
did YOU vote

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why yes I did
and it tool all of 10 min.

Took 45 minutes. First time I have ever had to actually wait in line. Made me proud to be an American and see all of my fellow Americans taking an interest.
Made sure to shake the hand of every person in uniform and thank them for thier service.
"I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late."
Mathew Quigley

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I am still registered as a Democrat so I don’t get to vote till wednesday. I hope the lines will be shorter then like they promised.:D

Actually I heard they had coffee and dougnuts at the polls today for the Republican Voting day but Tommorow they are supposed to have Malt Liquor and chicken wings for us Dems.:o

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Yes I did.

And I even voted for two Republican candidates who have been doing a good job in my state. ( uh notice the spelling above fringers)

There were no independent candidates for anything other than the presidential race on my ballot. That is not good for us as a people in the long run.
I would vote for more Libertarian candidates if they could find some that are a bit more mainstream and had more positions that matter other than their desire to jump on the ganga express.

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why yes I did
and it took all of 10 min.

Same :)
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Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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i just got back and it only took about 10 minutes, but the line got really long right behind me. there was, no shit, a guy rinning for the senate who's name is "Pro Life"(formerly known as whoever the fuck, i can't remember the name). he got a chuckle from me, but certainly not my vote. i also even voted for a democrat for the house, because the incumbant republican voted for the bailout.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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Yes I did.

And I even voted for two Republican candidates who have been doing a good job in my state. ( uh notice the spelling above fringers)

There were no independent candidates for anything other than the presidential race on my ballot. That is not good for us as a people in the long run.
I would vote for more Libertarian candidates if they could find some that are a bit more mainstream and had more positions that matter other than their desire to jump on the ganga express.

In the same state but different everything else, I also had no third party options besides President. It seems like last election we had several Libertarians on the ballot. I voted for some (D)s, some (R)s, and two write-ins.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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The polling place is right behind my house, got up at 0600 and walked on over. There was already a line, still only took about ten minutes.
In Kentucky you have to show ID to vote, I know in Ohio the rules are more lax. What about your state? Not trying to start an argument, just curious.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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In Indiana we have to show ID. When I went to vote today they wouldn't take my Illinois driver's license as my identification, they said the ID had to be issued by the state in which you are voting. However, a student ID was okay. I think it's a little strange that my valid Illinois DL was not an acceptable form of identification for voting, but my IU student ID card was fine.

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