
Should Obama Apologize to Iran?

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Iran tells U.S. to show change in policy not tactics

"Those who say they want to make change, this is the change they should make: they should apologize to the Iranian nation and try to make up for their dark background and the crimes they have committed against the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said.

"When they say policy would change, it means they would end America's military presence around the world," he said, referring to U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world.
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE50R1SX20090128?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews

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He should only open for dialog, but that is all I guess. Reach the hand and open the door, and hope there by time will be changes in Iran as well!

Withdraw from where? Irak you are leaving right? Afghanistan will be run by UN? And where else do you have troops left? You left Island, Philipine, Germany, Bosnia, S. America, Africa,

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Sure. Call his bluff. Say "hey, we're real sorry we upset you. Now live up to your side of the bargain." Costs us nothing, and has maybe a .5% chance of working. And if it doesn't? We've got the PR value. "We apologized and gave him a chance to do the right thing. He didn't take it. Oh well. I guess we see his real motivations now."

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Depends on what the apology is for I think. Americans seem blissfully ignorant of the fact that the CIA in 1953 organized the overthrow of the democratically elected leader of Iran, and installation of a American puppet, the Shah of Iran. This continued a history of pillaging Persian resources for the benefit of foreign powers, and ushered in a long period of violent suppression of any and all political dissent within Iran. Thousands of Iranians disappeared in the dungeons of the Shah's secret police during the 25 years the Shaw was in power, and his power flowed almost entirely from US financial and military support. It is this history that led directly to the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979, and to the current state of Iranian/American relations. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/people-places/iran-fury.html Maybe a statement that we were wrong to mess with them like that could be a start to build a more productive relationship. Or, we could continue the policy of refusing to consider the possibility that our actions might have been wrong, and just keep on waving our dicks around expecting the rest of the world to jump to our command. Because, you know, that has been working out so well up to now.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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As far as I'm concerned we have been at war since 1979. It's really time to kick their ass.

Every President ultimately has to answer this question: Are you willing to accept American KIA casualties to give effect to that feeling, and personally write letters of condolence to their mothers?

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So you are ready to jump in the suit and go? What kind of background do you have, and what can you do for your country? Or maybe I should say world, since you obviously want to save it from the axe of evil!

chop chop chop chop.....tiiiiiiiimmmmmberrrrrrrrrr

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So why dont you go and poll some of the Jewish people that were in auschwitz and ask THEM if the holocaust was a big lie. Let them tell you the stories of their friends and family that were murdered in front of them and then ask them if it ALL A LIE. This forum is a fucking joke.

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I say "apologize" for some things that we've done. "You know, it was not a crime, but I think that peaceful nuclear power is a good thing. I think you guys are right to feel as you do. If the shoe was on the other foot we'd feel the same way.

"Now, what is it you need from us? No, you don't need us out of Iraq. That's between us and Iraq. What do YOU need?

"No. That's a position. Forget that. What do you 'need?'"

And go from there... Not really an apology but an acknowledgment of Iran's feelings. And that's always a start.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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This forum is a fucking joke

Maybe. Maybe not. If you think it is, you are free to not visit.

Where did John make any reference to the holocaust, much less deny it ever happened?
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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So why dont you go and poll some of the Jewish people that were in auschwitz and ask THEM if the holocaust was a big lie. Let them tell you the stories of their friends and family that were murdered in front of them and then ask them if it ALL A LIE. This forum is a fucking joke.

Here's a reply straight out of left field ... WFT did I miss above?

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Where is the option for "I'm a pinky liberal who believes we should offer Ahmadinejad gumdrops, jolly ranchers and a circle dance in hope of making peace, love and happiness with the Iranian nation"?

Looks like you're slipping, Mr. Rich.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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I think he's referring to the fact that Ahmedinejad denies that the Holocaust took place. Which is pretty fucked up.

But, ya know -- we can only change ourselves. We can't change others. By changing ourselves, we change what others have to deal with, and that's often better. Being the biggest badass might sound really good. But who do we respect and listen to? It's not the guy we're scared of -- we spend our time trying to get around him. We respect the guy that we look up to.

Same works for countries. In the long run, being consistent with our stated values means that we'll be stronger.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I'm new to this forum and don't really care to piss anybody off, but I say NO to apologizing. Did they apologize after knocking out two of our most important landmarks and killing too many people, including children? No, they didn't. I think we have a whimp in office. Him releasing those terrorists and letting some of them go back to take on positions in the terrorist groups was the dumbest damn thing.

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I'm new to this forum and don't really care to piss anybody off, but I say NO to apologizing. Did they apologize after knocking out two of our most important landmarks and killing too many people, including children? No, they didn't. I think we have a whimp in office. Him releasing those terrorists and letting some of them go back to take on positions in the terrorist groups was the dumbest damn thing.

Pssst there were no Iranian's in the 20 hijackers.... although we pretty much have been at war with them since November of 1979.

I say sure.. we will apologize for the stupid things other administrations did 60 years ago to the Iranian people...as soon as you get rid of the fucking moron's running your country from their mosques and allow for free and open elections.

As far as releasing the terrorists.. I think its a great idea.. surgically imbed a GPS in their asses and send em back to their friends. It would sure make targeting a lot easier. That is the way to send them back to their buddies with a nice going away present... its a win win.... they go home.... they and their buddies get their full allotment of celestial virgins.

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actually i dont look on any news sites. i woke up that morning and was heading to school, 3 months after my brother enlisted in the navy, and got to see our buildings being blown up. and got to school and heard immature ass kids laughing and saying they wish they could have seen the people being blown up. Mind you i live in America, and was completely disgusted that any human could say that of any other human, no matter of citizenship, religious beliefs, race or anything else. I'm sore about the whole subject though. I was told my father was shot in the hip in a war and drowned in 95 because of related issues to that.
I dont claim to know all of the facts, but I believe that if we didn't do anything about it, they would have kept on attacking, coming to our country.

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