
flag waving at today's protest- i'm confused

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why are the people waving the flags of the countries that they left while protesting to become americans. shouldn't they be waving american flags? i mean if you want amnesty and the rights and benefits of being an american, it would make sense to wave the american flag, wouldn't it?
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why are the people waving the flags of the countries that they left while protesting to become americans. shouldn't they be waving american flags? i mean if you want amnesty and the rights and benefits of being an american, it would make sense to wave the american flag, wouldn't it?

Maybe they just want to be here and never really become an American.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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> Maybe we Americans are allowing them to take the USA from us without so much as a fuss.

Blacks "took the US" back in the 1860's. Irish "took the US" shortly after the potato famine. Yet here we all are. Heck, we even think black people and irish people are real americans! Someday we will look at mexicans the same way.

America IS 'them.' My grandparents were 'them.' Albert Einstein was 'them.' That's one of the best things about America, and that's what will keep it strong in the future (as it always has.)

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If you ONLY saw Mexican flags, then perhaps the news organization you were looking at only was at one part of the rally, or has an agenda of it's own when covering the event or perhaps what is happening is that, as The Rock Man said, "you see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear."

Here are some photos from the rally in Los Angeles. There were plenty of flags of all types.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Probably the same reason I've got an Irish flag in my bedroom, Irish music on my piano, and Irish dance shoes in my closet. I'm proud of where my family came from and what it took us to get here. Just because you're an American doesn't mean you have to completely give up all ties to where you or your family came from. I celebrate St. Patricks day. Doesn't make me any less an American. I celebrate the 4th of July too.

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but did you bring that flag to a demonstration demanding American citizenship? It's not about jettisoning one's Mexican heritage in all aspects of their life. But people are still made to renounce their other citizenship when being naturalized. Dual citizenship isn't illegal anymore, but it's hardly a celebrated part of our immigration beliefs.

Quade's response makes more sense. It's hardly shocking to hear that perhaps the coverage was selective.

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> Maybe we Americans are allowing them to take the USA from us without so much as a fuss.

Blacks "took the US" back in the 1860's. Irish "took the US" shortly after the potato famine. Yet here we all are. Heck, we even think black people and irish people are real americans! Someday we will look at mexicans the same way.

America IS 'them.' My grandparents were 'them.' Albert Einstein was 'them.' That's one of the best things about America, and that's what will keep it strong in the future (as it always has.)

"them" didn't sneak across the borders, freeload off the social services, demand their native language be taught in schools, etc. etc.

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Protest, by buying an electric, or methanol vehicle. I don’t want to hear people bitch about oil and war any more unless they do so. It makes me sick. And yes I tried very hard to go and kill terrorist, the army wouldn’t let me, said I was too valuable here (BS). Look around you people, see how the game is played and play it damn it. The last man standing with the oil is the last man standing. Do you not see that? It’s the way it is. You don’t watch football and bitch about it cause the rules aren’t in your liking do you? No… cause rules are rules. At least we Americans are smart enough to use up everyone else’s resources before our own… shit. Oil is a profit to this county AND it’s well being… It’s WHOLE being… Can you bitch about how bad you have it when you see the REAL world and how it’s run. Do you not know how great this place is (USA)? Wake the fuck up people. Look at what you have and where you’re at and use it. Don’t dream about what it should be, why fantasize? Be real here. This is our way of life, be a man and fight damn it. Fight for what is yours, fight for survival. We are only animals… stop pretending we’re not… be human… be American… take what’s yours and what’s not… cause you can… cause you’re the stronger life force… cause we’re the alpha. Fight for it all… cause it will come down to the last man standing… how the hell do you think we got the ground you’re standing on? We didn’t ASK for it, we fuckin took it. So everyone stop trying to play civilized, and let out the savage beast that we are and take what we can… like we always have…

xenaswampjumper SPANKS THIS ASS!!! I WISH karenmeal spanked this ass too.....

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> Maybe we Americans are allowing them to take the USA from us without so much as a fuss.

Blacks "took the US" back in the 1860's. Irish "took the US" shortly after the potato famine. Yet here we all are. Heck, we even think black people and irish people are real americans! Someday we will look at mexicans the same way.

America IS 'them.' My grandparents were 'them.' Albert Einstein was 'them.' That's one of the best things about America, and that's what will keep it strong in the future (as it always has.)

Interned Japanese-Americans proved their Americanness by creating the 442nd and kicking ass through Europe. Black Americans did a similar thing during WWII. Once they dedicate thier lives, they then carry the burden of being an American, so they will keep it strong.

Amazing at how these people work for corporations for pennies and the right wing thinks they are stripping America of its assets, while corp America sends away millions of jobs and they barely bat an eye.

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If you ONLY saw Mexican flags, then perhaps the news organization you were looking at only was at one part of the rally, or has an agenda of it's own when covering the event or perhaps what is happening is that, as The Rock Man said, "you see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear."

Here are some photos from the rally in Los Angeles. There were plenty of flags of all types.

This still a racist nation. Do you know that it was crime in 16 states until 1968 for people of different races to marry? The laws were still on the books until 2000 when I think it was Alabama that finally repealed that law.

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but did you bring that flag to a demonstration demanding American citizenship? It's not about jettisoning one's Mexican heritage in all aspects of their life. But people are still made to renounce their other citizenship when being naturalized. Dual citizenship isn't illegal anymore, but it's hardly a celebrated part of our immigration beliefs.

Quade's response makes more sense. It's hardly shocking to hear that perhaps the coverage was selective.

Maybe you don't understand the pride and machisno that is common to Hispanics.

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> Maybe we Americans are allowing them to take the USA from us without so much as a fuss.

Blacks "took the US" back in the 1860's. Irish "took the US" shortly after the potato famine. Yet here we all are. Heck, we even think black people and irish people are real americans! Someday we will look at mexicans the same way.

America IS 'them.' My grandparents were 'them.' Albert Einstein was 'them.' That's one of the best things about America, and that's what will keep it strong in the future (as it always has.)

"them" didn't sneak across the borders, freeload off the social services, demand their native language be taught in schools, etc. etc.

How do you know? The US didn't have much in the way of social services until FDR in the 30's, but whatever we had I bet they utilized. The first juvenile court was in 1899 in Illinois, so I bet they used those services.

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Maybe you don't understand the pride and machisno that is common to Hispanics.

Ask a true piza what the revolution is about. They will know, ALL real mexicans will know what the revolution is. The revolution to come take what was once theirs. If you think I'm BS'n, then you don't know know shit... Not like they will be able to do so, just a dream of theirs...

xenaswampjumper SPANKS THIS ASS!!! I WISH karenmeal spanked this ass too.....

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> Maybe we Americans are allowing them to take the USA from us without so much as a fuss.

Blacks "took the US" back in the 1860's. Irish "took the US" shortly after the potato famine. Yet here we all are. Heck, we even think black people and irish people are real americans! Someday we will look at mexicans the same way.

America IS 'them.' My grandparents were 'them.' Albert Einstein was 'them.' That's one of the best things about America, and that's what will keep it strong in the future (as it always has.)


You are referring to those here legally, right? Like those folks who came through Ellis Island and those folks later who did it legally? If they are here illegally, they can get the hell out as far as I'm concerned. It seems as though, folks are confusing legals with illegals. To me, those folks here illegally give a (symbolic) slap in the face to those who went through all it takes to become a citizen the 'right way'. The illegals want the same rights and privilages of those who are legal citizens. That's wrong.


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> Maybe we Americans are allowing them to take the USA from us without so much as a fuss.

Blacks "took the US" back in the 1860's. Irish "took the US" shortly after the potato famine. Yet here we all are. Heck, we even think black people and irish people are real americans! Someday we will look at mexicans the same way.

America IS 'them.' My grandparents were 'them.' Albert Einstein was 'them.' That's one of the best things about America, and that's what will keep it strong in the future (as it always has.)

"them" didn't sneak across the borders, freeload off the social services, demand their native language be taught in schools, etc. etc.

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I'd have preferred to have seen more windblades.:)

Naw, you don't wanna let 'dem skydivers in....they'll ruin everything........

There might be some free beer in it though......
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Protest, by buying an electric, or methanol vehicle. I don’t want to hear people bitch about oil and war any more unless they do so. It makes me sick. And yes I tried very hard to go and kill terrorist, the army wouldn’t let me, said I was too valuable here (BS). Look around you people, see how the game is played and play it damn it. The last man standing with the oil is the last man standing. Do you not see that? It’s the way it is. You don’t watch football and bitch about it cause the rules aren’t in your liking do you? No… cause rules are rules. At least we Americans are smart enough to use up everyone else’s resources before our own… shit. Oil is a profit to this county AND it’s well being… It’s WHOLE being… Can you bitch about how bad you have it when you see the REAL world and how it’s run. Do you not know how great this place is (USA)? Wake the fuck up people. Look at what you have and where you’re at and use it. Don’t dream about what it should be, why fantasize? Be real here. This is our way of life, be a man and fight damn it. Fight for what is yours, fight for survival. We are only animals… stop pretending we’re not… be human… be American… take what’s yours and what’s not… cause you can… cause you’re the stronger life force… cause we’re the alpha. Fight for it all… cause it will come down to the last man standing… how the hell do you think we got the ground you’re standing on? We didn’t ASK for it, we fuckin took it. So everyone stop trying to play civilized, and let out the savage beast that we are and take what we can… like we always have…

Unfortunately for your way of thinking we are not living in the prehistoric age.

We depend on other countries just like they depend on us. If we decide to act like the alpha as you stated and take everything we wanted the world would not stand for it. We are strong but not strong enough to take the whole world on. You are right that many times we have acted like the Alpha and done what we please and that is why we are hated.

If you want to act like animals then you would have no problem with someone kicking your ass and rapeing your mate it would just be your way of life right? I am sure you don’t think you are the ultimate alpha right? If you do thanks for the laugh

I think most people are happy to be living in a civilized world.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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i am baffled. it seems these people are protesting the punishment for a crime that has simply suggested to be increased. illegal immigration IS already a crime, now the gov wants to make the punishment harsher. no problem here. after all, i dont think i would see DUI offenders standing up and protesting if the jail time was increased.

oh,...go right ahead and flame away.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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>"them" didn't sneak across the borders . . . .

"Them" came in in much higher percentages than Mexicans do today, worked the jobs no one else wanted, and got called names. All blacks were shiftless. All irish were lazy drunks. Laws were passed against them. (sound familiar?)

>freeload off the social services

?? They pay taxes; why shouldn't they get services? If you made them exempt from taxes, then I would agree that they should not get any social services. But that's not the case.

>demand their native language be taught in schools, etc. etc.

They don't do that. US politicians do that, to try to curry favor with voters.

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>"them" didn't sneak across the borders . . . .

"Them" came in in much higher percentages than Mexicans do today, worked the jobs no one else wanted, and got called names. All blacks were shiftless. All irish were lazy drunks. Laws were passed against them. (sound familiar?)----------

Big difference here Bill. Your "Them" came here legally and wanted to become Americans.

>freeload off the social services

?? They pay taxes; why shouldn't they get services? If you made them exempt from taxes, then I would agree that they should not get any social services. But that's not the case.---------------

They walk across an international border illegally and demand social services the first day.

>demand their native language be taught in schools, etc. etc.

They don't do that. US politicians do that, to try to curry favor with voters.....................


Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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>freeload off the social services

?? They pay taxes; why shouldn't they get services? If you made them exempt from taxes, then I would agree that they should not get any social services. But that's not the case.
curry favor with voters.


The illegals pay 'sales tax'. They don't pay Federal income Tax because they fear being tracked-down and returned to Mexico.
Those folks who come here 'legally', pay their taxes, yes!

As for wanting Spanish taught in our schools to all students is not just among the politicians. There are 'rights groups' and other groups pushing for it. The politicians 'latched on' to the idea in hopes of promoting their own cause... 'self promotion'.


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