
Able to do under which power?

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I don't recall much outrage from you when Bush was spending far more than the govt was receiving in revenues.

Blame shifting isn't terribly productive. I wasn't happy with the Bush administration's overspending. I'm not happy with the Obama administration's overspending.

It's just insane that when someone (like me) says they don't like government spending, the knee jerk response appears to be "but that other guy you didn't like did it, too!"


You seem to have forgotten that we are in "The Bush Recession" right now.

No one man--George Bush, Barack Obama, or the King of Siam--has the power to throw the whole world into a recession. Blaming any one person is generally a futile exercise in partisan finger pointing.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Let me be more specific then.

Do you think what Congress has done so far in dealing with the auto industry falls outside its authority? THAT is the basis for this entire thread.



Well, clearly YOU do.

I was asking people that might know what they're talking about. ;)

I think Congress has overstepped it's Constitutional authority. Not just in the bailouts, but in a lot of things.

If I disagree with you, does that mean that I'm just one of those people who doesn't know what I'm talking about? :P


So far anyone that doesn't follow the new "KINGS" ideas and treat them as the word from god doesn't know what they are talking about.

I own a busines and I have always run in the black. I know that I can't get loans for things I can't pay for. I also know that getting a loan will cost me more when paying back. I know I don't have the right to tell other people how to run their business, but I can offer sugestions.

Obama has never run any business, he doesn't even have a clue how to run a business. the government is a business and therefore needs to follow some guidelines that would make it viable business. The spending by the government is out of control and they have no way to pay off the loans they are getting. this is what got several companies in trouble and caused the mess we have today. some day the loans will need to be repaid and how do they intend to do that? What will happen to the economy when the creditors call in the loan?

Being fiscally responsible is a hard thing to do because you have to say no to things that may be nice to have. Being responsible means that the most important things get done first and those less important have to wait. Obama isn't responsible enough to let those things wait until they can be paid for. Obama, like alot of people in the US don't have the responsibility or the courage to stand up and say no. I guess leading by example is not part of Obama's character.

The government doesn't have the right to tell a company who to hire and how much to pay them. thay can make sugestions but not order what they want.

The government is supposed to work for our best interest not theirs.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I don't recall much outrage from you when Bush was spending far more than the govt was receiving in revenues.

I don't recall your having any problem with a government run by a guy (GWB) who HAD run businesses, several of them, and run them into the ground like he did the country.

You seem to have forgotten that we are in "The Bush Recession" right now.

then you payed little damn attention
I did not, nore did many like the way the R were spending like drunk democrates :P

We are were we are at today politically because Bush and his congress fucked away a chance they had never had

so, you can keep you hillary clinton I dont recall bs.

But it it funny!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I don't recall much outrage from you when Bush was spending far more than the govt was receiving in revenues.

I don't recall your having any problem with a government run by a guy (GWB) who HAD run businesses, several of them, and run them into the ground like he did the country.

You seem to have forgotten that we are in "The Bush Recession" right now.


so the continued spending times 2 or 3 is Bushes fault? - I didn't like the last years spending under bush(driven by the dem's) and talked on this forum about how the bailout shouldn't have happened and that those companies should be allowed to fail and the Corp exect's that ran them into the ground should be stripped of their assets and put in jail if fraud was used.

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>Or i can reduce employee benifits and pay to offset the cost in order
>to sell my product at the same price as my overseas compitition. or i can
>skimp on quality of the product and down the road loose business
>because I make an inferior product. What one do you pick Bill?

I choose to make a product that no one has made before and thus there is no competition for. Once China starts copying them I'll make another one. That's my solution.

so any business that produces a product that has been copied by onother country should go out of business? should make another product instead? Bill you have over a million businesses that create products that are also produced other places. Should all of them design a new product and retool? Should we just say goodbuy to every product that is produced by another country? the idea is to keep jobs in this country and employ US citizens, not send their jobs to other countries so they can collect unemployment and welfare.

so answer my question what option do you feel is the right one?

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>so any business that produces a product that has been copied by
>onother country should go out of business?

Nope, didn't say that. Note that more than one company makes telephones, for example.

>Bill you have over a million businesses that create products that are also
>produced other places. Should all of them design a new product and

Nope, I didn't say that.

>Should we just say goodbuy to every product that is produced by
>another country?

We do that every day at Wal-Mart!

>so answer my question what option do you feel is the right one?

Neither of your contrived options is any good, and if a company sees those two as the only options, they deserve to go the way of GM.

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I don't recall much outrage from you when Bush was spending far more than the govt was receiving in revenues.

Blame shifting isn't terribly productive. I wasn't happy with the Bush administration's overspending. I'm not happy with the Obama administration's overspending.

It's just insane that when someone (like me) says they don't like government spending, the knee jerk response appears to be "but that other guy you didn't like did it, too!"


You seem to have forgotten that we are in "The Bush Recession" right now.

No one man--George Bush, Barack Obama, or the King of Siam--has the power to throw the whole world into a recession. Blaming any one person is generally a futile exercise in partisan finger pointing.


What short memories you have. Suggest you do a search on "Clinton recession" and see how many times you righties used the expression over the past 8 years.



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Obama has never run any business, he doesn't even have a clue how to run a business.

Who was the last President that did have a clue?

Ike? He ran very large organizations, but his budget was hardly constrained in the way it is for most businesses.

Bush knew how to run businesses into the ground.
Clinton was a politician/lawyer, married to a lawyer.
Bush Sr was a career bureaucrat
Reagan was actor/politican
Carter was a farmer
Ford parlayed a successful UMich football career into politics
Nixon was a scumbag
LBJ was a Texan scumbag
Kennedy was born into wealth
Ike was the lead General for the US

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>but we do because we can't drill for our own oil and that is because
>of the governments restrictions . . .

?? Dude, there are thousands of acres of oil-rich land out there in the US open to drilling that we just can't be bothered to drill because foreign oil is cheaper. Do you want to pass a law that says you can't buy cheap oil?

If you believe buying foreign oil is a problem, then the answer is to declare a national emergency and insist our people contribute to the solution with more efficient cars, not whining about their boat they tow once a month. Our consumption is far too high to justify burning away all of our local supplies.

Review what happened to Japan in the 30s and 40s. It would be precisely that situation for us.

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>so any business that produces a product that has been copied by
>onother country should go out of business?

Nope, didn't say that. Note that more than one company makes telephones, for example.

>Bill you have over a million businesses that create products that are also
>produced other places. Should all of them design a new product and

Nope, I didn't say that.


yes you did. you said that if china started making your product you would find a new product to make.

>Should we just say goodbuy to every product that is produced by
>another country?

We do that every day at Wal-Mart!

>so answer my question what option do you feel is the right one?

Neither of your contrived options is any good, and if a company sees those two as the only options, they deserve to go the way of GM.


I gave 3 options and for most companies they are the only options.

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>but we do because we can't drill for our own oil and that is because
>of the governments restrictions . . .

?? Dude, there are thousands of acres of oil-rich land out there in the US open to drilling that we just can't be bothered to drill because foreign oil is cheaper. Do you want to pass a law that says you can't buy cheap oil?

If you believe buying foreign oil is a problem, then the answer is to declare a national emergency and insist our people contribute to the solution with more efficient cars, not whining about their boat they tow once a month. Our consumption is far too high to justify burning away all of our local supplies.

Review what happened to Japan in the 30s and 40s. It would be precisely that situation for us.


I am not complaining about the oil consumption but that our money is going over seas to people that use alot of that money to arm their people to fight against us. We could be using our oil and employing our people, and using our companies profits to produce our future energy sourcres like wind and solar. and since the countries in the middle east would have less money then they will have less arms and therefore be less of a problem for us to deal with. By drilling and using our oil we win and the middle east looses, along with terrorists from those areas.

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>you said that if china started making your product you would find a new
>product to make.

Correct. That's not the same as "everyone else should find a new product to make." That's just what I do. You don't have to do the same thing.

>I gave 3 options and for most companies they are the only options.

If a company's only 3 options are:

go out of business
reduce employee benefits
skimp on quality

then they deserve to go out of business and be replaced by a company that can do a better job managing their business.

It's like saying "hey, I'm a skydiver and I can't pull on time! Should I jump with someone who's AFF rated all the time so he can pull for me, or should I get an AAD on my main so I don't have to worry about it?" The answer is - none of the above. If you can't perform, you shouldn't skydive. And if you can't compete in your field of business, you should choose a field in which you can compete. (Or get a job at Target.)

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the middle east would have less money then they will have less arms and therefore be less of a problem for us to deal with.

Although I generally agree that reliance on foreign oil is bad, I'd like to point out that the most effective weapons ever used against the US by Middle Easterners were 19 box cutters available at Wal-Mart for $2 each.

- Dan G

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the middle east would have less money then they will have less arms and therefore be less of a problem for us to deal with.

Although I generally agree that reliance on foreign oil is bad, I'd like to point out that the most effective weapons ever used against the US by Middle Easterners were 19 box cutters available at Wal-Mart for $2 each.


you forgot about the money needed to build the organization, send people to the us to live, train them to fly the planes and organize the attacks. the $38 for the box cutters was only a small fraction of the total cost. tens of thousands of dollars were spent to get to the actual attack.

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>It's like saying "hey, I'm a skydiver and I can't pull on time! Should I jump with someone who's AFF rated all the time so he can pull for me, or should I get an AAD on my main so I don't have to worry about it?"

It's ok now, our new Exec and Legislative Congress promises to make sure those greedy DZOs now will make sure you to have both. Because decent hard working jumpers shouldn't have to be scared that every jump might be their last jump.

heck - think about it - if every American just contributed 10 dollars apiece - (300M x $10 = 3 BILLION dollars). 3 Billion dollars is a LOT of money - That HAS to be enough to provide Nationalized Jumpcare to every single American.

. whether they want it or not

"Nationalized Jumpcare - Just like Europe - won't someone please think of the children"

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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What short memories you have. Suggest you do a search on "Clinton recession" and see how many times you righties used the expression over the past 8 years.



Um, you got me?

I'm not sure what you're talking about, actually.

I'm pretty sure I haven't used the term "Clinton Recession" either here or elsewhere, unless it was some sort of shorthand for a time period, rather than an attempt to cast blame (for example, although I usually try to refer to the Clinton-era assault weapons ban, I'm sure that somehow, somewhere I shortened it to the Clinton ban--that was not an attempt to attribute that bad law to one person).

You go ahead and laugh, and shout your "gotcha". I'll sit over here scratching my head and wondering what you're on about.

Edit to add: As you suggested, here is a search for "Clinton Recession." I admit I only scanned the first two pages (until I encountered your post suggesting the search at the bottom of the second page), but I failed to see any posts where I used that term. Please do let me know what post of mine you are talking about, so I can check it out. Thanks!
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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>Carter was a farmer

and ironically thats the most qualified business man of all;)

looking over the list, it would be the closest, but I have no idea what scale his peanut farm was. And did he just take over the family business - I recall he ended his military career to take care of the family after a death (presumably his father).

Perhaps not enough experience to prepare him for the White House, despite being a rather bright guy.

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Obama has never run any business, he doesn't even have a clue how to run a business. the government is a business and therefore needs to follow some guidelines that would make it viable business.

The government is not a business, and should not be run like one.
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Let's say you have a chunk of money for your personal use, say $100,000.

Now, you have two options, you can, if you want, buy a shit load of guns and ammo, go to the range and shoot them off or . . . you can pay for your kid's college education.

Both are spending and puts money in a variety of people's hands which further circulates and grows the economy.

Which is the irresponsible choice?

Obviously, spending the money on guns and ammo is the more responsible choice. Everyone knows that a college education would only serve to turn your kid into a pinko commie faggot whose two priorities in life will be to ban guns and undermine marriages between straight partners. The problem with this country is that our youngsters are being exposed to too much book learnin'; we don't need more of it!
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Who was the last President that did have a clue?

The present Oval Office occupant notwithstanding, since he hasn't been in office long enough to demonstrate competence or incompetence, I would say it was Clinton, at least w/r/t the budget and economy. I would also suggest that the Republican sweep of Congress in the 1994 elections set him up for his best years by creating such an adversarial environment between those two branches of the federal government.
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Obama needs to get some backbone and do what he preaches or he will become one of the biggest failures as a president and send our children into poverty conditions like we have seen in Russia, China, and other countries.

History of the USA, it{he} does not remember?
Does not remember poor and hungry America of times of " great depression "?

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What short memories you have. Suggest you do a search on "Clinton recession" and see how many times you righties used the expression over the past 8 years.


And you folks SWORE it was all Bush's fault, remember? So, that means this is OBAMA's recession.



No, you didn't.
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