
Should Britain give formal apology for its role in slave trade?

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I'd say election year drivel; but you do not have regularly scheduled elections, correct?
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I voted no. Why should we appologise for something that happened before anyone in this country was even born? This is just PC BS at its finest.

Funny you feel that way. because when people criticize Muslim terrorist for what they are doing now, you quickly bring up the crusades.

Or maybe I'm confusing you with another poster. :S


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the British government, as a continuous, incorporeal institution

The current government came into being in 2005. Before that time it didn't exist. It had nothing to do with slavery. It cannot apologise for something done by an entirely different government more than 200 years ago.

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I hear the Irish are saying something like that too.

Get the Fuck off THEIR Island.

The whole island was given independence in 1922 when the Irish Free State was created. A number of provinces decided they did not want to be part of a unified Ireland and asked instead to join the UK. So that's what they did - of their own volition.

Today only 22% of Northern Ireland wants unification against 59% who want to stay part of the UK as they actively chose to do back in '22. This small minority has tried to use to use violence, terrorism and bombing to enforce their views over the rest of the population rather than engage in a democratic process.

Today Northern Ireland has home rule, (once they sort their shit out), and everyone has automatic citizenship of both countries so they can go live where they like if they want to.

I have virtually no sympathy.

...but we digress.

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Actually that's a very good point - and gets us back on track with the thread.

The Irish regularly used to descend on Bristol and raid it for slaves during the middle ages. The city’s museum has a very interesting exhibit on the trade (I currently live in Bristol - SW England, a historic port and right on the coast, a nice short hop across the Irish Sea).

This practice was so widespread and centred around the largest Eastern port city in Ireland of Belfast that it eventually lead to a large Anglo community living in the surrounding provinces - this being the embryonic community which later chose to become part of the UK and cause all the terrorist problems we've seen over the past century.

We were essentially seeing the descendants of slaves wanting to come home.

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If you study your Irish history you will realize that Ireland was orignally comprised of multiple clans that raided Europe to take slaves (and never apologized).

EVEN ST. Patrick was born in England and captured by Irish raiders to be a slave.

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People need to realize that blacks were hunting blacks in Africa and selling them to the slave traders. It's not like the slave traders were doing the hunting themselves. What's the responsibility of these hunters in this era? Are they going to apologize?

Very good point. Maybe Ivory Coast, Sierra Leon et al would like to appologise and pay up (Lets be honest thats where this is heading, 'My family were slaves and we want compensation!') I think this is nonsense. As for where do we draw the line? When no one on either side is alive any longer sounds like common sense to me.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
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The Slave Trade is way past tense and was completely legal until it was abolished...

the british should however apologise and Cough up for Dishonouring the Treaty of Waitangi(between the English and the Maori just shy of 200 years ago, The New Zealand govornment is currently settling the issue with the NZ maori aand is costing our country 100's of 1000000's of $$ for the greed and corruption of the english during the occupation of New Zealand.

This happened everywhere in the world but most countries are too corrupt to consider the native peoples rights.

the english are resposible for the treaty of Waitangi because they signed it before New Zraland was govorned by Itself.

I say cough up you poms!
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I physically cannot apologise for something my grandfather did. I didn't do it. He did.

If he was around I could bitch at him about how he should apologise because what he did was awful. If he was around he himself could certainly apologise for what he did.

He's not around though – he's dead.

I can say I think what he did was awful and express my personal sorrow that it happened. But I cannot actually apologise for it, just like I cannot sign cheques for him or take out mortgages for him. Only he can do that.

Unfortunately he's dead, so he can't. If I were to take it upon myself to apologise for him it would be nothing but a meaningless platitude serving only to cheapen the whole concept..

(p.s. (for the dense), so far as I'm aware, my granddad did nothing worthy of such an apology... certainly nothing even remotely related to the slave trade before anyone starts whining for me to apologise).

More like your Grandfathers grandfathers grandfather... Its total stupidity.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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