
Aid from Cuba...

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I live in Houston. I would be unlikely to send my son to New York for surgery as I can talk to doctors here better. I don't think that's a reflection on the certification standards of NY doctors.

My brother and sister-in-law live in Brazil. She is pregnant right now. Their baby will be born in Brazil, tended by Brazilian physicians and nurses. My mother had surgery in Brazil, as did both of my brothers and myself (tonsillectomies). I believe that being close to the medical personnel in question would be more important.

So no I wouldn't send him to Cuba, as I don't know anything about it, and he's not there.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Now I am sure you can find some way in your mind to reason out a well intentioned reason for which so many people stayed behind.

Hmm.. a reason like not having a means of transportation to get out?:S

I remember hearing a statistic last week that as many as 20% of the residents of N.O. did not own a vehicle.

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>Why not ask Osama Bin Laden for help?

Right. Because Cuban doctors are just like Osama Bin Laden.

>. However, if we are talking about idiots that ignored all the warnings
>3 days in advance or simply stayed because because they wanted to
> steal, then I must say that I really don't care as much. Now I am
> sure you can find some way in your mind to reason out a well
> intentioned reason for which so many people stayed behind. But if
> you ask me only a select few deserve the effort to be made on
>their part.

Wow. Thank god you're not down there.

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Now I am sure you can find some way in your mind to reason out a well intentioned reason for which so many people stayed behind.

Hmm.. a reason like not having a means of transportation to get out?:S

I remember hearing a statistic last week that as many as 20% of the residents of N.O. did not own a vehicle.

How much do you think a bus ride out of New Orleans costs? Do you really believe that so many people there could not come up with $20. to save their lives?

If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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I have flown to cuba over 10 different times picking up patients and flying them back home to various other countries...typicaly canada. I have been to some hospitals in cuba that I wouldn't let my dyeing worst enemies dog go to. BUT have also seen some unbelievable medical care pulled out of the Dr's asses due to unbelievable conditions that they work in. also have seen Dr's with no clue there...and I mean NO clue. witch Dr's would have a better shot than them. it's very much like places I have flown into in the US....Dr's doing absolutely stupid things...then getting pissed when little old paramagic man me calls em on it...and then going to other places where i wanted to worship at some Dr's feet just cause of there all around coolness and levelheadedness towards things. Cuba's health care is no different than our's here.....other than our access to great tools to apply medicine.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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>Why not ask Osama Bin Laden for help?

Right. Because Cuban doctors are just like Osama Bin Laden.

>. However, if we are talking about idiots that ignored all the warnings
>3 days in advance or simply stayed because because they wanted to
> steal, then I must say that I really don't care as much. Now I am
> sure you can find some way in your mind to reason out a well
> intentioned reason for which so many people stayed behind. But if
> you ask me only a select few deserve the effort to be made on
>their part.

Wow. Thank god you're not down there.

If I was there Me and my puppies would have taken a boat out if we couldn't just drive. But I work with people who are from there. And all of their freinds and family just drove themselves out when they were warned.

If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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And all of their freinds and family just drove themselves out when they were warned

I'll bet they ate cake, too.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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How much do you think a bus ride out of New Orleans costs? Do you really believe that so many people there could not come up with $20. to save their lives?

My dear Steel, I am sure you know exactly how many seats were still available on the $20 bus out of town in the last days before the hurricane hit?

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>If I was there Me and my puppies would have taken a boat out if we
> couldn't just drive.

Yep. Not all people are as capable as you, or have the money to buy a car/get a spot on a boat. I don't think they deserve to die for that - and I think if one of your family was stuck down there you would have a very different persective on the issue.

In a very real way, the compassion of a society overall is measured by how it treats its weakest members. If "let the idiots die" is a common attitude, we're doomed.

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How much do you think a bus ride out of New Orleans costs? Do you really believe that so many people there could not come up with $20. to save their lives?

The airport, bus depot, and train depot closed prematurely - early Saturday I was told. Many many people without personal transportation were stranded as a result.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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My girlfriend is Cuban...her father (a Cuban physician) smuggled her out to Spain when she was 1 1/2 years old. Her mother just returned from a 10 day visit to Cuba YESTERDAY. So please let me dispel these myths about Cuban doctors and such.

Cuba, believe it or not, actually has a good medical establishment. It was one of Castros pride and joys. Physicians were well trained. People were well cared for. AIDS in Cuba is lower than just about every So and Central American country.

But in the last three years or so this has changed. Over 1500 doctors have been sent from Cuba to Venezuela, and in return Castro gets oil, which he then sells. Castro also sent 3000 exercise specialists to Venezuela. Together, these cuban nationals have fanned out across Venezuela to get people in shape and healthy...and it has been a great success....for Venezuela.

The Cuban people have suffered enormously from this gutting of their health care system though. They have been pounded by several hurricanes of their own...with a depleted medical staff. Cuba has its own hepatitus outbreak and strain...hepatitus E. There is a viral infection of unknown origin that is killing babies, children and elderly through diarreah and dehydration. Hospitals are full, but there aren't enough doctors to see patients.

Castros offer was pure propaganda BS. He doesn't have 1500 doctors to offer. And if he did, it would cause the collapse of Cubas already eroding system, with the end reults being THOUSANDS of Cuban deaths.
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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My girlfriend is Cuban...her father (a Cuban physician) smuggled her out to Spain when she was 1 1/2 years old. Her mother just returned from a 10 day visit to Cuba YESTERDAY. So please let me dispel these myths about Cuban doctors and such.

Watch out there are people in here who will dismiss your sources as unreliable, ;)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Probably...I could go on and on but it wouldn't matter to most people.

After Cubas last hurricane, the power was out to 50% of the population for up to or longer than 22 days. No power means no electric pumps to run the water system and sewage systems...among other things.

The hurricane stripped the islands fruit trees bare...leaves, flowers fruit...all of it. There is NO fresh fruit in Cuba at the moment.(well, I bet old Fidel has some)

My GF's relatives house was damaged. Castro gives you a house, and you are not allowed to move. People don't have extra money for house repairs. There are no home depots. They had to salvage wood from a roof that had been blown off a warehouse to repair their home.

But Castros raping of the health care system for his personal wealth has to be the most dispicable of all his actions.
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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My girlfriend is Cuban...her father (a Cuban physician) smuggled her out to Spain when she was 1 1/2 years old. Her mother just returned from a 10 day visit to Cuba YESTERDAY. So please let me dispel these myths about Cuban doctors and such.

Watch out there are people in here who will dismiss your sources as unreliable, ;)

Or they will insist on a link....:P

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FYI If I ever am in need of serious medical care in the US, it will take a lot of convincing to make me have it there. I would probably much rather be put on a plane back home. We all tend to trust what we know. Nothing new there. I understand your reaction, but that doesn't make it right.
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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Let's all cut to the chase. I am on the side of the road with someone I love bleeding and in severe pain and going into shock. I will probably accept help from the first SOB who drops to his or her knees next to me! Doesn't matter who they are or what they know at that moment.

I have been in many, many situations where I would have given anything for the extra hand, pair of eyes , or brain; a few bandages or a shoulder to subsequently cry on!

We all would like the best medical care possible, but when the shit hits the fan you make do with what you have. Some medical personnel rise to the challenges and some fall by the wayside.

There are good MDs in every country and there are bad MDs in every country. The real difference is their access to medical equipment and supplies, trained nurses, and dedicated rapid response teams.

Blue skies,


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>I am on the side of the road with someone I love bleeding and
>in severe pain and going into shock. I will probably accept help from
> the first SOB who drops to his or her knees next to me!

I agree 100%. Let's hope we make smart decisions such that those SOB's are there when they are needed.

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