
can we stop saying "the n-word"?

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the word is nigger. we are all adults and when discussing such things, i think we can use the term. we have no problems saying any number of other foul words, but when it comes to "nigger", people seem to be scared to utter it for some reason. its like in the harry potter books where they refer to the main bad guy as "he who must not be named" or when i was a kid and my brother would run to dad yelling "danny said the f-word". its fucking chilish and if you aren't grown up enough to use the word, you aren'ty grown up enough to participate in the discussion about it.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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I'm confused. Your subject line implies we should stop saying, but the content is saying and talking about being old enough to say it is old enough to talk about it. What are we talking about?
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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What he is saying is that the word itself should be discussed. People won't even discuss it by name. They'll say "the n-word."

As an aside, where I come from, the word "nigger" was not said without threat of violence. "Nigga" was the term. There was a HUGE difference between the two.

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Both sides of my family only use the nigger word when discussing blacks (...my parents are from a very small town in southern Mississippi where segregation is still alive and well). It's actually a bit distressing (...not that I see them all that much). I've long stopped associating skin color with that word. It's much more of a behavior thing in my mind.
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Many people have believed, for many years, that using the "n-word" is a sign that you weren't raised right. Why should we aspire to use that word freely?

Why not just let it die out & become an obscure anachronism, like the words "honky" or "jigaboo" or "darky" or "pickaninny"?
Speed Racer

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Why should we aspire to use that word freely?

its not about an asapiration to use it more freely, its about using the word while having a discussion about the word. maybe eventually it will die out, but for right now its topic of many discussions and its part of the culture of the united states. we've become so hypersensative to anything offensive that now its become taboo just to utter the word nigger reguardless of the context.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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I don't use it because I don't like to. It feels bad to me, so I prefer to say the n-word. Nothing complicated to it at all.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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I have been on the wrong end of a gun twice with porch monkeys. I had to separate my dad from a porch monkey that was half his age. I threw the porch monkey off our family business and I have not seen him since.

Most people have not experienced any of the above.

Once you have a negative experience with one of them.

I believe you will change your position.

I am not going to change my opinion of them.

I am a firm believer of separatism.
People are crazy. Cuz there's more of 'em.

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I don't think I've ever met a "porch monkey". I've met criminals and just plain "assholes" before but I don't know that I could pick 'em out of a crowd. They blend in with the general population too easily.

I could use a "trunk monkey" though if you know where I can find one.

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Once you have a negative experience with one of them.

I believe you will change your position.

I am not going to change my opinion of them.

I am a firm believer of separatism.

Maybe if you have a positive experience with one of "them" you would change your opinion.

It's too bad that the actions of a handful of people have prejudiced you against a couple million (billion?) others.

I've had negative experiences with people of every race there is. If I thought like you, I'd be one lonely guy.

- Dan G

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OK. So in reflection of the thread title, I'll beg forgiveness for being out of the loop on this one and the reference to Jesse Jackson's recent comments.... (I heard about the testicles comment, but didn't know there was a follow-up of more derogatory comments).

On that note... http://www.suntimes.com/news/douglas/1062377,CST-EDT-douglas18.article
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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