
Why are conservatives so frequently accused of racism

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I think it is usually to change the subject.

However, some of the libs making such allegations are definitely racist.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I think that sometimes they hear many accusations as being of racism, just as some minorities see all discrimination as being racism.

Even when it isn't.

If your racism-radar is heightened (because of personal or family experience, or whom you listen to regularly), then you're going to see lots of things as racism.

If your racism-accusation radar is heightened (for the same reasons), then you're going to be hyper-sensitive to accusations of racism.

So I'd say that sometimes they take single accusations of someone else to heart when it's not directed at them, just as some minorities and women take discrimination to heart when it's not directed at them.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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That way the people making the allegation don't have to argue with facts or logic.
They just try and make their opposition look like bigots, which they think is enough to win the argument.

And when it comes to guns, they accuse the pro-gun folks of small penis substitution.

The death penalty? Accuse the pro-death penalty folks of favoring the murder of innocent people.

Oh, and as a last resort, the derisive laughter ploy ("Bwahahahaha") is always fun.

But whatever they do, for gosh sakes, they don't respond to calls for facts.

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That way the people making the allegation don't have to argue with facts or logic.
They just try and make their opposition look like bigots, which they think is enough to win the argument.

And when it comes to guns, they accuse the pro-gun folks of small penis substitution.

The death penalty? Accuse the pro-death penalty folks of favoring the murder of innocent people.

Oh, and as a last resort, the derisive laughter ploy ("Bwahahahaha") is always fun.

But whatever they do, for gosh sakes, they don't respond to calls for facts.

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

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"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Fact: Don Imus referred to some black female basketball players as nappy haired whores. There are white players. Never heard of him calling them whores, and guessing he has not.

Fact: Howard Cossell referred to a black football player as a monkey. Not aware he ever used, and my guess is he never did use, that term for a white player.

Just 2 right off the top of my head; but racist is as racist does (or says).

Why the people that use such language (which is a window into their beliefs) at least seem to be mostly of a conservative ilk is hard to say exactly. But it is what it is.

The type of insult hurled at Obama is something nearly unheard of on the floor of Congress. Just a coincidence that it was directed at the first black President? Maybe. But when incidents become a pattern, the excuses begin to wear thin.

Racism in subtle and not so subtle forms is all around us and will probably take many more generations to die.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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That way the people making the allegation don't have to argue with facts or logic.
They just try and make their opposition look like bigots, which they think is enough to win the argument.

Have you ever lived in the south?


And when it comes to guns, they accuse the pro-gun folks of small penis substitution.

Now that's definetly true! ;)


The death penalty? Accuse the pro-death penalty folks of favoring the murder of innocent people.

Some innocent people probably have been put to death. It's a matter of how many will you tolerate.


Oh, and as a last resort, the derisive laughter ploy ("Bwahahahaha") is always fun.



But whatever they do, for gosh sakes, they don't respond to calls for facts.

Who needs facts when you can believe whatever you like.

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Maybe it's because the right keeps letting the wrong people speak for them. You know, like:

George "Macaca" Allen

Glen "Obama is a racist with a deep seated hatred of white people" Beck

Sean "Do the Obama's have a race problem of their own" Hannity

Rush ""In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering." and "the way to get promoted in the Barack Obama administration" is by hating white people." Limbaugh

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Racism in subtle and not so subtle forms is all around us and will probably take many more generations to die.

This is true. Unfortunately, politicians are using the racecard for political gain. You can only cry wolf so many times before people stop believing you. Behaviour such as this only serves to be detrimental to the abolishment of racism.

As you can see by my avatar I'm not white so let me ask you something. If someone who happens to be white disagreed with me and even went so far as to insult me by calling me a liar here on dz.com, would you consider the insulter to be racists simply because I have a darker complexion than him/her?

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Fact: Howard Cossell referred to a black football player as a monkey. Not aware he ever used, and my guess is he never did use, that term for a white player.

What makes you think Cosell was a conservative? I watched him for years and never remember him venturing into the world of politics. The exception was his frequent leadership in the realm of sports broadcasting on things like recognizing Muhammed Ali's legitimate name change. If I was to guess I woul put my money on Cosell being a Dem, but I wouldn't put a lot either way.
BTW when Cosell made the monkey comment the RB in question was the same age as one of his grandchildren. He probably called them monkeys as well. When Jesse Jackson and Ali showed up to have Cosell's back the next day it was not to sanctify grovelling and contrition, it was to give testimonial that Cosell had been a friend of equality his entire career.


Racism in subtle and not so subtle forms is all around us and will probably take many more generations to die.

I suspect it will always be with us. My sister thinks the people who live across the river are all crazy (well, they are protestants after all).:|

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Maybe it's because the right keeps letting the wrong people speak for them. You know, like:
George "Macaca" Allen...

There are certainly some right-wing bigots.
And there are also certainly some left-wing bigots too.

The problem is when someone takes the bigoted actions of a few individuals, and tries to brand an entire class of people as bigots. That's where they go wrong. And that gets back to that issue of facts and logic that I was talking about before. People who make wholesale statements about entire classes of people based upon a few examples, are themselves bigots.

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Maybe it's because the right keeps letting the wrong people speak for them. You know, like:
George "Macaca" Allen...

There are certainly some right-wing bigots.
And there are also certainly some left-wing bigots too.

The problem is when someone takes the bigoted actions of a few individuals, and tries to brand an entire class of people as bigots. That's where they go wrong. And that gets back to that issue of facts and logic that I was talking about before. People who make wholesale statements about entire classes of people based upon a few examples, are themselves bigots.

Is everyone sitting down? I'll wait.........

John, I agree 100% with your above statement.

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the answer to your question is simple. minorities have been voting democrat for generations and the democrats haven't done a fucking thing for them. the only thing they have to keep control of major voting blocks is to paint the republicans as racist.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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Racism in subtle and not so subtle forms is all around us and will probably take many more generations to die.

This is true. Unfortunately, politicians are using the racecard for political gain. You can only cry wolf so many times before people stop believing you. Behaviour such as this only serves to be detrimental to the abolishment of racism.

As you can see by my avatar I'm not white so let me ask you something. If someone who happens to be white disagreed with me and even went so far as to insult me by calling me a liar here on dz.com, would you consider the insulter to be racists simply because I have a darker complexion than him/her?

No. But only because name calling and straight to the point insults here are very regular. If it were done in a place where such behavior is rare; I would consider it a strong possibility. And when a person has an easily discernible trend of always hating on people of the same nationality, race, sexual preference, etc; it is no coincidence.

I heartily agree that any behavior that calls for differential treatment, advantageous or egregious, will continue to propogate racist attitudes.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Fact: Howard Cossell referred to a black football player as a monkey. Not aware he ever used, and my guess is he never did use, that term for a white player.

What makes you think Cosell was a conservative? I watched him for years and never remember him venturing into the world of politics. The exception was his frequent leadership in the realm of sports broadcasting on things like recognizing Muhammed Ali's legitimate name change. If I was to guess I woul put my money on Cosell being a Dem, but I wouldn't put a lot either way.
BTW when Cosell made the monkey comment the RB in question was the same age as one of his grandchildren. He probably called them monkeys as well. When Jesse Jackson and Ali showed up to have Cosell's back the next day it was not to sanctify grovelling and contrition, it was to give testimonial that Cosell had been a friend of equality his entire career.


Racism in subtle and not so subtle forms is all around us and will probably take many more generations to die.

I suspect it will always be with us. My sister thinks the people who live across the river are all crazy (well, they are protestants after all).:|

Racism has to do with how you treat people you DON'T know, not how you treat those close to you. Forming opinions about someone you are close to has nothing to do with racism. Forming opinions on pople you do not know based on their skin color is racism. My father and pretty much all of my uncles were the same. They had black coworkers they respected because they knew them personally and it overrode their racist beliefs. But blacks they did not know were niggers to be avoided.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Racism in subtle and not so subtle forms is all around us and will probably take many more generations to die.

This is true. Unfortunately, politicians are using the racecard for political gain. You can only cry wolf so many times before people stop believing you. Behaviour such as this only serves to be detrimental to the abolishment of racism.

As you can see by my avatar I'm not white so let me ask you something. If someone who happens to be white disagreed with me and even went so far as to insult me by calling me a liar here on dz.com, would you consider the insulter to be racists simply because I have a darker complexion than him/her?

No. But only because name calling and straight to the point insults here are very regular. If it were done in a place where such behavior is rare; I would consider it a strong possibility. And when a person has an easily discernible trend of always hating on people of the same nationality, race, sexual preference, etc; it is no coincidence.

I heartily agree that any behavior that calls for differential treatment, advantageous or egregious, will continue to propogate racist attitudes.

Is there an easily discernable trend with Wilson? Seriously pirana....help a brother out on this one because my mind is boggled that anyone would consider Wilson's outburst to be racist.

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