
I would like to tell you a bit more about God

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I have noticed that your posts in general are predominently negative

At least jenfly00's posts are worth reading -- they're oftentimes sharp, brutally true, and bitingly funny (even you admit that they're entertaining). I think her posts make for some refreshing reading in contrast to those of some mega-postwhores (posts to the effect of "Me, glorious ME!!") in these forums that are only fit for scrolling past without a glance.

Some people should just stick to the mediocrity of posting uninteresting fluff garbage in the bonfire.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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GOD IS CREATOR: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
Wherever we look there is evidence of the greatness of God. His crativity is endless: each sunset has its own delightful radiance, each flower its distinctive loveliness. God has created sucha variety and splendor to remind us of His infinite glory.

Who or what created God? When did God create us? Why did God create us?


GOD IS ALMIGHTY: Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
God is able to handle any situation, because He is almighty and all-sufficient. Nobody is stronger than God. Nobody is more powerful. He can do anything and everything necessary to look after you. Nothing is impossible for God. He will fulfill His promises to you in His perfect time and way. What seems impossible to you is more than possible to Him.

If God created us ... why did he not create us able to handle any situation, able to do anything and everything necessary to look after ourselves, etc...?


GOD IS PROVIDER: And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
God knows what His children need and promises to privide everything that is necessary for us to live a godly life. He is deeply compassionate and extravagantly generous. He has more than enough for all our needs, and we can always trust Him to do what is best for us.

If God created us ... why did he not create us able to provide for ourselves? (If God has more then enough for all our needs and is deeply compassionate and extravagantly generous ... why do so many people lack food, water, shelter, etc....?)
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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I find it funny that dropDgorgeous dropped this thread in our laps with no intentions of arguing its merits, and left it to us.

She did a nice job trolling. :D

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I find it funny that dropDgorgeous dropped this thread in our laps with no intentions of arguing its merits, and left it to us.

She did a nice job trolling. :D

Would requiring a person to have a minimum number of posts before being able to post a new thread help to limit trolling?
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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OK DropD, heres the plan... You post some long running diatribe trying to 'share' the 'thought' that 'god put in your heart'...

Then, right before you get fragged, I will come in, drop a few bombs and draw their fire... This diversion will give you just enough time to slip out the side door unnoticed...


It's ok yall... Go ahead. Let me have it with both barrels. Give me the whole 9 yards.

Meanwhile, lets try to keep in mind that generally speaking, people that think that god 'talk to them' are very likely on the edge of a real mental disorder. Lets try to think of a list of people real quick that beleive that have a 1 to 1 relationship with god...

Hitler, George Bush, Charles Manson, hmmm, DropDGeorgeous, uhhh lets see here, well you get the idea... It's dangerous thinking. There was a lady that hacked all of her children up with a machete here because she believes that 'god put the idea in her heart'. Same thing with Susan Smith drowning her 5 children.

For those of you that somehow gleaned the fact that I have nothing but contempt for religion and god, then congrats. Quit your job and apply down at the local pokey as a Police Detective, because your powers of observation and deduction are unmatched. Last I checked, understanding and patience for the slowest in the herd is a uniquely Christian trait. And since I am not a Christian, I will continue to light these bible thumpers up with a 50 caliber machine gun every chance I get, and publicly humiliate them, in order to prevent them from spreading the disease of Christianity to otherwise reasonable people.

For those of you that think that Athiesm is a 'belief', I only ask you the 'prove' any tiny little piece of supporting evidence that god exists. One tiny shred of proof.

At any rate, I already succeeded... I got more replies off that one post then I ever hoped for.. LOL.. The best thing to do now is ignore me. Remember kids, don't feed the bears.


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Meanwhile, lets try to keep in mind that generally speaking, people that think that god 'talk to them' are very likely on the edge of a real mental disorder. Lets try to think of a list of people real quick that beleive that have a 1 to 1 relationship with god...

Hitler, George Bush, Charles Manson, hmmm, DropDGeorgeous, uhhh lets see here, well you get the idea... It's dangerous thinking. There was a lady that hacked all of her children up with a machete here because she believes that 'god put the idea in her heart'. Same thing with Susan Smith drowning her 5 children.


Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul, etc, etc... yup, all those whackos like that, huh?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul, etc, etc... yup, all those whackos like that, huh?

If I were in an asylum, and all I ever did all day long was draw clouds on the wall in my own feces, and I never showed any propensity for violence or anger, does it make me any less crazy?

Yeah, just like those whackos... Just because you don't start illegal wars, or murder millions of people doesn't mean you aren't bat-shit crazy. It just means you aren't dangerous. I am a firm believer in science. And I also believe that people that 'talk to god' instead of just forming a prayer and sending it off with no return receipt are delusional. It is the ultimate existentialism to believe that god talks to you.

The same sort of egocentric world view that makes people pick names for themselves such as 'dropdgeorgeous'.

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Meanwhile, lets try to keep in mind that generally speaking, people that think that god 'talk to them' are very likely on the edge of a real mental disorder. Lets try to think of a list of people real quick that beleive that have a 1 to 1 relationship with god...

Hitler, George Bush, Charles Manson, hmmm, DropDGeorgeous, uhhh lets see here, well you get the idea... It's dangerous thinking. There was a lady that hacked all of her children up with a machete here because she believes that 'god put the idea in her heart'. Same thing with Susan Smith drowning her 5 children.


Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul, etc, etc... yup, all those whackos like that, huh?

Galileo, Copernicus, Pascal, Napier, Newton, Kepler...

All small-minded, wackos, no doubt. :S

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Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul, etc, etc... yup, all those whackos like that, huh?

If I were in an asylum, and all I ever did all day long was draw clouds on the wall in my own feces, and I never showed any propensity for violence or anger, does it make me any less crazy?

Yeah, just like those whackos... Just because you don't start illegal wars, or murder millions of people doesn't mean you aren't bat-shit crazy. It just means you aren't dangerous. I am a firm believer in science. And I also believe that people that 'talk to god' instead of just forming a prayer and sending it off with no return receipt are delusional. It is the ultimate existentialism to believe that god talks to you.

The same sort of egocentric world view that makes people pick names for themselves such as 'dropdgeorgeous'.

Love the upfront bigotry.

At least you're honest about it.

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I assume that you have some sort of references or documentation these all of these people believed that they had 'face-time' with god, in the George Bushian sorta way... Right?

Besides, there is a big difference between 500 or 1000 years ago and today. Like, we have drugs and therapy that can fix that now!

I could understand back then because when there was an eclipse, they thought that they had made god angry, and had to sacrifice a virgin (noooooo)... Just as it is today, everything that can't be proven by science is attributed to 'god' or some supernatural phenomenon.

Before doctors believed in germs, they attributed fatalities to gods will, not septic shock or unsanitary operating conditions.

It is funny to watch the dwindling numbers of people that cling to faith, like tadpoles in a drying mud puddle. It's sad too, because even in the face of cold hard scientific fact they still cling to their silly beliefs as if it were a flotation device in the sea of truth.

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You really have the hots for GW don't you? Your posts give the impression they are written by Howard Dean himself:D:D

Keep up the good work!!!

"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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I assume that you have some sort of references or documentation these all of these people believed that they had 'face-time' with god, in the George Bushian sorta way... Right?

I'm pretty sure they all were very public about their faith. Which one do you need specifics on?


Besides, there is a big difference between 500 or 1000 years ago and today. Like, we have drugs and therapy that can fix that now!

I could understand back then because when there was an eclipse, they thought that they had made god angry, and had to sacrifice a virgin (noooooo)... Just as it is today, everything that can't be proven by science is attributed to 'god' or some supernatural phenomenon.

I assume that you have some sort of references or documentation that any of the people I mentioned bought into these superstitions.


It is funny to watch the dwindling numbers of people that cling to faith, like tadpoles in a drying mud puddle. It's sad too, because even in the face of cold hard scientific fact they still cling to their silly beliefs as if it were a flotation device in the sea of truth.

I wonder what people experience that would cause them to have such an irrational, unfounded view of faith.

Maybe I'm reading you wrong, but what you say comes across as flat out, unapologetic BIGOTRY.

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How come only religion gets away with persuading us that their end of the bargain comes after we're dead?

Yeah, that's always the catch...

Believe me, I hope I am wrong. If I am, then I get to burn in a lake of fire for all eternity. After a few years in Phoenix, it isn't really as scary as it used to be... If you are all wrong then just picture what a monumental waste of time this has been, and all the guilt and worry and looking over your shoulder your whole lives has all been for nothing. You were worried about the boogeyman under your bed.

Well all, its been stimulating but I gotta go to work now.

I will leave you with this thought..

I guess the standard view of death is even changing, and some doctors now believe that being brought back hours or even days after death is possible because they are unlocking the mysteries of the role of oxygen in cell death.



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Maybe I'm reading you wrong, but what you say comes across as flat out, unapologetic BIGOTRY.

Nope. you are right on the money... LOL B|

And what is wrong with bigotry again? If your dumbass president and the republican party can try to force Christianity into every aspect of government, then they are unapologetic bigots against my beliefs. I am a firm believer that turnabout is fair play.

Or is it only bigotry when the bigot isn't a bible thumper?

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true atheism would have one rule only : "I do not believe there is a god" that's it, nothing more, where's the pancakes?

Not everyone likes pancakes.
I have nothing more to say in this thread.
Please pass the waffles.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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The same sort of egocentric world view that makes people pick names for themselves such as 'dropdgeorgeous'.

Just like a religious fanatic to pass judgement without proof.....

I would withhold judgement on that point until said poster posts pictures as evidence. Then the judgement will be swift and full of either sweet compliments, or viscous nausea-filled derision and mockery.

edit another point on this issued:

Is DropDgorgeous short for:

Dropped Gorgeous - implying a bit of smushed up appearance
Drop Dead Gorgeous - the proof is in the pics
Drop Dead Gorgeous (with DD's) - the proof is in the pics, likely several will be needed

these are important philosophical issues, people

I'm inclined to the 3rd interpretation as our South African skydiving ladies have been, in general, exceptionally attractive.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I'm simply placing this post for people who would like to know more about God.

Anyone in this world know where to go to know more about God. But know what? Not everyone wants to know more about s fetish Santa.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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