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  1. Read to start conversation: and perhaps I won't consider you by Hans Andersen.
  2. Where do you go to insult? In that pederast, pederast called publicly? Well, I would say that he is a fascist.
  3. What do I need to explain? The fact that the boy was lying. This is obvious and needs no explanation.
  4. You suck dick at drunk Tungus. Do you understand me pidorok?
  5. You pizdobol ordinary.
  6. Normally, when one country sends troops and arms into another country and is shooting at that country's army, we call that "war". No it's called an act of aggression. War has to be/should be declared. The only country in the world not to condemn fascism - USA. What else to say? You need to run in the United States about three hundred of separating nuclear warheads. Let stupid nigger Obama realizes that this is not Rosiiya miserable states . Sincerely, Nicholas.
  7. In Ukraine, there are units of private military companies in the USA. It is these buggers went to war in Ukraine. I think - you need uebat in the USA a couple of hundreds of missiles with multiple warheads. And oborzeli buggers. Sincerely, Nicholas.
  8. It is more than 42,000. It is a lot of. There is an occasion to reflect to the governor of staff
  9. As I posted in another thread, when he has nothing to add to the discussion he says, "Hey, look over here." At least he is consistent. JerryBaumchen There is it I evaded from petition discussion? Ah Sara, such Sara...
  10. I wish we could just send all these NUMB NUTZ over to you with no possibility of repatriation like Oswald.... I think they would enjoy Siberia for a couple days. I was born and live in Siberia. Like my ancestors, from the 15th century. I like it here. I am sure Comrade Stalin helped out greatly... brought all that new blood into the region... Maybe we could help out and send you some more.Your confidence lies on the base of false information. When the last time lynched the Afro-American? I have no idea although it was quite the rage by many of our conservatives here. I guess we could always ask about the Russian propensity of helping people that Mr Putin does not like to accidentally die of polonium Samples of polonium were sent to the USA in Livermorsky nuclear national laboratory, results of its researches yet aren't reported. Ah it while ;) Children it is your rubbish... P.S. You always leave from a topic of conversation. As it on female :)
  11. I wish we could just send all these NUMB NUTZ over to you with no possibility of repatriation like Oswald.... I think they would enjoy Siberia for a couple days. I was born and live in Siberia. Like my ancestors, from the 15th century. I like it here. I am sure Comrade Stalin helped out greatly... brought all that new blood into the region... Maybe we could help out and send you some more.Your confidence lies on the base of false information. When the last time lynched the Afro-American?
  12. I wish we could just send all these NUMB NUTZ over to you with no possibility of repatriation like Oswald.... I think they would enjoy Siberia for a couple days. I was born and live in Siberia. Like my ancestors, from the 15th century. I like it here.
  13. More than 37 000 I didn't expect very much.
  14. Other trololo are necessary to "defenders" of Georgia to justify their false situation in this question...
  15. Russia attacked Georgia? You don't make laugh my slippers. FYI: The Budapest memorandum - 3. Refrain from using economic pressure on Ukraine in order to influence its politics. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland spoke at "Ukraine in Washington 2013" conference organized by U.S.- Ukraine Foundation on December 13. "We invested more than 5 billions..." Silence gold ;) I don't think that republicans are capable of sharper acts.