?

Contradiction. You can find support for anything you want in the bible if you look.

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...explain to us in detail...
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Now this is interesting. I offered a brief explanation of some basic information and you're demanding details.

If I did attempt to provide more details it wouldn't be long before someone accused me of "prosyletizing." If you're really interested in learning more about the Bible there are several practical things you can do that would yield far greater understanding than whatever you'll glean from an internet forum. (These would include actually reading it, as well as talking with a pastor or two who have the knowledge & training to better answer your questions.)

But you have to be serious about wanting to learn. If you're approaching this discussion with an attitude of contention & debate it'll be a waste of time.

If you don't believe in God and take no interest in the Church, that's fine. But if you feel the need to offer rebuttal every time someone says something nice about the Bible you might want to examine your own attitude.


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...Even if the bible says it's ok to smash infants heads on rocks, isolate menstrating women, and sell your daughter into slavery?...
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If you ever find a pastor or a church that teaches that it's okay to do these things, please report back to us. This will be news.

This thread was started because somebody thought a woman in California was claiming that God wants gays killed. Funny how many atheists here are disappointed to learn that this is incorrect, and how determined they are to reject any information that shows this is wrong.

Kinda like the reactions of people who have been preaching global warming, only to be told that it's a hoax and that there really is no climate "crisis." Instead of accepting this as good news, they become angry to learn that things aren't as bad as they had been led to believe.


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Look at Speakers Corner. Your statement began, "If the religious would just STFU.."

You claim the religious are the instigators.

Yet look at all the atheists' posts in Speakers Corner.

My observation is that atheists do not sell or push atheism; but a lot of people are selling religion.

Never had anyone knock on my door to try to convince me to be atheist; but have had to endure an endless continuum of religion salespeople knocking on my door pushing their God.

For non-religious types, religion is a non-issue until a religious person tries to impose their will or beliefs. I don't see non-religious people pushing for people to be non-religious until they feel the need to defend themselves from a believer. Even when confronted with a believer's pitch, rather than argue against religion, they are more likely to say "keep it to yourself" than "you should switch sides."

It occurs to me that arguements for religion are mostly on offense, and the non-religious amongst us mostly are on defense - usually in reactionary mode.

Look at this beauty pageant scuttlebutt. No atheists came out declaring people must switch to atheism, or become gay, or eat meat during Lent; but we got a bimbette instigating debate by slamming specific lifestyles and quoting the Bible as evidence for her position. I doubt anybody would care at all what her beliefs are, but she had to come out with a statement insinuating people should behave in a certain manner for religious reasons.

It is a portion of the religious that can't live and let live.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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This thread was started because somebody thought a woman in California was claiming that God wants gays killed. Funny how many atheists here are disappointed to learn that this is incorrect, and how determined they are to reject any information that shows this is wrong.

the report wasn't that she was claiming that god wants gays killed. she said exactly what it says in leviticus. it's totally black and white. no ambiguity whatsoever. god says, gays must be killed.

maybe you remember a couple years back, in wyoming, a couple guys dragged a gay man (i believe a college student) behind their truck for a while, then tied him to a fence post, where he died. they targeted him because he was gay. churchgoers picketed his funeral with signs reading "matthew shepard burns in hell". one church group went so far as to apply for (was denied) permission to put up a bronze statue in cheyenne, near where he was killed, with a plaque reading "matthew sheperd entered hell oct 12, 1998 in defiance of gods warning" and then quoted leviticus.

if you're going to go so far as to say that we're angry because we've been shown that this law is incorrect, please cite the chapter and verse. don't give me a bunch of bullshit about a collective revelation that you had. i will call it bullshit because that's exactly what it sounds like if you respond that it's from years of study and meditation, and a deeply personal understanding of the gospel. leviticus spells out what needs to happen according to god in absolutely no uncertain terms. please tell me the chapter and verse where the new testament reverses that earlier position, in the same plain language that it used to invoke it.

maybe just stick to one topic as well, since global warming is a scientific fact (no surprise that scientific facts mean nothing to you).

and for those of you who are bitching that athiests are cramming their shit down your throats, or attacking the religious, let's try to pull our heads out of our asses. this f-in trollop just advocated the murder of 10% of our society. she should be jailed. if one person is killed, she should be tried for complicity. the religious should once again be embarrassed at the absolute backward ways you still cling to. but instead you're here playing possum. "poor us, look how these athiests keep attacking us". if you've had some sort of revelation that caught you up to the rest of us who KNOW homosexuality is not a crime or a moral wrong or anything else, then collectively you should be apologizing for this bible belt reject who's still living in the dark ages. which BTW are called the dark ages because the CHURCH ADVOCATED THIS KIND OF SHIT THEN TOO. there is absolutely nothing funny about this. think about your words more before you post them.

Say what you mean. Do what you say.

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...Even if the bible says it's ok to smash infants heads on rocks, isolate menstrating women, and sell your daughter into slavery?...
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If you ever find a pastor or a church that teaches that it's okay to do these things, please report back to us. This will be news.


Apparently you also can't figure out to whom you are replying. I didn't post that.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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...explain to us in detail...
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Now this is interesting. I offered a brief explanation of some basic information and you're demanding details.

If I did attempt to provide more details it wouldn't be long before someone accused me of "prosyletizing." If you're really interested in learning more about the Bible there are several practical things you can do that would yield far greater understanding than whatever you'll glean from an internet forum. (These would include actually reading it, as well as talking with a pastor or two who have the knowledge & training to better answer your questions.)

But you have to be serious about wanting to learn. If you're approaching this discussion with an attitude of contention & debate it'll be a waste of time.

If you don't believe in God and take no interest in the Church, that's fine. But if you feel the need to offer rebuttal every time someone says something nice about the Bible you might want to examine your own attitude.


In other words, you have NO explanation for the abrupt about-face in the "divinely inspired" rules that happened 2000 years ago, and are just blowing hot air.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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...Even if the bible says it's ok to smash infants heads on rocks, isolate menstrating women, and sell your daughter into slavery?...

That's just the point, why is it not being taught? After all, it is in the bible, you do believe the bible is the infallible word of God? Unlike most Christians, some of us atheist actually read all the fine print. Perhaps you can only handle the warm and fuzzy parts, but the fact is the bible is full of circles that can't be squared.
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...Even if the bible says it's ok to smash infants heads on rocks, isolate menstrating women, and sell your daughter into slavery?...
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If you ever find a pastor or a church that teaches that it's okay to do these things, please report back to us. This will be news.

That's just the point, why is it not being taught? After all, it is in the bible, you do believe the bible is the infallible word of God? Unlike most Christians, some of us atheist actually read all the fine print. Perhaps you can only handle the warm and fuzzy parts, but the fact is the bible is full of circles that can't be squared.


I had daily religious indoctrination at school, from age 5 until I was 18. We studied the bible in depth. I even believed it for some time, until I started to think seriously about it and realized what a load of BS we were being fed.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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...Even if the bible says it's ok to smash infants heads on rocks, isolate menstrating women, and sell your daughter into slavery?...

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I stand corrected, evidently selling your daughter into slavery is still legal in Nevada.

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this f-in trollop just advocated the murder of 10% of our society. she should be jailed. if one person is killed, she should be tried for complicity.

wow - I'm not a fan of her statement either, but I'm a bigger fan of avoiding knee jerk reactions to something someone just quotes - that, and speech

wow, thought police - cool

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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The Judeo-Christian tradition recognizes the Bible as inspired by God. Therefore, if the Bible says homosexuality is morally wrong, that means that God says it is, not some caveman. This is why the Bible is recognized as something of an authority on the subject


Even if the bible says it's ok to smash infants heads on rocks, isolate menstrating women, and sell your daughter into slavery?

The bible is an authority on what subject?



Hey I am good with that result for Miss Beverly Hills Bimbo... she wants to live Old Testament... she needs to be sold off to a a swarth mediteranean nomadic goat herder.:ph34r::ph34r:

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If you ever find a pastor or a church that teaches that it's okay to do these things, please report back to us. This will be news.

as opposed to just Miss Beverly Hills wishing death on Gays?? Is there a difference?

not exact, but pretty friggin' close examples....

need I go further?

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[Reply]Y'know I've never understood this hostility to "fundamentalism" The word simply means basic or essential. Would you fly with a pilot who did not respect the fundamentals of powered flight?


Here's the thing, I am willing to fly with someone who respects the "fundamentals" of powered flight, because the "fundmental" knowledge was learned via the scientific method. There is plenty of evidence that the physics that decribe how powered flight works has been studied well.

However, fundamentalism as it pertains to religion, is exactly the opposite. the scientific method is rejected and book of fables is instead the authority on natural law.


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