
Will the world ever be without religion?

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There are a couple of ongoing threads about religion at the moment.
Kinda linked to them I was wondering, regardless of religious belief, do people think religion will last eternity or will it fizzle out with progress in science and why?
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No, I don't think there ever will be a world without religion of some kind. Never has been. You will still have your believers no matter what science proves otherwise...
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I don't think we'll ever be without it. There will always be some folks pushing some sort of religion. But my hope is that organized religion will evolve into something more universally inclusive. If you read the Reader's Digest version of the Cliff's Notes version of the major religions, they are all basically preaching the same thing.
Then again, I heard this morning that the global population is expected to increase to over 9 billion by 2050. So we either need to keep the religion status quo to help cull the herd or some major pandemic will do it for us.

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you mean like Christianity, Buddism, Atheism, Islam, Hinduism, and Environmentalism?

nah - unlikely, what's the fun in that? I always need some self righteous people to laugh at

Edit: I do think that apathy will grow. Does that count?

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In practical terms probably yes, but in absolute terms no.

By that I mean simply that I would suspect religion will recede ever more increasingly into the fringe. I suspect in the future, (of non-descript distance), we will most likely see a world where the vast proportion of the population will have no religious beliefs whatsoever but that there will always be a small minority of individuals (who I suspect would be increasingly regarded as absolute nutcases), who believe in some form of supernatural being / creator. Is doubt organised religion as we know it today will survive very long into the future – belief though will probably still exist.

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By "religion," I assume you mean the belief in a supernatural power/creator, and I sort of doubt that the world will ever be without that. Progress in science may prove a lot of things, even discredit the bible (etc.) until no one believes in that anymore, but I don't think it's possible for science to prove that a creator simply does not exist. So I think that at least some people will continue to believe in a god/creator even if all of today's major religions fade away. (Not a creator in the biblical sense, but one that perhaps created our world to evolve as it does.)

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At which point, we should have no issue harvesting their organs if they catch a cold and come in for medicine.

won't someone PLEASE think of Grover Cleveland?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Then again, I heard this morning that the global population is expected to increase to over 9 billion by 2050. So we either need to keep the religion status quo to help cull the herd or some major pandemic will do it for us.

"When the world gets too many people God, in his wisdom gives us wars."
-Archie Bunker

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There are a couple of ongoing threads about religion at the moment.
Kinda linked to them I was wondering, regardless of religious belief, do people think religion will last eternity or will it fizzle out with progress in science and why?

Well, without religion, we'd have one less excuse to kill each other over, but since humans have a tendency to divide people into "us" and "them", come up with reasons why "we" are good and "they" are bad, and then come up with ways to hurt "them" before "they" hurt "us", I honestly doubt anything would change.

So, no, I don't think religion will fizzle out, and if it does, something else will just step in to take its place.

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my hope is that organized religion will evolve into something more universally inclusive.

Catholocism is the answer to your hope....It just keeps evolvining and evolving and evolving....The whole pergatory thing is ingenious...you can also purchase credits to heaven for your loved ones when they die....but the best way way is to just worship Mary....We all know how much men love their mothers...All she has to do is say hey God, I'm your mother and I like that guy...let him in. It all goes back to Roman goddess worship...Their main goal is to get you to trust in anything but Christ...so anything goes. Just read up on them, u'll see. If you study hard enough, u'll get an answer to why some of the priests can't resist a BJ from a ten-year old altar boy....(the answer is more than just "because they are gay pedophiles.")


If you read the Reader's Digest version of the Cliff's Notes version of the major religions, they are all basically preaching the same thing.

True, most claim to get their beliefs from the Bible yet they all attack the the diety of Jesus or his authority...eg.Catholocism, Islam, Jehovah's Witness, Mormonism, etc. This is exatly what I'd do if I was Satan...."anything but Jesus." Satan isn't in the bars or on the dark street corners, human depravity takes care of that by itself. Satan is most prevalent in religion, especially in the evangelical church today...."Jesus want's you to have a high self esteem, Jesus want's you to feel good about yourself, Jesus wants you to loos weight, Jesus wants you to get rich quick, Jesus wants you to hit more home runs etc ..." I can't think of a group with which I would less like to associate......Satan's just twisting scripture and leading people towards their own lusts just as he 's always done...he's not particularly creative and it's seen on this website everyday in the posts that attack Christians ...It's the same old shit that ultimately ends up stengthening the believer.


Progress in science may prove a lot of things, even discredit the bible

I suppose that that laws of science could absolutely destroy the idea of spirituality, but it's obviously a waste of time to even bring it up. I think it's safe to say that science has no authority in regards to spiritual matters. At best, all it can do is assume that souls have mass. Furthermore, Only "scientific" presuppositions (conjecture, guesses, theories) based on scientific fact have discredited the Bible. However, true science has never nor (can I believe) will ever discredit the Bible. The Bible is scientically accurate in several areas including, but not limited to: The 1st and 2nd Law of Thermo Dynamics, hydrology, Astronomy, Isostasy, Meterology (wind circulation & air pressure), Physiology (The Circulatory System & Psychosomatic Illness) and geodesy (The Bible tells us that the earth spins on it's axis. This was written around 600 BC)

Can anyone name the scientist that said everything that exists in the universe falls into five categories: time, force, action, space and matter? That’s what he said and he said it in that order...time, force, action, space and matter....

Time - In the beginning
Force - God
Action - created
Space - the heavens
matter - and the earth



To answer the question, I think we will be debating religion till the the entropic atomic implosion......
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Can anyone name the scientist that said everything that exists in the universe falls into five categories: time, force, action, space and matter? That’s what he said and he said it in that order...time, force, action, space and matter....

I dunno who said it but he was definately wrong.

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It was Herbert Spencer...He said something like that....They say alot....But I do greatly appreciated the many talented men and women that diligently dedicate their whole lives to science and continue to advance technology beyond our wildest expectations.

Thank you.


But I thought we were supposed to have flying cars by now....whats up with that?:)

Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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It was Herbert Spencer...He said something like that....They say alot....But I do greatly appreciated the many talented men and women that diligently dedicate their whole lives to science and continue to advance technology beyond our wildest expectations.

Thank you.

Are you practicing an Oscar acceptance speech or something?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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The only problem with religion is that it is taught by people.
As long as there are people, there will be religion. Don't worry though, we will kill ourselves soon enough.
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
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