
Global Warming is Racist

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From Black Entertainment Television:
Global Warming Could Spell Disaster for Blacks

If you thought Hurricane Katrina was a once-in-a-lifetime fluke, think again. Concerned environmentalists say that unless the United States gets real about the threat of global warming, African Americans and other people of color can expect a repeat of disasters like Katrina. (But not white people?)

Environmentalists blame the fierce new storms on global warming... That’s bad news, especially for African Americans. Citing Katrina as a case-in-point, some environmentalists say global warming impacts minorities and the disadvantaged harder than other groups. If global warming gets worse, many African-American communities will be more vulnerable to breathing ailments, insect-carried diseases and heat-related illness and death. (But not white people?)

Relatively, Blacks are environmental Good Samaritans. Per capita, we emit approximately 20 percent less carbon dioxide than Whites. Not only do we use more energy-conserving public transportation, we spend considerably less per capita on energy-intensive material goods. (Those darn evil white people!)

Yet Blacks are exposed to worse air pollution than Whites in every major metropolitan area.
Source: BET.com

I am relieved that I am white and therefore immune from all these horrors. Phew!

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I can't believe there are people out there that think that way. This person seems to relate everything that happens in the world down to racial differences. I think it all relates more to "the content of their character" then to the color of their skin.

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Ahhh, the ol' selctive cut 'n paste special

Well, it's not quite as bad as it is represented to be. I think if you consider the underlying facts--the overall economic disparity between blacks and whites--there's a basis for the article. It might be a little off-the-wall, but not quite as nuts as presented here.

When one considers where and how many blacks live and work vs. the same for whites, you can see how blacks would be more exposed to pollutants than whites are. You can also understand why blacks do not have the opportunities to pollute that whites do.

In the end, though, this is, and should be, a human problem, not a racial problem. But just commenting on how the race lines are drawn does not make the article writer a racist.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Ahhh, the ol' selctive cut 'n paste special

Some very selective cut and paste at that. Especially when he skips statements such as:

If global warming gets worse, many African-American communities will be more vulnerable to breathing ailments, insect-carried diseases and heat-related illness and death. But asking Black folks to give up gas-guzzling SUV’s and other bling is a tough sell.
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Ahhh, the ol' selctive cut 'n paste special

Yep. I'll add some of the other things left out:


That’s bad news, especially for African Americans. Citing Katrina as a case-in-point, some environmentalists say global warming impacts minorities and the disadvantaged harder than other groups. If global warming gets worse, many African-American communities will be more vulnerable to breathing ailments, insect-carried diseases and heat-related illness and death. But asking Black folks to give up gas-guzzling SUV’s and other bling is a tough sell.

Yep. John graciously left that last sentence off. Is she saying that blacks would commit self-genocide rather than return the Cadillac Escalade with the 32 inch rims?


“It has been ingrained in our heads that to be anything, you must have everything,” says EJCC steering committee member Nia Robinson. “Because some of us have a big car and a nice house, people aren’t seeing that racism still exists. But Katrina showed that racism is alive and well in America. Now that people have that idea, I think we’re in a really critical stage to organize, educate and mobilize people.”

It sounds to me like she's saying that blacks with nice cars and big houses are selling out if they don't acknowledge racism from Katrina.


Critics say the result of [GWB's] policies could be catastrophic. “By mid-century, we’re looking at the entire Antarctic ice shelf melting,” Miller says. “That could send warmer water throughout… which will have a freezing effect in the Northern European countries. We’re already looking at a number of low-lying areas being completely submerged by sea-level rise. It’s kind of scary.”

The beach houses, whose ownership is dominated by minroties, will be washed away. This shows the racism because whites are encouraging it. Also, all of those in the Scandinavian countries, which are dominated by mnorities, will be frozen. (Leonard Jeffries says whites are "Ice People" anyway).


Environmentalists blame the fierce new storms on global warming – the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Scientists attribute the phenomenon to gases produced by fossil fuels like gasoline, petroleum and coal. Though critics dismiss global warming as junk science, reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have continually found a discernable human influence on world temperatures.

And yet the consensus of scientists seems to be that these storms are in an up cycle, which is natural. They seem to believe that the rising numbers are because we have had a drop in the number of these storms in the past 30 years.

Oh, yeah. One more thing - these are increases in ATLANTIC hurricanes. Pacific and Indian cyclones have dropped a bit, maintaining a yearly number of 90, +/- 10.

But, the fact that these cycles are ccurring now shows how George W. Bush destroyed the environment. Back when Clinton was in office, Hurricanes ended droughts, like Hurricane Georges did in 1999. Even Hurricane Mitch reshaped Honduras, and Andrew led to a number of beneficial building codes, and spurned new development in Florida. All of these were benevolent hurricanes seen in the Clinton Administration.

Bush is a racist. hurricanes are only a small part of the proof.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Why exactly would you be watching that network?

Why not? I do at times. I catch "In Living Color."

Well, apparently it upsets John. Maybe he watches because he feels better when he turns it off.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I think if you consider the underlying facts--the overall economic disparity between blacks and whites--there's a basis for the article.

Ding ding ding! Correct. But the article doesn't mention that once - only skin color.

There is also economic disparity amongst whites. Believe it or not, BET, there are poor white people too.

I provided excerpts instead of the entire article because copyright law makes that illegal. I wasn't trying to hide something. If I had been trying to hide something, I wouldn't have posted the link to the source article.

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Why exactly would you be watching that network?

Well, apparently it upsets John. Maybe he watches because he feels better when he turns it off.

Maybe you should refrain from trying to stuff words into my mouth that don't fit.

It was a news article, not a TV show.

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I think if you consider the underlying facts--the overall economic disparity between blacks and whites--there's a basis for the article.

Ding ding ding! Correct. But the article doesn't mention that once - only skin color.

Of course the article doesn't mention it, they would rather make it an issue of skin color. I also notice they failed to mention the white families who live in the same conditions.
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Ahhh, the ol' selctive cut 'n paste special

Ahhh, another mindless criticism, void of any facts or logic to substantiate it.

He's a police man in england..Do you expect anything else from him:S:D

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Ahhh, the ol' selctive cut 'n paste special

Ahhh, another mindless criticism, void of any facts or logic to substantiate it.

Actually it's not a mindless criticism, all one need do is look at the article as it was posted and compare it to what you posted here.
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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Not only are whites to blame, but only the effect on blacks is worth a story. Not a surprise, by definition, everything on BET is focused around blacks. You would think that it was like a network for americans working in Japan or China, where you would feel isolated and cutoff from information.

Have you ever seen Stuart Smiley talking about politics with a couple of guests friendly to his point of view? His general attitude is that if you are a conservative black person, you are a traitor.

Juan Williams (of National Public Radio, and a liberal balancing voice on Fox News panel discussions) did a long interview on Fox News specifically about how he has been bitterly attacked for going against the standard position that all blacks must advocate. I give credit to Fox News for having the guts to air such an interview, and Juan Williams for his willingness to describe his experiences. He really does usually take the liberal position on issues, but certain times that he has strayed got him in trouble with the congressional black caucus, etc. A conservative black or latino is especially threatening to liberals. That is racism in my judgement.

I can't yet find that interview, I'll keep looking, it is a great read.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Why exactly would you be watching that network?

Why exactly does that matter.

I think what matters is that the racist views on BET can be noticed and brought to the attention of a greater segment of the population by media sources that are unwilling to give a pass to racism by blacks. That sort of attention is not welcome by liberal politicians, their election depends on continued overwhelming support by blacks without questioning whether it is deserved.

Very threatening indeed.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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global warming, if it plays out as claimed, is more diasterous for Southerners in general than blacks in particular. After that, the burden then is widely spread across the country, affecting the poor more as the article suggests. In California it would drive us towards desalination plants as the Sierra would hold much less of a snowpack, leaving us without a constant stream of water in the summer months. Not sure how much it would affect the coast - some spots are flat, but many have bluffs.

It was good for someone to add the notes about the SUVs, since claiming that blacks in America are good because they're 20% better than average still makes em pretty bad in a global view.

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It was good for someone to add the notes about the SUVs

There ought to be a law...

That says, to imply that all SUVs are gas guzzlers would be illegal.

Please, just use the term gas guzzler, that includes all vehicles that guzzle gas. Not all guzzlers are SUVs, and not all SUVs are guzzlers - lots of them are quite small with small engines that get decent mileage despite their poor aerodynamics.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Don't you know that we force all the black people to live in the shittiest areas of this country so that the nice, high-ground areas are free for us privileged white people to live in, should global warming flood low-lying areas.

Oh, wait, I live in Florida.
And I'm white.

Ooops. There goes that paranoid delusion. :S

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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