
Will he be perceived as the messenger of God?

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From a transcript of an upcoming documentary from BBC.

GWB is alledged to have said:

'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan. And I did, and then God would tell me, George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq... And I did.

"'And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East. And by God I'm gonna do it.'

Who will the world believe, Scott McLellan, or Nabil Shaath?
illegible usually

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I do believe George is being euphemistic in saying God speaks to him. I believe it is revealed in the statement where he said he "feels" God's words coming. (I hope he doesn't feel God, . . . coming).

If he really thinks he hears God's words, with his ears, then he is off his rocker. The supernatural power insinuated by saying he actually hears God is just as wacky as someone who says they are God.

What the hell, . . . I'm God.

Now do I get the job as antichrist?
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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If he really thinks he hears God's words, with his ears, then he is off his rocker.

You know this for a fact? To those of us who do believe God exists and nothing is impossible to Him, must therefore believe that if God chooses to speak to an individual, He most certainly do so.

Now I am not saying this is the case with GWB. I honestly don't know and let's face it, people like to discredit the POTUS.

What I am saying is that it is possible for God to speak directly to any human He so chooses. Just because we have never experienced it does not mean it never happens.


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What I am saying is that it is possible for God to speak directly to any human He so chooses. Just because we have never experienced it does not mean it never happens.

How could you know that! Did he tell you?
If "we never experienced it", how can you know?

And if we "never experienced ", how do you know it happens??

If I ever have to do a calulcation with so many "unknowns", I'd prefer to give up.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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>And if we "never experienced ", how do you know it happens??

Same reason that if someone says "I think I would like a beer" you believe him. Even if you don't drink.

History has shown that people who hear the word of God and who are successful in business/battle/leadership roles are considered divinely inspired. Unsuccessful people are considered crazy.

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What I am saying is that it is possible for God to speak directly to any human He so chooses. Just because we have never experienced it does not mean it never happens.


How could you know that! Did he tell you?
If "we never experienced it", how can you know?

And if we "never experienced ", how do you know it happens??

If I ever have to do a calulcation with so many "unknowns", I'd prefer to give up.

I am saying I believe the theory. It's very simple to believe if one believes in the existence of God. I believe that nothing is impossible to God, therefore, if He chooses to speak with an individual, He will do so.

It is also the belief of the Jews as well as many Christians that down through history, God spoke to many prophets such as Moses, Abraham, etc. Are we to now believe He has just shut up? Are there no more new prophets? I know there are false prophets, but I am talking about true prophets.


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Are there no more new prophets? I know there are false prophets, but I am talking about true prophets.


Who is a true prophet?

If you are looking for a name, I cannot give you one. Are there true prophets today? I believe if God has chosen, then there are.

Keep in mind my inability to give a name does not prove they don't exist, nor does it prove that I may truly have a name to give you and choose not to.


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Are there no more new prophets? I know there are false prophets, but I am talking about true prophets.

Who is a true prophet?


While I have an intense dislike of organised churches, I'll offer the following shortlist of true prophets:

John (The Baptist - not JohnRich:o).



Joseph Smith.

Look to the core teachings of these men.

Meanwhile... George Bush talking to God!? Maybe there was a communications "Fox-Four" and Georgie-Prez inadvertently got some Goerge Orwell (animal farm) version of the original 10 commandments.:S

Something like: "All Animals are equal... But some animals have oil & some animals have tanks."


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Who will the world believe, Scott McLellan, or Nabil Shaath?

No I beleive what I see with my own Eyes.. for such a devout christian..Mr Bush certainly does not act that way in the House of the Lord. At the National Prayer Service on the day of the Inauguration. He was there joking and looking around while others lifted up thier voices in praise to god while singing hymns.

To be perfectly honest I truely believe He is not really a true christian. Then again is no more a christian than are most of the other hypocrites out there in this country. They certainly do not live their lives as Christ taught. He found a good scam to tell the naieve psuedo-christians out there who vote for him.. but it certainly has worked.

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Meanwhile... George Bush talking to God!? Maybe there was a communications "Fox-Four" and Georgie-Prez inadvertently got some Goerge Orwell (animal farm) version of the original 10 commandments.:S

Something like: "All Animals are equal... But some animals have oil & some animals have tanks."

Naaah ... GWB's speakers already corrected: God was not talking to the boss. It was the ugly media, putting words into G's mouth. Like usual.

Again, no sign of evidence. God was not talking to George, so he's not existing.

OTOH: Give GWB another whisky, perhaps voices are coming back...?

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Actually I'm dyslexic. My DOG speaks to me and says that SUTOP is full of pork and beans

Buy then again . . . my DOG likes to lick his STUN.

Now that was funny.:D Thanks for your contribution.:)


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I would add:

Siddhartha (Buddha) and

I don't think so. There is no God behind Buddhism. It's a religion of self with a self determined outcome. There is no God to choose who's in and who's out. No saints who stumble at the end, no killers with a clean slate either.

That's why Buddhists are not out there killing - There is no God telling them to do it, but there is Karmic consequence to our actions.

It's the year of the Pig.

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Are you familiar with the present tense?
Incidently, it's Vietnam, not Viet Nam.

All religions allow for self defense. When you are on someone elses turf with guns and bombs - it's OK for them to whack you.

It's NOT OK to fly half way round the world and start Napalming villages and having soldiers kill unarmed civilians. Have you heard of Mai Lai?

Incidently, the population of Vietnam is only 9.3% Buddhist according to their 1999 census, the rest being Catholic, Hoa Hao, Cao Dai, Protestant, Muslim and those with no religeon.

How's that Vietnam history working for you?

It's the year of the Pig.

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I don't think so. There is no God behind Buddhism. It's a religion of self with a self determined outcome. There is no God to choose who's in and who's out. No saints who stumble at the end, no killers with a clean slate either.

That he did not advocate worshiping idols does not invalidate Siddhartha's message, or make him any less a prophet. Jesus did not claim to be god(like) either. That is something the Church added later.

Lao Tse and Chuang tse did not advocate worshiping idols either.

The philosophy of the eastern masses is such that different metaphors are necessary to convey the same message, in comparison to Westerners.

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