
Obama doesn't like Rush

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Laundry? What's that?

Hmph. Just like a right-winger not to know about laundry >:(. You probably have underpaid minions to take care of that >:(


Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Sean Hannity was on President Obama's target list during the campaign. Now he's foolishly invoked Limbaugh...that will be the leading point of a week of entertainment first thing Monday, 12:00PM EST.

Now that sounds perfectly reasonable.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Laundry? What's that?

Hmph. Just like a right-winger not to know about laundry >:(. You probably have underpaid minions to take care of that >:(


Wendy W.

Nah - we don't have Kennedy / Pelosi money after all the taxes!! :P
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
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Excellent!! Sean Hannity was on President Obama's target list during the campaign. Now he's foolishly invoked Limbaugh...that will be the leading point of a week of entertainment first thing Monday, 12:00PM EST.

Yes that is indeed the time for the "new" thought to be added to the collective fringe right consiousness.

But that is already lagging behind what was being added this morning from fundies pulpits all over JesusLand by so called "christians"

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Where's the change? If you are more upset at this POTUS than the POTUS of last week on the basis of substantive policies - you have change.

I don't really agree with Obama. My comment was directed at the way he is acting. Despite his lack of experience with being in executive leadership he is acting like a leader.

Obama is making it clear that he is in charge. It's what Bush and Clinton both did. They both ultimately paid for it. Bush and Clinton both basicly bullied the opposition. I don't see that from Obama - not yet.

Maybe it is the nature of my business that I substantively disagree with others on a daily basis. So long as they do so respectfully and ethically they are my friends.

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...both basicly bullied the opposition. I don't see that from Obama - not yet.

YET...is an acronym for Y.our E.ligible T.oo...and it's about to happen.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I think the entire situation points out a major difference between the ultra right wing nut jobs and the rest of the country.

When the US marched into Iraq a lot of people were skeptical, but I can't think of a single person in the US that HOPED the President would fail.

Limbaugh is hoping for failure . . . he's an asshole.

Obama is 100% correct in that if you listen to Limbaugh and likewise hope for failure that you can't actually get anything positive done.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Obama is making it clear that he is in charge.

Not sure I agree with you. The left is already blaming the Lynn appointment snafu on Gates. And look at the signing of the executive orders.


He looks anything but in charge to me. Once again, he has a tough time measuring his words and then has to rely on Greg Craig to tell him what to say! It was embarassing. Tough to watch.
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Limbaugh is hoping for failure . . . he's an asshole.

I think your quote points out a major difference between the ultra leftwing nut jobs and the rest of the country. I hope that Obama fails if he attempts to socialize healthcare. I hope he fails in his vision to run up to a trillion dollar deficit. I hope he does.

I hope that I can vote for him in another 45 months. I hope is a successful president. I also hope that his success is, like Clinton's, based on his early failures.

Paul - did not many of the so-called "ultra right wing nut jobs" similarly hope that Bush and Congress fail in their attempts to bail out every big company who needed money? Comparing that to "hoping Bush fails to prevent a Depression" is ludicrous, isn't it?

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I think there's a difference there.

When Bush (43) was elected to office, I thought, ok, here's a missed opportunity because the guys I supported didn't win, but I HOPE he can do well and not lead the country into ruin.

Limbaugh seriously seems to be hoping for not just specific laws and programs to fail, but the entire Administration and Congress as well. It seems to me that nothing would make Limbaugh happier, than to see the entire country go into the depression far worse than 1929 on Obama's watch.

I hope it doesn't.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I think that there is the possibility that Limbaugh, in his drug-fueled thoughts, may believe this. However, I think you fail to note that the far right is more concerned about feeding their own families. I suspect that most on the far right realize that a Depression is what caused the federal welfare state to begin with and another Depression will only make it worse.

Look - I think Obama understands that despite the election this country is still center. He won this elections by appealing to the center. Many point out his commie appointments, but these appointments are generally to lower level positions but will generally satisfy the far-left that he hasn't sold out.

Obama ran as an idealist. What I am seeing that has caught me off guard is what I see as a delightful pragmatism to the guy. It's a given that I am going to disagree with a lot of his substance and agree with a lot of his substance. Therefore, I don't put much weight in that.

Instead, I am looking at the characteristics of our new POTUS, and I am pleasantly surprised that his idealism is appropriately sobered.

The guy is looking good to me so far. Then again, it looks like I'm an exception. The left is making substantive excuses, the right is making ideological hay, and I am saying, "Dang. I've run a business and cases. Idealism just doesn't work by itself."

Obama is initially looking to be an EXCELLENT executive if he can keep this up.:)

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>In all fairness, he hammered the shit out of Bush for the last eight years too.

Funniest thing I've read all week. If you really think that's true, that explains your opinions on other topics.

Yet again you prove that you get your info on him from places other than him:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Limbaugh absolutely did NOT hammer Bush (43) for the last eight years!

It was only after the tide had turned against GWB that Limbaugh decided that he too could do a bit of bashing. But the first maybe 3 (4?) years were almost devoid of any criticism of GWB by Limbaugh.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Limbaugh absolutely did NOT hammer Bush (43) for the last eight years!

It was only after the tide had turned against GWB that Limbaugh decided that he too could do a bit of bashing. But the first maybe 3 (4?) years were almost devoid of any criticism of GWB by Limbaugh.

He has said for nearly the 8 years Bush was no cosevative. He blasted his medicade drug bill, the tsa and the list goes on but, he also defended him agains the bs lies the left spewed for 8 years.

you really should listne to him more. Less than Obama? probably, Devoid? not a chance in hell

He spoke frequently of when he would comment against Bush and his email would be full of those telling him Bush is all we have. Leave him alone. Much like they (the emailers) did with Limbaughs comment against McCain.

Listen to him more. You will make less mistakes when you comment about him
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Obama is making it clear that he is in charge. It's what Bush and Clinton both did. They both ultimately paid for it. Bush and Clinton both basicly bullied the opposition. I don't see that from Obama - not yet.

like I said not even a week in office and you see all the "great things he has done" I don't, he's using tax money to kill unborn babies and trying to hood wink us into spending a trillion that the nation does not have. Sorry no free pass for Brian Obama messiah of the gullible.

I don't hate him because he's black! I do not hate him at all. I dislike his politics and I believe he is a racist. I Also believe he is extreemly naive. Do I hope he fails, no. On the other hand I do not trust him, he's got to earn that.

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you really should listne to him more. Less than Obama?

I can pretty much say for a fact I've heard more words spoken by Limbaugh than Obama. However, I've agreed with Obama's words far more than I ever have Limbaugh.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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you really should listne to him more. Less than Obama?

I can pretty much say for a fact I've heard more words spoken by Limbaugh than Obama. However, I've agreed with Obama's words far more than I ever have Limbaugh.

Well good for you:)
But, you have not listened to Rush enough to tell anybody else what he is supposedly saying
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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But, you have not listened to Rush enough to tell anybody else what he is supposedly saying

And you know this how? Bugged my house recently did you?

Ah, just reading what you posted!!:o
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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All I'm saying is that he's acting like a President. And I'm pleased with that.

Well by that standard.. Ronnie Raygun did a great job of acting out his role.

Well at least during the first couple years at least.. after that .. the boys in the basement were running the show..

There have been plenty of actors who have made great presidents... on film.. maybe we should pursue that vocation in the future... rather than crooked lawyers.

Edited to fix dyslexia again
GAWD I hate dyslexic fingers>:(>:(

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