
Christianity - it now makes so much more sense

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Although i belive all have an inherient right to their own beliefs or non beliefs, ideas or expressions. I find the poster insulting and a mockery of what is the greatest offering of love. I much prefer sharing of ideas and beliefs without making fun of anothers. I'm a born again Christain and thankful for it. Peace be with you. Like it or not God loves you too. Have a blessed day.
"You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"

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Did you repent of your sins, and fill your heart with remorse? Accept Jesus as the atonement for those sins and pray to be baptised in the holy spirit? Have you humbled yourself in front of God behind closed doors and bowed to his power? Because, I promise you with all my heart if you do these things he will reveal himself and you will see a life so beautiful and full of spirit.

As a young, pliable child (a sheep, as the good book puts it) I did all of the above, and received no great revelation... then or ever.

So you just made a promise (with all your heart) that you can't keep.

Although I've got to admit this is a really good example of a Catch-22. Let's examine this train of thought:

If you don't believe in the power of God...
Submit fully to him...
Then he will reveal his true power to you.

The "catch" is that you can't fully submit to something if you don't understand it. And by your own admission, you won't fully understand it until after you've submitted. But if you submit to it, not having fully understood it, then that would be a false submission, since your previousing understanding of what you were submitting to was false, since it hadn't revealed itself to you yet.

I could tell you that you wouldn't full understand the power of Satan (or the Loch Ness Monster) unless you fully submitted to it. I could promise you that with "all my heart." Only after fully submitting and bowing before the beast, would the beast reveal to you the truth: that you were wrong all along and it was really a good and loving beast and could only reveal that to you after you had asked it to. If I told you that, would it convince you to go bow to the beast?

In essence, what you've said is that "you can only believe in it if you want to." Well, of course that's true. And you probably have some pretty good reasons for wanting to believe in it... apparently those beliefs help you control a drug addiction you couldn't control on your own. But you can't go "promising" other people that their willingness (or desire) to believe will "make things true" for them too.

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The "catch" is that you can't fully submit to something if you don't understand it. And by your own admission, you won't fully understand it until after you've submitted. But if you submit to it, not having fully understood it, then that would be a false submission, since your previousing understanding of what you were submitting to was false, since it hadn't revealed itself to you yet.

For me it was a process of taking one step at a time. The first step was "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that who ever believed in Him should not perish but have everlasting life".

The next step was growing in faith, " Faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the Word of God"

Then there was learning to live a transparent life by gaining control of sinful behaviors through prayerful confession and repentance. "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleans us of all unrighteousness."

The next step was learning to quiet my mind by learning about the "peace that passes understanding."

And the lessons keep on coming.


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In essence, what you've said is that "you can only believe in it if you want to." Well, of course that's true. And you probably have some pretty good reasons for wanting to believe in it... apparently those beliefs help you control a drug addiction you couldn't control on your own. But you can't go "promising" other people that their willingness (or desire) to believe will "make things true" for them too.

Unfortunately you still have bitterness, you still believe that you deserve life. Until you truly understand you deserve exactly the opposite, the bitterness, blame, and pride will keep you from God.

My dependancies went beyond drugs and alcohol, I was dependant upon sin for satisfaction. I had no idea that Jesus would heal my outside as well as the inside, but surer than I am real, he did. He talks about this many times in the Gospel, and the words he spoke did not make it so in my life, it was the spirit he gave that cleansed my insides first and set me free, and in that freedom the rest of my desires followed.
"We didn't start the fire"

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Although i belive all have an inherient right to their own beliefs or non beliefs, ideas or expressions. I find the poster insulting and a mockery of what is the greatest offering of love.

Doesn't your wife/girlfriend cover her face when she goes outside? Some Muslims would find that insulting.
Do you eat beef? Some Indians believe a cow is a holy animal, and would find that insulting.
Whatever you do or not do, someone would find it insulting.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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"you still believe that you deserve life. Until you truly understand you deserve exactly the opposite, the bitterness, blame, and pride will keep you from God."

WOW what a diseased mindset. I had a coworker used to spout lines like this, guy should have been kept away from children. Lines like this piss me off because the entire thought process behind it is so toxic and destructive to weak or uninformed or young minds, and thats exactly who gets targetted with this stuff by preachy types.

Anyone with a healthy, sane free mind believes they "deserve life." The only humans who do not deserve life are Jeffrey Dahmer type "deliberately evil" and human society has its own effective ways of handling THEM.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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"you still believe that you deserve life. Until you truly understand you deserve exactly the opposite, the bitterness, blame, and pride will keep you from God."

WOW what a diseased mindset. I had a coworker used to spout lines like this, guy should have been kept away from children. Lines like this piss me off because the entire thought process behind it is so toxic and destructive to weak or uninformed or young minds, and thats exactly who gets targetted with this stuff by preachy types.

Anyone with a healthy, sane free mind believes they "deserve life." The only humans who do not deserve life are Jeffrey Dahmer type "deliberately evil" and human society has its own effective ways of handling THEM.

>>>>You are far from the truth, and rage is easily inspired in people like you. You fall into deception very easily and have managed to sincerely believe I am like jeffrey dahmer and on top of that, insinuated it might be a good idea to "handle" me. Are you really sure that I am the one who is unjust? What did you do to deserve your life? What makes you believe you deserve what others do not have? Wasnt everything you have born from the opportunities you had? Im assuming you are not physically or mentally challenged? Do you think you did anything to deserve not being handicapped? If I am a preachy type, I preach about humbleness and how none of us are any better or greater than others, yet the truth is that is not what our ego tells us is it? We like to believe we are humble, but humbleness is a path, like righteousness, like humility, like truth.
"We didn't start the fire"

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You fall into deception very easily and have managed to sincerely believe I am like jeffrey dahmer and on top of that, insinuated it might be a good idea to "handle" me.

Eh? No he didn't.


Do you think you did anything to deserve not being handicapped?

What did born-handicapped people do to deserve being disabled?


I preach about humbleness and how none of us are any better or greater than others, yet the truth is that is not what our ego tells us is it? We like to believe we are humble, but humbleness is a path, like righteousness, like humility, like truth.

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You fall into deception very easily and have managed to sincerely believe I am like jeffrey dahmer and on top of that, insinuated it might be a good idea to "handle" me.

Eh? No he didn't.

Your right, I am terribly sorry. I misunderstood that or read it too fast, but to say that we deserve life could be considered just as "diseased" as saying we dont deserve it. Why not consider life a gift? Even if you dont believe that gift was given by God, you could still at least consider it a gift of life could you not?

"We didn't start the fire"

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Yup. And the funny/ sad part is that our buddy Ryno does not even see the Irony in it. Common sense does not appear to penentrate a heavy dose of religious indoctrination here.

Apart from my misunderstanding what he said, could you please point out the irony.
"We didn't start the fire"

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I had no idea that Jesus would heal my outside as well as the inside, but surer than I am real, he did.

Define heal.

When the flesh is in pain it can be healed. When the soul is in pain, it can be healed as well. My flesh was addicted to many things, the healing of my soul healed my addictions as well.
"We didn't start the fire"

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Imagine how surprised you'll be when Zeus sends you to Hell because you praised the wrong God.

I have no idea what "praising the wrong God" or any god is all about. Why don't you explain it to me.
I do know that knowledge of God allows me to know myself, and makes it possible to navigate through a confusing array of choices so that I reach my destination unscathed.


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Yup. And the funny/ sad part is that our buddy Ryno does not even see the Irony in it. Common sense does not appear to penentrate a heavy dose of religious indoctrination here.

Apart from my misunderstanding what he said, could you please point out the irony.

The irony is that you talk of humbleness then proclaim that everyone who believes differently than you is going to burn forever in a lake of fire. What could be less humble than saying that you are going to heaven while others burn in hell? And I know you will spit out some line like "Its nothing I did, its all Jesus" but thats BS. You, and every other Christian in the world, has yet to produce a verifiable, repeatable and directly observable shred of evidence to support your beliefs. Similarly, Kallend is exactly correct when he states that we have just as much evidence to believe in the flying spaghetti monster. And your definition of "faith" would be better called "being naive".

And I never claimed to be humble. I do indeed believe that I am smarter than a religious person, at least in this area.

Furthermore, I am done responding to any of your posts until you start replying to the questions that are asked with logic, not emotions. People like you infuriate me. I believe that your viewpoints are misguided and that your inability to even entertain thoughts outside of your current viewpoint is disgusting. And before you accuse me of being as close minded as I claim that you are, you should now that I thought I was a Christian for 19 years before I broke out of that mentally constricting viewpoint. But like I said, I am done with you until you say something that is not a repeat of your already debunked claims.

Edit for spelling and clarity.

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The irony is that you talk of humbleness then proclaim that everyone who believes differently than you is going to burn forever in a lake of fire. What could be less humble than saying that you are going to heaven while others burn in hell?

Damn, I've always said that same thing, word for word.

It's also hardly "humble" to claim knowledge of things which are unknowable, hundreds of questions which have plagued man since the beginning of time... where do we come from, where are we going, why are we here? Pure humility is admitting that we just can't know the answers to those questions. And since we can't, then let's stop worrying about it just fucking enjoy our life here and now. :)

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The irony is that you talk of humbleness then proclaim that everyone who believes differently than you is going to burn forever in a lake of fire. What could be less humble than saying that you are going to heaven while others burn in hell? And I know you will spit out some line like "Its nothing I did, its all Jesus" but thats BS. You, and every other Christian in the world, has yet to produce a verifiable, repeatable and directly observable shred of evidence to support your beliefs. Similarly, Kallend is exactly correct when he states that we have just as much evidence to believe in the flying spaghetti monster. And your definition of "faith" would be better called "being naive".

Producing evidence is easy. Every broken life that has been redirected into a productive, optimistic, joyful life is evidence. Every time that information is shared with another with similar results, that is evidence. Multiply that by 2000 years and still going strong, that is evidence. Evidence, as well as wisdom, may not always fit into your preconceived notions. If you have similar evidence for the hopping sketi monster , go for it.


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And I never claimed to be humble. I do indeed believe that I am smarter than a religious person, at least in this area.

Im not really quite sure what I have done to infuriate you, but I do understand your frustration nonetheless. You are not a believer in Jesus Christ, its just that simple. Or worse than that, you are a believer but have chosen to deny and betray his grace, and for what, evidence of the invisible?

"We didn't start the fire"

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"people like me?" You don't know jack about me, man but that generalization has me laughing my ass off. Any of my friends reading this would find it hilarious as well... Rage? Only when I decide rage is necessary which isn't often. I'm more of a connoisseur of experiencing and savoring emotions like curiosity, awe, appreciation, friendship, honor, humor in all possible forms, exultance, screamingly intense joy, that kind of thing. Positive stuff. If you're big on things like guilt, judgement of others, preaching, condemning stuff or doing unto others that which you should already know they would not have you do, well, you probably wouldn't understand.
I love the turns of phrase you use. "fall into deception" isn't a phrase that buys much credibitity, man. Way too much pompous drama. I can't believe you take yourself seriously enough to come off with that line. Very good comedy, though.
Next, what on earth makes you think I need to have done anything to "deserve" my life? What makes you think you don't deserve yours? Man... I thought my outlook was sometimes bleak and cynical but thats downright gothic, man. Guilt based notions such as not deserving life are harmful to the mind. You get one life. What you do with it is no ones concern but your own, your only duty to use it as well as you can for the benefit of yourself and those you choose to love or share it with. It would seem to make sense to me that the purpose of life is to burn as bright as you possibly can. If you're doing it right, your existence is self justified. I found I was a lot happier if I dismissed any worries about being judged by spooks in the sky or other people or judging other people and just decided to stick to judging myself based on the same set of standards I'd be judging others by if I was into that sort of thing.
Bitterness? Blame? They're experiences I know from long past, and I laugh at them. And they sure as hell don't keep me from experiencing that which you so inadequately label "God". Any of my friends who've been with me groovin' in the door on the way to altitude for a wingsuit bigway or surfing a sunset cloud could tell you that. They were experiencing it, too. We're here to enjoy it. You don't seem to think so. Why not?
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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Yeah. And all the atheists in Speakers Corner are just PARAGONS of humility & tolerance.

At least they don't claim they follow teachings of someone who taught them to accept even those who isn't like them, to hate sin and not sinners, and not to judge people because even his father doesn't do so until the Judgement Day.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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