
What do you think about the Illuminati?

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I like the natural light ones. The old filament types are ok, but the newer stuff lasts longer and uses so MUCH less electricity.

I can't stand fluorescents.

Move to Bonfire in

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Personally? I think there could have been a grain of truth at one point that a bunch of second rate European nobility may have formed a secret society. Do I think they still exist in any meaningful (as in "influential") sense today? Nope.

I'm also not afraid of black helicopters, space aliens controlling government, or alligators in the sewers. So maybe I'm overly bold.

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You'll find lots on the net about this. It's the kind of stuff that drives the conspiracy goofs into an absolute frenzy.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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It's the kind of stuff that drives the conspiracy goofs into an absolute frenzy.

If one already lives in a constant state of frenzy, how does he get driven there?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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THOUGHT that the FICTIONAL Dan Brown book Angels & Demons focused solely on the Illuminati...... but i could be wrong & i don't know just how much of the book is truth/fiction.

The first thing I thought about was "Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy" by Robert Anton Wilson and for some reason I think about the missinformation experiment with a Dilivery Truck having the writing...




mostly because he brings up the illiuminati in the book... of course he kind of makes fun of them and civillization as a whole....
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I like the natural light ones. The old filament types are ok, but the newer stuff lasts longer and uses so MUCH less electricity.

I can't stand fluorescents.

Move to Bonfire in

Are you talking about L.E.D. technology?

I greatly prefer it. Less orange color to the light, more natural white, and yes, far less energy consumption, in addition to shock-proofness and long life.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Awesome little card game. Steve Jackson is a genius.

My first Internet connection was through Steve Jackson's company, Illuminati Online... At the time, I had a choice between them and Compuserve. So I called them up - I believe it was just Steve and one other guy that made up the whole company - and they told me I had to go down to their "office" to pay for the service. So they gave me directions to some building in East Austin (the "not so nice" part of town), told me to park in the alley and knock on the door of the small building that was behind the bigger one... So I get there and it is this rather interesting guy with seriously thick glasses, in a small room full of modems, and I give him a check and he gets me set up online (no www at that time)...

One of my favorite things of the services they offered was this MUD called the Metaverse, which is probably what originally got me hooked on the online experience. (Well that, and being able to email people, even though I only knew two other people who had email addresses)... Their company ended up becoming one of the biggest ISPs in Austin, but I just looked them up again and it appears that they were bought out by PrismNet at some point (or at least that's where their URL is now redirected to).

So, as for the Illuminati... I had never heard of them until I got my first Internet connection, and because of the company I was using, I began to hear stuff about them... but most of what I heard just sounded like a typical conspiracy theory-type thing to me (though I should say that I really don't know enough about it to be certain).

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Steve Jackson is a genius.

I went to school with Steve Jackson -- think some of it rubbed off on me?:)

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Naah, no controversies there. Real groups that do illegal conspiratoral stuff usually don't spend a lot of overhead man hours to make symbols and give themselves cool names. They may be found out by the wrong people, like the police, rather than their friends and people they want to impress. You won't convince conspiracy theorists though.:P

Why would this necessarily be moved to the bonfire? I think it's potentially a controversial topic, and it involves politics

too much facts prevent all but the most die-hard conspiracy theorists from making a viable speaker's cornersesqe argument. for most people, Conspiriacy theories are more of a preference of book plot, like Science Fiction or a western, than a reality.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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I remember in college playing a game called Illuminati. There were all these cards, each one representing a different organization. Each organization had different listed qualities (ie, religious, political, right-wing, left-wing, radical, violent, peaceful, etc etc.). I cant remember all of it, but it seemed to involve setting up alliances between different groups, having money flow between them etc. etc.
Speed Racer

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